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What to do if Facebook account is expired?

What to do if Facebook account is expired?

Having a Facebook account unexpectedly expire can be frustrating and concerning. Your Facebook account contains valuable personal information and connections, so understanding why your account expired and the steps to recover it is important.

Why Did My Facebook Account Expire?

There are a few potential reasons why your Facebook account may have expired:

  • Inactive Account – If you haven’t logged into your Facebook account for a certain period of time (usually at least 6 months), Facebook may expire your account due to inactivity. This is likely the most common reason accounts expire.
  • Violation of Terms of Service – If you violated Facebook’s terms of service, such as by spamming others, harassing other users, or using a fake name, Facebook may terminate your account.
  • Deactivated Too Long – If you manually deactivated your Facebook account, usually the account can only remain deactivated for 14 days before it is permanently disabled by Facebook.
  • Suspicious Activity – If Facebook detects suspicious or fraudulent activity from your account, they may expire it even if you are actively using it. This could happen if your account is hacked.
  • Memorialized Account – If Facebook is informed that the original account holder has passed away, the account may be memorialized and eventually expired.

How to Recover an Expired Facebook Account

If your account has expired, first try to log into Facebook normally using your email/username and password. If that does not work, attempt to have Facebook send you a password reset email to regain access.

If you cannot reset your password, here are the steps to attempt to recover your expired Facebook account:

  1. Fill out the Facebook Expired Account Recovery Form – Facebook has a special online web form you can fill out explaining that your account has expired and requesting that it be restored. Include as many details as possible like your name, email, birthday, and any other identifying info.
  2. Upload Photo ID – To verify your identity, you will need to upload a photo ID such as a driver’s license, passport, etc. Make sure the name, photo, and other details are clearly visible.
  3. Provide Previous Password – If possible, include the last password you remember using for the account. Or answer security questions if prompted.
  4. List Recent Friends – List some friends you remember interacting with most recently, which helps confirm you are the legitimate account holder.
  5. Explain Your Situation – Clearly explain why you think your account was expired, how long it’s been expired, and why you need the account restored.
  6. Be Patient – It may take Facebook up to a few weeks to investigate your expired account claim and restore your access. Follow any additional instructions they provide.

Here is an example of the web form you can fill out to recover an expired Facebook account:

If after trying all troubleshooting steps Facebook does not restore your account, you may need to accept that the account is permanently expired and cannot be recovered. As a last resort, you can try creating a new account using a variation of your name or contact information not associated with the expired account.

Preventing Facebook Account Expiration

To avoid having your Facebook account unexpectedly expire in the future, follow these best practices:

  • Log In Frequently – Use your Facebook account regularly, logging in at least every couple weeks. Set calendar reminders if necessary.
  • Update Contact Info – Keep your primary email address and mobile phone number up to date in your Facebook account settings.
  • Stay Secure – Use strong passwords, be cautious of suspicious links, and enable two-factor authentication.
  • Avoid Violations – Don’t spam, harass others, or otherwise violate Facebook’s terms of service.
  • Notify Contacts – If you plan to take an extended break from Facebook, let close connections know so they don’t report you deceased if inactive too long.

Other Options If Account Cannot Be Restored

If your expired Facebook account ultimately cannot be recovered, here are some options to consider:

  • Download Data – Request an archive of your data from the expired account for memories and contacts.
  • Create New Account – Make a new Facebook account and find your friends to reconnect.
  • Use Other Networks – Focus on staying in touch on other platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat.
  • Notify Important Contacts – Reach out via email or phone to close connections from your expired Facebook account.
  • Reflect and Move On – Accept that the old account is gone forever and embrace a fresh start.

Key Takeaways

Having your Facebook account suddenly expire can be stressful, but in many cases it can be recovered by verifying your identity. Follow these key tips if you find yourself locked out of your account:

  • First try resetting your password or logging in as normal.
  • If that fails, submit the expired account recovery form with details and photo ID.
  • Provide as much identifying info as possible and be patient during the review process.
  • Prevent future expiration by staying active and following Facebook policies.
  • If account cannot be restored, download your data and start fresh with new connections.

FAQs About Expired Facebook Accounts

How long does it take for Facebook to delete an inactive account?

Facebook typically disables accounts after 6 months of no activity, though the exact timing can vary. After being disabled the account usually remains restorable for another 30 days before being permanently deleted.

Can a disabled Facebook account be reactivated?

Yes, a disabled Facebook account can usually be restored within 30 days by having the user log back in or go through the account recovery process. After 30 days the account is typically deleted.

Why did Facebook disable my account 2021?

The most common reasons Facebook disables accounts in 2021 are prolonged inactivity, violating community standards policies, suspicious activity, or being reported deceased. Make sure to log in regularly and follow all Facebook guidelines.

Does Facebook actually delete inactive accounts?

Yes, after an initial disabling period Facebook will permanently delete accounts that remain continuously inactive. This usually occurs after 6 months of no use. So be sure to log in periodically.

Can you recover a permanently disabled Facebook account?

It is very difficult to recover a Facebook account after it has been permanently disabled, but it can occasionally be done by submitting the detailed expired account recovery form showing proof of identity.


Having your Facebook account suddenly expire can be inconvenient, but don’t panic. In many cases, by providing information to verify your identity, Facebook can restore access to your account. Be sure to log in regularly, follow all policies, and keep your info current. If your account cannot be recovered, download your data and consider starting fresh. With some patience and effort, you can reconnect with friends even if your old Facebook account remains expired.