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What size should Facebook cover be with safe zone?

What size should Facebook cover be with safe zone?

When creating a Facebook cover photo, it’s important to understand the size requirements and safe zone in order to optimize your cover for visibility on desktop and mobile. The Facebook cover size should be 820 pixels wide x 312 pixels tall. However, the safe zone where your key visuals should be placed is much smaller at only 820 x 162 pixels. Anything outside of this safe zone may get cut off or obscured on some devices. In this article, we’ll break down the ideal Facebook cover dimensions and safe zone so you can create covers that look great on any screen.

What are the Facebook cover dimensions?

The full dimensions for a Facebook cover photo are:

  • Width: 820 pixels
  • Height: 312 pixels

These measurements are fixed and cannot be changed. Facebook covers display at 820 pixels wide on desktop screens, but condense down to 640 pixels wide for mobile devices. The height remains 312 pixels on both desktop and mobile.

Desktop Facebook Cover Dimensions

On desktop screens, Facebook covers appear at the full 820 pixel width. So when designing your Facebook cover for desktop, you’ll want to use an image that is 820 pixels wide. This ensures the image will not get compressed or distorted on desktop screens. The full height of 312 pixels will be displayed as well.

Mobile Facebook Cover Dimensions

On mobile devices, Facebook condenses covers down to 640 pixels wide. The height remains unchanged at 312 pixels. Keep this reduced width in mind when designing your Facebook cover, as any visual details beyond 640 pixels may get cut off on mobile screens.

What is the Facebook cover safe zone?

The Facebook cover safe zone is the area of your cover where your key visuals and text should be placed. This safe zone is 820 pixels wide but only 162 pixels in height.

Placing important cover elements within the safe zone ensures they will be visible across different devices and screen sizes. Anything outside of the safe zone may get cut off on mobile screens or on desktop browsers with different window widths.

Desktop Facebook Cover Safe Zone

On desktop browsers, the Facebook cover safe zone is:

  • Width: 820 pixels (full width of cover)
  • Height: 162 pixels

So the safe zone occupies the top 162 pixels vertically of your 820 pixel wide cover image.

Mobile Facebook Cover Safe Zone

On mobile devices, the safe zone condenses to:

  • Width: 640 pixels
  • Height: 162 pixels

So the mobile safe zone is the top 162 pixels of your cover image, centered within the 640 pixel mobile width.

How to design for the Facebook cover safe zone

When designing your Facebook cover, keep these safe zone tips in mind:

  • Place any important text or logos within the 820 x 162 pixel safe zone
  • Avoid using small text or thin fonts outside the safe zone
  • Check that visuals look good condensed to 640 pixels wide
  • Add minor details or flourishes outside the safe zone for desktop displays

Here are some examples of designing Facebook covers for the safe zone:

Text in Safe Zone

Ensure any important text stays within the safe zone. Additional text can go outside the safe zone for desktop viewers.

Focal Visuals in Safe Zone

The main visual elements should be within the safe zone. Extra imagery can extend outside the safe zone.

Avoid Clutter Outside Safe Zone

Don’t put small, detailed text/visuals outside the safe zone, as they may get cut off on mobile.

How to add a Facebook cover

Here are simple steps for adding your Facebook cover photo:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page
  2. Click “Add a Cover” above your current cover
  3. Choose “Upload Photo” and select your cover image file
  4. Click “Save Changes”

Your new Facebook cover photo will now be live on your Page. You can make adjustments and reposition your cover as needed.

Tips for creating great Facebook covers

Follow these best practices when designing your Facebook cover:

  • Highlight your brand name/logo
  • Use high-quality, high-resolution images
  • Make text easy to read and not blurry
  • Ensure visuals look good in both desktop and mobile displays
  • Use colors that complement your brand palette
  • Drive people to take action by adding a call-to-action
  • Avoid using too many competing elements
  • Change your cover periodically to keep content fresh

Common Facebook cover sizes

Here are some standard Facebook cover sizes to use as a starting point when designing your cover:

Dimensions Use Case
820 x 312 pixels Full cover size
820 x 162 pixels Safe zone size
640 x 312 pixels Mobile cover size
640 x 160 pixels Mobile safe zone size

Of course, you can create covers smaller or larger than these sizes. But these dimensions give you standard sizes tailored to the Facebook cover space.


Optimizing your Facebook cover for the 820 x 312 pixel space with a 162 pixel height safe zone ensures your cover will look great on all devices. Focus on placing important elements like text, logos, and visuals within an 820 x 162 pixel safe zone. This will keep your key information visible and prevent anything important from getting cut off across screen sizes. Change up your cover image periodically to keep your content fresh and engaging. With these tips in mind, you can create stunning Facebook covers that capture attention and showcase your brand.