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What time is best to post on Facebook for Tuesday?

What time is best to post on Facebook for Tuesday?

Determining the best time to post on Facebook can be tricky, as the Facebook algorithm is constantly changing and adapting. However, by analyzing historical data and trends, we can identify some of the best times to post for maximum engagement on Tuesdays specifically.

When trying to determine the best time to post on Facebook, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • Your target audience’s online habits – What times and days are your ideal customers most active on Facebook?
  • Your post content – Certain post types may perform better at different times.
  • Facebook’s algorithm – The algorithm determines what content users see and when.
  • Historical performance – Reviewing when your past posts got high engagement can reveal beneficial posting times.

While every business’s audience is different, analyzing broader Facebook usage patterns can provide a useful starting point. In this post, we’ll examine research on the best posting times on Facebook in 2022, with a specific focus on Tuesdays.

When are users most active on Facebook?

When considering the best times to post on Facebook, it’s helpful to know when most people are actively scrolling through their feeds. Here are some top takeaways on Facebook usage patterns:

  • Weekday evenings tend to see peak Facebook traffic, especially Thursdays and Fridays from 5-8 PM.
  • Usage typically declines overnight, hitting a low point around 5-6 AM.
  • Engagement starts to ramp up again around 8-9 AM on weekdays.
  • Weekends see more varied usage, with lower points in the early mornings and late nights.

These broad trends give a general idea of when users are most actively engaging with Facebook pages and content. However, usage patterns can vary significantly based on your target demographic. It’s best to analyze when your own followers are online.

Best times to post on Facebook by day

While everyday has its own preferred posting times, you may notice some common patterns. Here is an overview of the best posting times on Facebook by day of the week:


  • Early morning (6-8 AM)
  • Lunchtime (11 AM – 1 PM)
  • After work (5-6 PM)


  • Early morning (7-9 AM)
  • Lunchtime (11 AM – 1 PM)
  • After work (5-6 PM)


  • Morning (9-11 AM)
  • Lunchtime (12-1 PM)
  • Afternoon (3-4 PM)


  • Mid-morning (9-11 AM)
  • Lunchtime (12-1 PM)
  • After work (4-5 PM)


  • Morning (10-11 AM)
  • Afternoon (1-3 PM)
  • After work (4-5 PM)


  • Mid-morning (10-11 AM)
  • Afternoon (12-1 PM)
  • Evening (5-6 PM)


  • Mid-morning (9-11 AM)
  • Afternoon (12-1 PM)
  • Nighttime (5-6 PM)

As you can see, the times just before, during and after typical work hours tend to perform well across the week. However, optimal timing varies by industry and target audience. Track when your followers are online to zero in on the best windows.

Best posting times on Tuesdays

Now let’s focus in on the best times to post on Facebook specifically for Tuesdays. Here are some top times to boost engagement:

Early Morning (7-9 AM)

Posting early when your audience is first checking Facebook can help grab attention. Try motivational messages, inspiring quotes, or upbeat content to energize followers first thing.

Mid-Morning (9-11 AM)

As users settle into the workday, compelling midweek content can spark engagement. Share relatable humor, lifestyle tips, or fun distractions.

Lunchtime (11 AM-1 PM)

When people take their lunch breaks, they often browse Facebook to unwind. Engaging questions, polls and lighthearted posts can connect during this period.

Afternoon (3-4 PM)

In the mid-afternoon, engagement may rise again as people take short breaks. Post sharable videos, cute animals, or entertaining infographics.

Evening Commute (5-6 PM)

Capturing people during their commutes home from work can maximize visibility. Share need-to-know announcements, event reminders or links to new website content.

Avoid low engagement periods

While targeting peak usage periods is beneficial, it’s also helpful to know when not to post. On Tuesdays, engagement tends to lag at the following times:

  • Overnight from 11 PM-6 AM when most people are asleep.
  • Mid-morning from 11 AM-12 PM between standard lunchtimes.
  • Afternoons from 2-3 PM following typical lunch breaks.

Scheduling posts outside of these windows can help avoid slow engagement rates. Checking your Facebook Insights can also reveal when your fans are least active.

Optimize based on post type

Beyond day and time, the type of post also impacts when you should share it. Certain post formats tend to resonate better at different times. Here are tips tailored to various post types:

Blog Posts

Promote new blog content in the morning or mid-afternoon when people have time to read. Include intriguing summaries to pique interest.


Post fun or informative videos mid-week to entertain followers. Later afternoon and evening are popular viewing times.


Maximize entries by announcing contests in the morning or evening when most people will see the post right away.

Product Launches

Unveil new products on Monday or Tuesday to capitalize on social buzz throughout the workweek.

Industry News

Share timely news and articles in the middle of the workday or during weekday commutes when they will seem relevant.

Use Facebook Insights

Gaining a clear picture of when your own audience engages can help refine ideal posting times. Dive into Facebook Insights to view data like:

  • Most popular posting hours
  • Highest organic reach days
  • Top engaging post types
  • Demographics of followers

Analyze this data to spot patterns for when your posts get the most Reactions, shares, clicks and other engagement on Tuesdays. This can pinpoint the specific weekday windows that work best for your business.

Test different timing

While research and Insights provide a solid starting point, the best way to validate ideal posting times is to test them. Try scheduling content at different high-opportunity times like:

  • Tuesday at 7 AM
  • Tuesday at 11 AM
  • Tuesday at 3 PM
  • Tuesday at 6 PM

Compare engagement across these posts and note any surge in likes, reach or clicks. Over time, consistent high performing windows will emerge for Tuesdays. Refine your schedule around these sweet spots.

Optimize for time zones

If you have a global audience, tailor timing for different time zones. Analyze follower locations to see when key regions are most active online. Schedule morning posts for Asia, midday for Europe, and afternoon/evening for the Americas.

Use scheduling tools

Posting at optimal times often means scheduling outside normal business hours. Social media management platforms like Hootsuite, Sprout Social and Buffer make scheduling seamless. Simply load content and specify the exact date and time to post.

Track and improve

Keep monitoring your posting times every few months to spot new patterns. User trends change over time. Stay up to date with the latest insights using your Facebook Analytics data. With smart timing optimization, you can keep boosting Tuesday engagement on Facebook.

Day Best Times to Post
Monday Early morning (6-8 AM)
Lunchtime (11 AM – 1 PM)
After work (5-6 PM)
Tuesday Early morning (7-9 AM)
Lunchtime (11 AM – 1 PM)
After work (5-6 PM)
Wednesday Morning (9-11 AM)
Lunchtime (12-1 PM)
Afternoon (3-4 PM)
Thursday Mid-morning (9-11 AM)
Lunchtime (12-1 PM)
After work (4-5 PM)
Friday Morning (10-11 AM)
Afternoon (1-3 PM)
After work (4-5 PM)
Saturday Mid-morning (10-11 AM)
Afternoon (12-1 PM)
Evening (5-6 PM)
Sunday Mid-morning (9-11 AM)
Afternoon (12-1 PM)
Nighttime (5-6 PM)

Key Takeaways

Posting when your audience is most active on Facebook is key for engagement. For Tuesdays, focus on driving traffic during:

  • Mornings from 7-9 AM to start the day strong.
  • Lunchtime around 11 AM-1 PM to connect on breaks.
  • Late afternoons at 5-6 PM to catch the evening commute.

Avoid inactive periods like overnight, late mornings and mid-afternoons. Use post scheduling tools to manage timing effectively. Analyze Facebook Insights routinely to stay on top of the latest trends.

With smart Tuesday timing, you can boost organic reach and keep your followers engaged all week long.