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What size is the featured image in WordPress for Facebook?

What size is the featured image in WordPress for Facebook?

When creating content for Facebook, one of the most important elements is selecting the right featured image size. The featured image, also known as a post thumbnail, is the main image that appears at the top of your WordPress posts and pages when shared on Facebook.

Choosing the proper featured image size is crucial for improving the way your content appears in Facebook feeds and for enticing more clicks. The right image proportions and resolution allow your images to look sharp and eye-catching on desktop and mobile. Using subpar image sizes can mean your featured images appear distorted, pixelated or improperly cropped on Facebook.

What is the Ideal Featured Image Size for Facebook?

Facebook recommends featured images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display across desktop and mobile. This size ensures your images are high-resolution and look great whether viewed on a small phone screen or a large desktop monitor.

Here are the key recommended specifications for WordPress featured images on Facebook:

  • Width: Minimum 1200 pixels
  • Height: Minimum 630 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: 1.91:1 (This refers to the proportional relationship between the width and height. Facebook images look best when the width is around 1.91 times the height.)
  • File Size: Under 8MB
  • File Format: JPG or PNG

By using featured images that meet these guidelines, you can maximize your chances that your images will display properly across different platforms and device sizes.

Setting the Default Featured Image Size in WordPress

To specify your ideal featured image dimensions in WordPress, you’ll need to set a default thumbnail size.

Here are the steps:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings > Media.
  2. Find the “Thumbnail Size” section.
  3. Set the following recommended values:
    • Width: 1200 pixels
    • Height: 630 pixels
  4. Be sure to click “Save Changes” to update the settings.

Now when you upload images to use as WordPress featured images, WordPress will automatically generate a 1200 x 630 pixel version to use when the images are shared on Facebook.

Other Featured Image Size Options

In addition to the 1200 x 630 pixel size, you may wish to generate featured images in other dimensions for different display purposes:

Square Featured Image

A 1:1 square featured image can also display nicely on Facebook. Common square sizes include:

  • 600 x 600 pixels
  • 800 x 800 pixels

Square images stand out in Facebook feeds and work well for logos and icons.

Vertical Featured Image

For a more vertical portrait image, sizes like these work well:

  • 1080 x 1350 pixels
  • 1200 x 1500 pixels

The extra height can allow the main subject to stand out.

Horizontal Featured Image

For more horizontal landscape images, sizes like these are ideal:

  • 1600 x 900 pixels
  • 2100 x 1182 pixels

Horizontal images can capture wide scenic shots or group photos nicely.

By taking the time to fine-tune your featured image dimensions, you can deliver a more polished, professional look for your WordPress content on Facebook.

Tips for Creating Quality Featured Images

In addition to using the proper technical image specifications, follow these best practices for creating eye-catching featured images:

  • Choose high-resolution photos that will look crisp and avoid a grainy appearance when enlarged.
  • Select photos with bright, vibrant colors that will stand out in Facebook feeds.
  • Pick photos that convey emotions and tell a story.
  • Use portrait orientation for featured images whenever possible.
  • Include only important elements. Cluttered images don’t work well.
  • Ensure the main subject stands out from the background.
  • Add overlays of text or logos sparingly. They can distract from the main image.
  • Test different options and see which images generate the most clicks and engagement.

Investing in high-quality, eye-catching featured photos is one of the best ways to increase shares and engagement for your WordPress content on Facebook.

Facebook Image Sizes for Other Purposes

In addition to featured images, you may need to resize photos for other uses like Facebook ads, Facebook posts, or sharing links on Facebook.

Here are the recommended image dimensions for other common Facebook uses:

Facebook Ad Images

Ad Format Image Size
Single Image 1200 x 628 pixels
Carousel 1200 x 628 pixels
Collection 600 x 600 pixels
Canvas 1200 x 630 pixels
Slideshow 1200 x 717 pixels
Stories 1080 x 1920 pixels

Facebook Post Images

For images uploaded directly in Facebook posts, aim for sizes around:

  • 1200 x 900 pixels
  • 1600 x 900 pixels

Facebook Link Share Images

When sharing links on Facebook, you can define a custom image to display. Optimal dimensions are:

  • 1200 x 630 pixels

This matches the recommended featured image size for consistency.

Tools for Resizing Images

To resize batches of images quickly and easily to Facebook’s recommended sizes, you can use various online and desktop tools:

Online Resizing Tools

Desktop Image Editors

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • GIMP

WordPress Plugins

Plugins like Regenerate Thumbnails allow you to regenerate your existing WordPress media library images in new sizes.

Test Image Sizes for Yourself

Facebook occasionally tweaks its recommended image dimensions, so it’s a smart idea to test different featured image sizes yourself to see what performs best for your audience and content.

Try uploading WordPress featured images in different widths like 800px, 1000px, 1200px and 1500px and compare engagement and clicks. Monitor how your images appear across desktop and mobile to select the optimal size.

Analyzing your own Facebook insights data will enable you to dial in the perfect featured image sizes for your unique needs.


Choosing the right featured image size has a big impact on the reach and engagement for your WordPress content on Facebook. Following Facebook’s recommended image sizes of around 1200 x 630 pixels will allow your images to look their absolute best.

In addition to proper sizing, also ensure your photos are high-resolution, colorful, evocative and relevant to your content. Investing in compelling featured images pays dividends by boosting your Facebook engagement and click-through rate.