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What to do if a link doesn t work?

What to do if a link doesn t work?

Trying to open a link and getting an error message can be frustrating. However, there are several things you can try to get the link working again.

Check the link address

The first thing to do is double check that the link address you are trying to open is correct. Look for any typos or incorrect characters in the URL. Even a small error in the address can prevent the page from loading properly. If the address looks accurate, try copying and pasting it directly from the original source into your browser bar, rather than typing it in manually.

Refresh the page

If the address is definitely correct, try refreshing the page. This resets the connection and downloads everything again from the website server. On desktop browsers, hit the refresh icon or F5 key. On mobile, pull down on the page to refresh. Sometimes a page fails to load properly the first time, and refreshing gives it a second chance.

Check your internet connection

The issue could be on your end, not the website’s server. Make sure you have a stable internet connection on the device you are using. Try loading other non-related pages to see if they work, which indicates there is no connection problem. If other pages fail to load as well, switch wi-fi networks or turn off and on your router to reset the connection. This will confirm whether or not the issue is isolated to that one link.

Try an alternate browser

Browser incompatibility could be preventing the page from displaying correctly. The website may have issues displaying in your default browser. Test the link in an alternate browser to see if it loads properly there. For example, if you normally use Chrome, try the link in Firefox or Safari. If it works in a different browser, you know the problem is isolated to your browser settings.

Clear your browser cache

Over time, corrupted temporary internet files stored in your browser’s cache can interfere with pages loading correctly. Clearing this data gives you a clean slate. In most browsers, you can clear the cache by going to Settings, Privacy, and finding the Clear Browsing Data option. Make sure cache and cookies are selected, then clear the data and retry the link. If it now works, you know outdated cached elements were likely the issue.

Check if the website is down

It is possible the website itself is currently facing problems, and it’s not an issue on your end. lets you input a URL and will confirm if that site is down or unavailable worldwide, or if it appears to be working normally and the problem is isolated to you. If the site is in fact down, you will unfortunately need to wait until the website owners get things working again on their end before you can access the link.

Use a web archive

If the page is loading but seems broken or incomplete, it may be that the specific page you want has been removed. Try searching for the page on a web archive like the Wayback Machine. This lets you look up archived past versions of websites and access pages that are no longer live. If you can find an archived copy of the page you want, you can view a snapshot of how it looked in the past. This won’t work for every page, but can sometimes help recover lost content.

Disable extensions

Some browser extensions like ad blockers can sometimes interfere with pages loading properly. Try disabling all extensions and trying the link again. If it works with extensions disabled, turn them back on one-by-one until you identify which addon is causing the conflict. You can then remove the problematic extension or exclude the site from it.

Change DNS servers

In rare cases, an issue with your DNS servers could prevent accessing the site. DNS converts human-readable web addresses into machine-readable IP addresses. Try changing your computer’s DNS settings to public servers like Google or Cloudflare. If the link works after switching DNS, you know the problem was related to your previous DNS provider.

Contact the website owner

If you still cannot get the link to load after trying these troubleshooting steps, contact the owner of the website if possible. They can check server logs on their end to identify and resolve any issues. Provide the specific page URL that fails to load and details on the errors you see. Webmasters can perform maintenance and updates to restore access if they are responsive.

Find an alternative

Some websites and pages do go offline permanently. If a site seems to be down with no resolution in sight, start looking for alternative sources for the information you need. Search engines can help find replacement content located on other sites. While not ideal, finding a substitute is better than an error page.


Link errors can be annoying, but are often fixable. Double checking the address, refreshing the page, clearing your cache, trying alternate browsers, and disabling extensions are good first steps. If it appears to be a website issue, you can check site status or contact the webmaster. With some troubleshooting and patience, you can hopefully get broken links working again.