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What size should FB video feed be?

What size should FB video feed be?

When creating video content for Facebook, one of the most important considerations is determining the optimal video dimensions and aspect ratio. With so many different News Feed surfaces and placements, it can be tricky to know which video size will deliver the best results. In this article, we’ll explore the recommended video dimensions for Facebook in 2023, looking at the ideal sizes for mobile News Feed, desktop News Feed, Facebook Stories ads, and more. We’ll also discuss best practices for creating videos that are optimized for multiple surfaces.

Overview of Key Facebook Video Surfaces

Before jumping into specific video sizes, it helps to understand the main Facebook surfaces where video content appears. Here’s a quick rundown:

– Mobile News Feed – This is where videos appear in users’ main feed when they are browsing Facebook on their smartphones.

– Desktop News Feed – The desktop feed is where videos show up when users access Facebook on a computer browser.

– Facebook Stories – Short vertical videos can be used in Facebook Stories and ads.

– Facebook Marketplace – Videos can accompany Marketplace product listings.

– Facebook Watch – Longer-form original video content lives on the Watch platform.

– Facebook Live – Streaming video content appears on Facebook Live.

So as you can see, videos can appear in many different environments on Facebook. The goal is to create video assets that are tailored for each placement, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. Next we’ll look at the recommended specifications for success in each area.

Ideal Mobile News Feed Video Size

For regular video posts that appear in the mobile News Feed, Facebook recommends using:

Aspect Ratio:

Vertical 4:5

This taller, more portrait-oriented aspect ratio allows the video to take up more screen real estate on the mobile feed. Landscape video can appear quite small on mobile, so the 4:5 vertical approach is ideal.


Minimum 600 x 750 pixels

Recommended 1080 x 1350 pixels

The minimum dimensions Facebook suggests are 600 pixels wide by 750 pixels tall. However, for optimal quality and immersive viewing, it’s advisable to upload videos that are at least 1080 x 1350 pixels. This will enable HD resolution even as the video scales and crops to fit different contexts in the mobile feed.

Other Tips:

– Use high quality video with a minimum resolution of 720p
– Optimize video for sound on (no text/graphics that require audio)
– Add captions for accessibility
– Keep videos under 120 seconds for best retention

By tailoring videos specifically for the mobile feed using the 4:5 aspect ratio and 1080 x 1350 pixels, you’ll provide users with the best viewing experience possible.

Desktop News Feed Video Specs

When creating video content for Facebook’s desktop feed, the recommended approach differs quite a bit from mobile:

Aspect Ratio:

Landscape 16:9

Horizontal videos take advantage of the additional screen real estate on desktop.


Minimum 720 x 405 pixels

Recommended 1280 x 720 pixels

For desktop feed videos, the minimum size Facebook requires is 720 pixels wide by 405 pixels tall. But for optimal quality, uploading landscape videos at 1280 x 720 pixels is advised.

Other Tips:

– HD 1080p resolution recommended
– Landscape orientation shows more content on desktop
– Add text overlays/graphics to engage viewers
– Videos under 4 minutes perform best

With the desktop feed prioritizing landscape 16:9 videos optimized for HD resolutions, it’s important to tailor videos specifically for this environment rather than just repurposing mobile assets.

Facebook Stories Video Size

If you want to share video content directly into your Facebook Stories or run video ads within Stories, the required specifications are:

Aspect Ratio:

Vertical 9:16


Minimum 600 x 1067 pixels

Recommended 720 x 1280 pixels

Facebook Stories have a tall, portrait 9:16 aspect ratio to match the vertical scrolling experience on mobile. The minimum size is 600 x 1067 pixels, but 720 x 1280 pixels is ideal for HD quality delivery.

Other Tips for Facebook Stories Videos:

– Length: Videos can be up to 15 seconds
– Sound on recommended
– Creative best practices: vibrant, eye-catching visuals; minimal text
– Can include interactive stickers/filters/effects

This square, full-screen vertical format is perfect for short, engaging videos that feel native to the Stories experience.

Marketplace Video Specs

For sellers posting videos as part of their Facebook Marketplace product listings, the recommended specifications are:

Aspect Ratio:

Horizontal 16:9 or vertical 4:5 both work


Minimum 600 x 315 pixels (landscape)

Minimum 600 x 750 pixels (vertical)

Recommended 1080 x 1920 pixels (vertical)

Facebook Marketplace supports both horizontal and vertical video orientations. The minimum size is 600 x 315 pixels for landscape or 600 x 750 pixels for vertical. But for ideal quality, 1080 x 1920 pixels is recommended for vertical product videos.

Other Marketplace Video Tips:

– Keep videos short and engaging (30-90 seconds ideal)
– Showcase important product features/benefits
– Creative best practices: well-lit, avoid busy backgrounds, appealing b-roll
– Can include text overlays and graphics

Quality product videos help listings stand out on Marketplace. Optimize them specifically for this vertical.

Facebook Watch Video Specs

For publishers and creators distributing long-form, episodic video content via Facebook Watch, these are the recommended specs:

Aspect Ratio:

Landscape 16:9


Minimum 720p HD (typically 1280 x 720 pixels)

Recommended 1080p FHD (typically 1920 x 1080 pixels)

As Facebook Watch is focused on high-quality episodic video content, 720p HD is the minimum resolution required. However, for the optimal viewing experience across devices, 1080p FHD is advised.

Other Facebook Watch Video Tips:

– Minimum video length: 3 minutes
– Ideal length for single videos: up to 20 minutes
– Closed captions required
– Interactive elements can enhance viewer engagement

Given the long-form nature of Facebook Watch content, crafting exceptional productions tailored to this platform is key.

Facebook Live Video Size and Specs

For publishers, creators, and businesses wanting to reach their audience in real-time using Facebook Live, here are the recommended video settings:

Aspect Ratio:

Landscape 16:9 or Portrait 9:16


Minimum 352 x 288 pixels

Recommended 1280 x 720 pixels (landscape HD)

The minimum live video resolution Facebook requires is 352 x 288 pixels. However, for a professional, high-quality broadcast, aim for 1280 x 720 landscape HD. Portrait orientation is also supported.

Other Facebook Live Video Tips:

– Use an HD camera/webcam if possible
– Frame shots appropriately before going live
– Monitor comments and engage with viewers
– Have a compelling description and title
– Promote the live video beforehand

Careful planning of the live stream setup, production quality, and promotion will help maximize reach and engagement.

Best Practices for Multi-Purpose Facebook Videos

Ideally, you should tailor video content specifically for each major Facebook placement as we’ve discussed. However, if you need a video asset to work across multiple surfaces, keep these tips in mind:

Prioritize Mobile:

Optimize first for the mobile News Feed since video specs here are more constrained. For example, use a vertical aspect ratio.

Minimum Size Guidance:

At minimum, aim for 720p HD resolution with dimensions like 1280 x 720 landscape or 600 x 750 portrait.

Include Key Elements:

Overlay text, graphics, logos, etc. over footage to enhance engagement on desktop and play well mute.

Remix for Stories:

Repurpose landscape videos by cropping creatively for vertical Stories.

Check All Placements:

Thoroughly test videos by posting to different surfaces to confirm it adapts well.

While one video that adapts to all contexts is difficult, following these best practices will help maximize multi-platform performance.

Summary of Facebook Video Specifications

To recap the key video specs for each Facebook placement:

Placement Aspect Ratio Minimum Size Recommended Size
Mobile News Feed Vertical 4:5 600 x 750 pixels 1080 x 1350 pixels
Desktop News Feed Landscape 16:9 720 x 405 pixels 1280 x 720 pixels
Facebook Stories Vertical 9:16 600 x 1067 pixels 720 x 1280 pixels
Marketplace Listings 16:9 or 4:5 600 x 315 (landscape)
600 x 750 (vertical)
1080 x 1920 pixels (vertical)
Facebook Watch Landscape 16:9 720p HD 1080p FHD
Facebook Live 16:9 or 9:16 352 x 288 pixels 1280 x 720 pixels (HD)

This summarizes the recommended specs for tailoring videos based on placement. Use these best practices as a reference point when producing content.


Determining the right video size and specifications for Facebook can be complex given the diverse surfaces and contexts videos can appear in. By following the tips in this guide based on your specific usage goals, you can optimize videos to deliver the best results. Some key takeaways include:

– Vertical 4:5 orientation is ideal for mobile News Feed
– Horizontal 16:9 works best for desktop feed, Watch, and Live
– Stories require tall 9:16 aspect ratio and short length
– Test videos by posting to different placements
– When in doubt, prioritize specs for mobile feed

With these best practices for sizing in mind, you can confidently upload videos to Facebook that will engage audiences no matter where they are watching. Just be sure to tailor assets for the intended destination for the most professional, immersive viewing experience.