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What symbols are allowed in Facebook names?

What symbols are allowed in Facebook names?

Facebook allows users to express themselves creatively through their profile names. While Facebook does have some restrictions on what can be used in a profile name, there are still many symbols and characters that are permitted.

Why Do Symbols Matter in Facebook Names?

Symbols allow Facebook users to make their profiles more unique and personalized. Using special characters in a profile name helps users stand out from the crowd and express their individuality. Symbols can also add visual interest to a name.

Additionally, some symbols carry meaning that can convey information about the user’s personality, beliefs, interests, or background. For example, incorporating musical notes or math symbols could indicate the user’s passions. Religious or cultural symbols may reflect the user’s faith or heritage.

Symbols are an important tool for self-expression on a platform used by over 2 billion people worldwide. With so many users, having a creative name with special characters can help differentiate one’s profile.

Types of Symbols Allowed

Facebook permits the use of the following types of symbols and special characters in profile names:

  • Letters – both uppercase (A-Z) and lowercase (a-z)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Spaces
  • Periods (.)
  • Underscores (_)
  • Hyphens (-)
  • Apostrophes (‘)
  • At signs (@)
  • Plus signs (+)
  • Equal signs (=)
  • Ampersands (&)
  • Pound signs (#)
  • Percent signs (%)
  • Carets (^)
  • Tildes (~)
  • Asterisks (*)
  • Parentheses ( )
  • Curly braces { }
  • Square brackets [ ]
  • Colons (:)
  • Semicolons (;)
  • Commas (,)
  • Question marks (?) or exclamation points (!)
  • Slashes (/ or \)
  • Backslashes (\\)
  • Quotes (“” or ”)
  • Pipes (|)
  • Less than and greater than signs ()
  • Foreign language letters and accents (é, ñ, ü, etc.)
  • Emojis

This wide range of permitted symbols allows for creative names like *~Missy~* or {Felipe}. Names can include astrology signs (Sara♉️), religious references (Möhammed☪), non-English letters (José or Zoë), and more.

Symbols Not Allowed

While Facebook does allow many symbols, there are some restrictions. The following cannot be used in Facebook profile names:

  • Copyrighted names or phrases
  • Offensive or abusive words
  • URLs or web addresses
  • Excessive punctuation (!!!!!)
  • Consecutive periods (..)
  • Newlines
  • Hearts (
  • Trademarked or brand names
  • Emojis as stand-alone names

These limitations help Facebook maintain a respectful community. Profile names cannot impersonate brands, websites, or real people. Hate speech, threats, obscenities, or harassing content is prohibited.

Name Length Requirements

In addition to restrictions on allowable characters, Facebook also limits the length of profile names:

  • Minimum: 5 characters
  • Maximum: 50 characters

This character count includes spaces and symbols. For example, the name *Sara Smith* is 12 characters long. Facebook will not allow blank names, excessively long names, or very short one or two letter names.

Making Name Changes

If you want to update your profile name using new symbols or characters, Facebook allows you to change your name every 60 days. Just go to your profile, click Edit Profile, edit the name field, and save your changes.

Facebook will notify your friends of your new profile name. However, links to your profile page will still show your prior name unless you create a new custom URL.

Tips for Using Symbols in Names

When adding symbols to your Facebook profile name, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be thoughtful about which symbols you use – make sure they represent your personality and interests.
  • Aim for visual clarity – use fonts and letter cases that are easy to read.
  • Consider pronunciation – will friends know how to say your name out loud?
  • Spell out words fully – avoid excessive abbreviations.
  • Check that all characters display properly across devices and operating systems.
  • Don’t overdo it on symbols – focus on 1 or 2 for impact.
  • Review Facebook’s terms to ensure your name follows the rules.

Troubleshooting Name Issues

If you encounter any problems creating your desired name with symbols, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Make sure all characters are supported by Facebook’s allowed symbols list.
  2. Check that your name meets the 5-50 character length limits.
  3. Try simplifying your name to isolate any problem characters.
  4. Clear your browser cookies and cache in case of glitches.
  5. Test your name on both desktop and mobile to check for issues.
  6. Report offensive or impersonating names that violate policies.
  7. Contact Facebook support if you cannot resolve the problem.


Facebook offers users many possibilities for creative self-expression with profile names. A wide range of symbols, foreign characters, emojis, and special punctuation can be included. However, there are some reasonable limits in place to protect privacy and prevent abuse.

By understanding Facebook’s name policies, troubleshooting any display issues, and thoughtfully selecting symbols that reflect your personality, you can craft a unique, cool profile name to represent yourself on one of the world’s largest social networks.

So go ahead and spice up your Facebook name with allowed symbols – just keep it clean, respectful, and distinctly you!