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What size should Facebook profile picture and cover be?

What size should Facebook profile picture and cover be?

When setting up your Facebook profile, one of the most important things is choosing the right sized profile picture and cover photo. The profile picture and cover photo are the first things people will see when they visit your profile, so you want them to look their best. But Facebook has specific requirements for the dimensions of profile pictures and covers. Knowing the right sizes to use ensures your photos will display properly across desktop and mobile.

What are the Facebook profile picture size requirements?

Facebook profile pictures can be uploaded in three different shapes: square, landscape, and portrait. The specific pixel dimensions for each are:

  • Square – Minimum 180 x 180 pixels
  • Landscape – Minimum 180 pixels wide and maximum 360 pixels tall
  • Portrait – Minimum 180 pixels tall and maximum 360 pixels wide

Square profile pictures are recommended as they display consistently across all devices and in all areas of Facebook. Landscape and portrait photos will be cropped to fit different layouts. The maximum file size for a profile picture is 4MB.

What are the Facebook cover photo size requirements?

Facebook cover photos have just one size. The dimensions are:

  • 820 pixels wide x 312 pixels tall

Cover photos will be cropped to fit different screen sizes, but the central part of the image will always be visible. Keep your main focus in the center portion when selecting a cover photo. The file size for cover photos can be up to 100MB.

Why does Facebook have size requirements?

There are several reasons why Facebook enforces strict size requirements for profile pictures and cover photos:

  • Consistent appearance – Having all users upload pictures of the same sizes ensures continuity in how profiles look across the platform. Photos will display properly without distortion or pixelation.
  • Fast loading – Standardized sizes allow Facebook to efficiently load millions of profile pictures quickly without bogging down people’s news feeds.
  • Responsive design – Facebook’s layout is responsive, meaning it adapts to different screen sizes from desktop to mobile. Standard photo sizes make responsive design easier.
  • Brand image – Consistent image sizes contribute to Facebook’s clean, uniform aesthetic as a social media brand.

By adhering to Facebook’s size guidelines, you ensure your profile pictures and cover photo look their absolute best!

How can I find out the size of an existing photo?

If you already have a photo you want to use for your Facebook profile, but you’re not sure if it meets the size requirements, there are a couple easy ways to check its dimensions:

  • Use an image editing program like Photoshop, GIMP, or PicMonkey. Open the image file and look at its pixel dimensions.
  • Upload it to Facebook as a test, but don’t save it to your profile. In the upload window, hover over the photo and it will display the size.
  • On a Windows computer, right click the image file, select “Properties”, and look at the pixel height and width.
  • On a Mac, select the image, then go to File > Get Info and look for the dimensions.

How can I resize a photo to meet Facebook’s requirements?

If you have a photo you want to use that isn’t quite the right size for Facebook, you have a couple options to resize it:

  • Use an image editing program like Photoshop, GIMP or PicMonkey to crop and/or scale the image to proper dimensions.
  • Use an online image resizer tool to quickly resize it.
  • Upload it to Facebook at the larger size, then use the cropping tool to narrow it down.

When scaling down images, be sure the resolution remains high enough to avoid pixelation or blurriness. Ideally resize no lower than 72 ppi.

What’s the recommended ratio for Facebook photos?

To display crisply on high resolution screens, Facebook recommends uploading images that are 1.91:1 aspect ratio. This is slightly wider than the 1.78:1 ratio used for HD displays.

For profile pictures, aiming for 180 x 180 pixels will provide the ideal 1.91:1 ratio. For covers, 820 x 428 px gives 1.91:1.

However, photos that are the standard sizes like 180 x 180 px or 820 x 312 px will still look fine, since Facebook cropping and scaling smooths out minor aspect differences. The 1.91:1 ratio just provides the absolute sharpest results.

Should I include text or logos on my Facebook pictures?

It’s best to avoid including text, logos, or critical visual elements near the edges of your Facebook photos. Since images get cropped and scaled to different sizes, anything placed too close to the edges may get cut off or distorted in some views.

The safe zone is around 60 px from the edges. So for a 180 x 180 px profile pic, keep text and logos inside a 120 x 120 px center box. For covers, have them within a 700 x 192 px vertical center strip.

Do Facebook photo sizes matter for brands and businesses?

Properly sized photos are especially important for brands, businesses and organizations using Facebook for marketing and promotion. Profile and cover images are valuable real estate for presenting your logo, products, branding and messaging.

Using the recommended image dimensions ensures your brand visuals will always look flawlessly crisp and clear. Poorly sized photos on a business profile look unprofessional and sloppy.

What are best practices for choosing a Facebook profile picture?

Beyond just size, there are some other best practices for selecting a profile picture that makes a good impression:

  • Use a close-up shot of your face so it’s easily recognizable as you
  • Make sure the photo is well-lit and in focus
  • Pick a flattering, natural expression and avoid selfies with exaggerated facial distortions
  • Show your eyes clearly without sunglasses
  • Use a current photo and update it every few years
  • A professional headshot is recommended for business profiles

What are best practices for choosing a Facebook cover photo?

For picking an optimal Facebook cover photo, keep these tips in mind:

  • Select an interesting, eye-catching image to represent your brand, interests or story
  • Avoid too much clutter or complexity
  • Make sure the central zone contains the visual focus
  • Use high-quality images and vibrant colors
  • Change it periodically to keep your profile looking fresh
  • Business covers can showcase products, employees, offices, events, etc.

Can I use the same photo for profile and cover?

It’s best not to reuse the same photo for both your Facebook profile picture and cover image. Having two different photos creates a more dynamic profile.

Since the profile pic is a close-up and the cover is a wider shot, one image won’t work equally well for both. Using a duplicated photo comes across as inattentive and sloppy.

Select two strong, complementary images that work together to tell a story and reflect the real you or your brand identity to Facebook visitors.

What tools help create properly sized Facebook images?

Here are some handy tools for working with custom sized Facebook graphics:

  • Canva – Free online design app with templates sized for Facebook and other platforms.
  • PicMonkey – Image editing tool with Facebook image dimensions built into crop and resize options.
  • Buffer – Social media image creator with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest sizes.
  • Adobe Spark – Graphic design web and mobile app with preset Facebook cover and profile templates.
  • GIMP – Free photo editing software with custom sizing options.


Following Facebook’s profile picture and cover photo requirements ensures your images will look fantastic across all views. A 180 x 180 px profile photo and 820 x 312 px cover are ideal.

Carefully chosen photos optimized for size and impact can make a great first impression on your Facebook profile. Just be mindful of the cropping that occurs and test images before finalizing them.

With the proper preparation and graphics tools, you can create the perfect profile and cover combo to represent your personal or business brand on Facebook.