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What size is the Facebook profile circle?

What size is the Facebook profile circle?

The size of the profile picture circle on Facebook has gone through a few iterations over the years as the platform has evolved. In the early days of Facebook, there was no set size for the profile picture, it was simply whatever image the user uploaded. However, as Facebook became more standardized, profile pictures were cropped to fit within a circle frame.

The Original Small Profile Picture

In 2005, shortly after Facebook opened to the general public beyond just college students, the profile picture was quite small. It was only 50 pixels wide and 50 pixels tall. This created a very tiny circular image next to a user’s name in their profile. At this size, it was difficult to make out facial features and details. The small image served more as just a tiny avatar icon rather than an actual profile photo.

Year Profile Picture Size
2005 50 x 50 pixels

This initial 50 x 50 pixel size did not provide enough detail to be useful. It was more of a placeholder than anything. But it set the stage for Facebook to grow the profile picture into something more prominent and identifiable.

Growing With Facebook

As Facebook increased in popularity over the next few years, the profile picture grew along with it. By 2008, the profile picture size had increased to 100 x 100 pixels. And by 2009, it was up to 200 x 200 pixels. The larger sizes allowed for profiles to display a clearer headshot photo of each user.

Year Profile Picture Size
2008 100 x 100 pixels
2009 200 x 200 pixels

These sizes were still fairly small, but the jump to 200 x 200 pixels allowed recognizable profile pictures to become a core part of the Facebook experience. The profile picture was growing up along with Facebook itself.

The Modern Profile Picture

In 2016, Facebook rolled out an updated profile design that bumped the profile picture up to 170 x 170 pixels. This provided enough definition for crisp, clear profile images.

Then in 2017, Facebook expanded the profile picture to its current size of 360 x 360 pixels for high resolution Retina displays. At this size, users can upload a nice high-quality headshot photo and expect it to display in high detail across Facebook properties.

Year Profile Picture Size
2016 170 x 170 pixels
2017 360 x 360 pixels

This 360 x 360 pixel size remains the standard profile picture size on Facebook today in 2023. It provides enough detail to see faces clearly while also maintaining a consistent template for uniform circular profile pictures.

Profile Picture Guidelines

Because profile pictures are so visible throughout the Facebook interface, there are some guidelines around appropriate profile picture content:

  • Profile pictures should only contain a single person
  • No nudity or other inappropriate content
  • No violent, graphic, or offensive imagery
  • No logos, text, or other commercial branding
  • No images of children without proper permissions

Facebook recommends uploading a clear headshot photo with a neutral background. This helps maintain a consistent profile picture experience across the platform.

Display Across Platforms

While the source profile picture is 360 x 360 pixels, Facebook intelligently crops and sizes profile pictures appropriately for different contexts:

  • News Feed – 36 x 36 pixels
  • Friends List – 32 x 32 pixels
  • Messages – 56 x 56 pixels
  • Notifications – 24 x 24 pixels

Smaller sized squares are used in these contexts to fit the tight spaces and small components. But the high resolution 360 x 360 pixel source is scaled and optimized for each environment.

Consistency Across Apps

The 360 x 360 pixel profile picture is consistent across not just, but all of Facebook’s apps as well:

  • Facebook mobile app
  • Messenger
  • Instagram

Wherever your profile appears, your same profile picture appears with it for a seamless experience across platforms.

Custom Frames and Effects

While the base profile picture is a consistent 360 x 360 pixel circle, Facebook does allow adding some custom frames, effects and stickers on top of profile pictures:

  • Celebration frames for birthdays, holidays, etc.
  • Frames supporting causes and awareness campaigns
  • Fun stickers and effects
  • Borders and patterns

These help users customize their profile picture even further and show support for causes they care about.


The Facebook profile picture has grown from a tiny unrecognizable 50 x 50 pixel image to a prominent 360 x 360 pixel photo. This allows self-expression through a clear, high quality profile image that represents each user across Facebook’s platforms and apps. The current 360 x 360 pixel size finds a good balance between quality and performance for an optimal profile picture experience.