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What the difference between a video and a live video on Facebook?

What the difference between a video and a live video on Facebook?

Facebook Live and regular video are two of the most popular ways to share video content on Facebook. While they share some similarities, there are some key differences between live video and regular pre-recorded video.

Facebook Live allows you to broadcast live video in real-time to your followers. Regular video involves uploading a pre-recorded video file to Facebook. Both can be effective tools for engaging your audience and growing your reach.

Here is a quick overview of how Facebook Live and regular video differ:

Facebook Live Regular Video
Live in real-time Pre-recorded
Video streams as it’s filmed Video must be uploaded as a file
Allows viewer interaction via comments Viewers can comment but video creator can’t respond live
Video disappears after broadcast ends Video persists and can be viewed later

In the sections below, we’ll explore these differences in more depth.

Live vs. Pre-Recorded

The most fundamental difference between Facebook Live and regular Facebook video is that Live video is streamed in real-time. This means viewers can watch as the video is being filmed. There is an immediacy and unpredictability to Facebook Live that contrasts with regular video, which has already been recorded and produced.

With regular Facebook video, creators upload a finished video file, usually after editing and perfecting it. Live video is unedited and unfiltered. Mistakes and unexpected moments become part of the experience. There is a certain raw, authentic feel to Facebook Live that appeals to many viewers.

Live video also allows for more spontaneity. Creators can decide to go live at any moment to share breaking news or a special event. The “liveness” generates excitement and urgency around viewing. Pre-recorded video doesn’t provide that same immediacy.

When to choose live video

  • Broadcasting breaking news or events as they happen
  • Sharing an experience as it unfolds, like travelling or at an event
  • Quick announcements or updates to your audience
  • Connecting with your audience in real-time

When pre-recorded video works better:

  • High production quality is needed
  • Video requires intensive editing
  • Message needs to be tightly scripted
  • Don’t have ability to broadcast live

Video Streaming vs. Uploaded Files

With Facebook Live, the video is streamed directly from the camera or device filming it. This means there is no need to upload a video file. The streaming starts as soon as the broadcaster clicks “go live.”

For regular Facebook videos, a video file must first be recorded then uploaded to Facebook. Common video file formats include MP4, MOV, and AVI files. The upload time will depend on the video quality and length. High definition video files can take a while to upload even with a strong internet connection.

Facebook Live videos are not saved anywhere unless the broadcaster chooses to download the video after the live stream ends. Regular Facebook videos exist as files that can be downloaded, stored, and reused across multiple platforms.

Overall, the streaming process of Facebook Live provides more convenience and immediacy. Uploading a traditional video file gives creators more control over video content and quality.

Viewer Interaction

One major advantage of Facebook Live is that it allows viewers to interact with the broadcaster in real-time. Viewers can comment, ask questions, and get immediate responses from the broadcaster while the video is live.

With regular video, viewers can leave comments on the video, but there is no live interaction since the video has already been recorded. The video creator would have to respond to comments after the fact.

The interactive nature of Facebook Live brings a social, conversational element that sets it apart from regular video. It allows broadcasters to engage viewers in two-way communication. The ability to get feedback and see reactions as they happen is a big draw for both audiences and creators.

Ways viewers can interact during a Facebook Live video:

  • Commenting in the video feed
  • Reacting with emojis (like, love, wow, etc.)
  • Sharing the live video with friends
  • Joining the video as a guest (if enabled by broadcaster)

Accessibility of Videos

Facebook Live videos can only be viewed while the broadcast is happening live. Once the broadcaster ends the live stream, the video disappears and is no longer available.

However, the broadcaster has the option to download the live video and re-share it as a regular video post later if they want to archive it. But in general, Facebook Live is ephemeral – it’s in the moment.

In contrast, regular Facebook videos are accessible after being uploaded. They exist permanently on the video creator’s profile and Page unless deleted. Viewers can access regular videos on-demand at any time after they are posted.

So regular video has the advantage of longevity and being able to be viewed multiple times. Live videos may only be watched once during the original broadcast, but they offer the novelty of a real-time experience.

Use Cases

Understanding the unique advantages of live and regular video can help determine which is better for your needs:

When to use Facebook Live:

  • Hosting Q&As or interviews with live engagement from viewers
  • Broadcasting live events, performances, or conferences
  • Providing real-time coaching or tutorials
  • Sharing breaking news as it unfolds
  • Connecting with your audience in an authentic way

When regular video may be better:

  • Videos require heavy editing and post-production
  • You need to tightly control video messaging/script
  • High production quality is essential
  • Video content needs to be evergreen and reusable
  • Don’t have ability to live stream

Popularity and Engagement

Both live and regular videos can help grow your audience and engagement on Facebook. But do viewers prefer one format over the other?

According to Sprout Social, Facebook Live videos generate 6X more interactions than regular video. The real-time aspect creates a buzz that boosts viewership and shares.

Facebook’s algorithm also tends to favor live video, often displaying Live streams higher in News Feeds. So Facebook Live can help increase reach.

However, pre-recorded video isn’t obsolete. High-quality, creative videos still captivate audiences. When crafted strategically, regular Facebook videos can still gain impressive traction.

This table compares key engagement metrics:

Metric Facebook Live Regular Video
Average Interactions Per Video 227 38
Average Shares Per Video 51 11
Average Comments Per Video 29 7

As these numbers indicate, Facebook Live produces higher viewer engagement on average. But regular video can still perform well with an engaging topic and promotion.

Best Practices

To get the most out of Facebook Live and video, keep these best practices in mind:

Facebook Live best practices:

  • Test your stream ahead of time to avoid technical issues
  • Use strong lighting and audio for best quality
  • Engage with viewer comments and reactions
  • Promote your live videos ahead of time for higher viewership
  • Keep broadcasts short and interesting

Regular Facebook video best practices:

  • Hook viewers in the first 3 seconds with compelling visuals/audio
  • Use high-quality equipment for best video production value
  • Keep videos short – aim for under 2 minutes
  • Use captions to boost engagement
  • Leverage cards/CTAs for desired post-video actions


Facebook Live and regular video both have unique strengths for engaging your audience. Live video provides an exciting, interactive viewing experience that capitalizes on real-time excitement. But traditional video still offers more production control and permanence.

The best approach is to leverage both formats strategically based on your goals and audience preferences. Use live streaming to connect with your audience in the moment. Use pre-recorded video when high production value matters.

With smart implementation, both live and regular video can help build meaningful engagement and grow your Facebook presence.