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What time should I post reels on FB?

What time should I post reels on FB?

Determining the optimal time to post reels on Facebook can have a big impact on their performance. With over 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, posting at the right time when the most people are online can help your reels get more views, likes, comments and shares.

There are a few key factors that influence when the best times to post Facebook reels are:

Your target audience and their online habits

The first thing to consider is when your target audience is most active on Facebook. Posting when your ideal customers are engaged on the platform increases the chances they will see and interact with your reels. You’ll want to post at times when your target demographic tends to be scrolling through their feeds.

For example, if your business targets college students, early afternoon and evenings may perform better as that aligns with gaps between classes and after school activities. Whereas if you’re targeting stay-at-home parents, mornings might be more ideal.

Analyze when your existing followers and customers are engaging with your page and content to identify patterns. Facebook Insights can provide analytics on the demographics and activity times of your audience.

Day of the week

Day of the week can also impact reel performance. Weekends tend to see more casual Facebook usage for personal time versus weekdays when people browse while at work.

According to Sprout Social, Thursday and Friday tend to have the highest Facebook usage and engagement, followed by Wednesdays. Mondays and Sundays tend to perform worst.

Keep in mind your audience though. For a business targeting professionals, weekday mornings and lunch hours might still drive the most traffic as people multitask on Facebook while at their desk.

Facebook algorithm

The Facebook algorithm determines what content appears higher and more prominently in both feeds and reels recommendations. Their algorithm rewards content that drives engagement and interaction.

So timing when the most people are actively scrolling and interacting can help increase your reel’s visibility in feeds and chances of being picked up by the algorithm. Posting when fewer users are actively online means less potential for views, likes and comments in those critical early hours that signal to Facebook your content is engaging.

Best Times to Post Facebook Reels

Taking all of these factors into account, here are the top recommended times to post Facebook reels:

1. Wednesdays at 11 AM, 1 PM, and 3 PM

Wednesday mid-morning and afternoons tend to see surges in Facebook usage as people take breaks from their workday. These times align well if targeting an audience of professionals or students.

2. Fridays from 11 AM – 1 PM

Fridays see high engagement, especially during the late morning and lunch hours. People are active as the weekend nears.

3. Saturdays and Sundays from 12 – 3 PM

Early afternoons on weekends tend to be active times on Facebook as people relax and scroll through feeds. For many businesses, Saturday afternoons result in the most Facebook traffic of the week.

Day Best Times
Wednesday 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM
Friday 11 AM – 1 PM
Saturday 12 – 3 PM
Sunday 12 – 3 PM

Maximizing Reach With Multiple Posts

Posting more than once per day can help maximize your Facebook reel reach. Here are some optimal posting cadences to try:

Twice per day at 10 AM and 2 PM

These times catch early and late afternoon weekday scrollers. Stay consistent posting at these times to condition your audience.

Every other hour between 10 AM to 4 PM

More frequent posting from late morning through mid-afternoon helps your reels stay visible in feeds. Just don’t overload viewers.

One in the morning, one in afternoon/evening

Cover both your daytime and after-work audiences by staggering post times. For example, post at 9 AM and then again between 5-7 PM.

Tools To Identify Your Best Times

While the above tips provide a general guide, analyzing your individual audience and posting patterns can dial in the optimal schedule.

Here are some tools that can help:

Facebook Insights

Check when your existing posts get the most likes, comments and engagement. See when your followers are most active.

Google Analytics

Review Acquisition reports to see traffic sources and high traffic times.


Buffer’s free analytics shows your top posting times and engagement rates by day and hour.

Sprout Social

Sprout’s analytics provide insights into audience demographics and activity. Their optimal send time tool identifies your top times.


Keyhole measures results from past posts to recommend future posting times with its #BestTime feature.

Testing Different Times

While research and analytics tools can zero in on your best times, don’t be afraid to experiment with posting at different days and times too. Try a week posting only in the mornings, another mid-day, and compare results. You can split test times to determine which drive the most reel views, shares and engagement.

Over time as you refine your reel posting schedule, you’ll dial in the sweet spots that align with your audience’s habits and Facebook’s algorithm. This can provide a big boost to reels’ organic reach.

Optimizing Your Reels

Timing is just one part of the equation. Creating compelling, engaging video content and optimizing reels for discovery are also key. Here are some additional tips for improving reels performance:

– Hook viewers immediately with an attention-grabbing opening
– Keep videos short, under 30 seconds is ideal
– Use popular songs and audio that viewers recognize
– Leverage trends and challenges your audience cares about
– Encourage comments by asking questions or prompting responses
– Use captions so videos can be viewed without sound
– Include relevant hashtags so reels are discoverable
– Post consistently to build viewership and establish your presence

Promoting Your Reels

In addition to optimizing posting times, you can give reels a boost by:

– Sharing to your Facebook page and personal profile
– Running as Facebook ads to reach more of your target audience
– Promoting on other channels like Instagram and YouTube
– Embedding on your website and blog
– Driving to reels from emails, ads and other content


When posting reels on Facebook, timing matters. Analyze when your target audience is most active, post when engagement peaks, and test different times to find your optimal schedule. Combine this with compelling video content and promotion across channels for the best results. With the right posting strategy, you can amass more reel views and engagement.