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What text editor to use for React?

What text editor to use for React?

As a front-end developer working with React, choosing the right text editor is crucial for an efficient and enjoyable development experience. With many great options available, deciding which one to use can be overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we will compare the most popular text editors for React development and look at the key factors to consider when choosing one.

The Most Popular Text Editors for React

Here are some of the most widely used and well-supported text editors and IDEs for React development:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Atom
  • Sublime Text
  • WebStorm
  • Brackets
  • Vim
  • Emacs
  • NotePad++

These text editors have robust extension ecosystems and community support for React development. Let’s take a closer look at some of their key features.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular options for React development. Developed by Microsoft, it is a lightweight and customizable code editor with excellent support for JavaScript and TypeScript.

Key features include:

  • Intelligent code completion and debugging
  • Built-in Git support
  • Code refactoring capabilities
  • Extensions for React development like ES7 React/Redux, React snippets, and more
  • Integrated terminal
  • Powerful IntelliSense for JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, and more

VS Code has a vibrant extension ecosystem and is highly customizable to suit your preferences. It’s an excellent free option for React development.


Atom is another free and open-source text editor developed by GitHub. It has a focus on customizability and comes with many useful features for React developers out of the box.

Notable features include:

  • Cross-platform editing for Mac, Windows, and Linux
  • Support for React and JSX syntax
  • Smart autocompletion
  • Package manager for installing more features and themes
  • Ability to add custom extensions and themes
  • Built-in GitHub integration

Atom has a robust community of developers contributing packages and extensions. While not as lightweight and fast as VS Code, it remains a very capable option for React work.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a very fast and responsive text editor focused on performance. It bills itself as “the text editor you’ll fall in love with.” Sublime packs powerful features for coding, including excellent support for React.

Some great features include:

  • Very fast loading and switching between files
  • Multiple selections and multi-cursor editing
  • Many keyboard shortcuts for speedy editing
  • Topnotch syntax highlighting and code completion
  • Package ecosystem with React plugin for JSX and syntax support
  • Highly customizable with themes, keybindings, and settings

The major downside of Sublime is that it is not free. However, it does offer an unlimited evaluation period. For those looking for slick performance when coding in React, Sublime is hard to beat.

Key Factors for Choosing a Text Editor

When selecting a text editor for React development, some important factors to consider include:

Code Completion and IntelliSense

Solid code completion features will provide useful hints and auto-complete variables, methods, and React components as you code. Intelligent suggestions help you code faster with fewer typos and mistakes.

Syntax Highlighting

The editor should highlight code syntax for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSX, and other code you work with for easy scannability. Syntax highlighting makes it easier to catch errors.

Extensibility and Customization

Look for a text editor that offers extensibility through add-ons, plugins, packages and themes. This allows you to enhance and customize the editor to your preferences.

Built-in Terminal

A built-in terminal allows you to run commands and immediately see results without having to switch windows or apps.

Debugging Capabilities

The ability to debug code right inside the editor is invaluable. You should be able to easily add breakpoints, pause execution, and step through your React code seamlessly.

Community and Support

Consider how easy it is to find solutions and help for the editor online. An active community means more extensions, plugins, and documentation when you need help.


Premium editors like WebStorm provide stellar features and support, but can be costly. Many excellent free open source options like VS Code and Atom are available as well.

Personal Preference

Consider your own coding style and habits. If you love using keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys, look for editors that excel in that area. Or if you need intricate customization, editors like Emacs or Vim may suit you.

The Best Text Editors for React

Now let’s review the top text editor recommendations for React developers of all backgrounds.

Visual Studio Code

For an optimal blend of convenience, customizability, and support, Visual Studio Code stands out as a top choice. Its wide range of extensions, great debugging tools, and IntelliSense provide a stellar coding experience for React.


WebStorm is arguably the best dedicated JavaScript IDE available. While not free, its robust React support, visual debugging, and integration with other JetBrains tools make WebStorm worth the price for many devs.


Atom represents an excellent free alternative with strong React support. Its active community provides a wide selection of open source packages and themes to enhance the coding experience.

Sublime Text

For those focused strictly on performance, Sublime Text lives up to its name. Very fast, responsive, and customizable, it’s a top choice for developers who prefer a sleeker, lightweight editor.


For terminal diehards, Vim is likely the best text editor out there. Boasting unmatched keyboard shortcuts and commands, its modal editing style makes Vim blazing fast for experienced users.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the “best” text editor depends on your specific needs and preferences as a React developer. VS Code arguably provides the best blend of features and community support for most developers.

But experienced developers may prefer the customizability of Emacs or raw speed of Sublime Text and Vim. WebStorm remains the premium IDE option for those who need advanced debugging and end-to-end React tooling.

The most important decision factors are your budget, experience level, and any special needs around theming, extensions, debugging, or performance. Evaluate popular options to see how they feel for your personal coding style.

And don’t be afraid to switch between different text editors from project to project. Finding the right editor can be a journey rather than a single destination. The exciting React ecosystem ensures you’ll have great options to choose from.