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What size is the Facebook page banner?

What size is the Facebook page banner?

When creating a Facebook page, one of the key branding elements is the page banner or cover photo. This large horizontal image appears at the top of the page and helps establish the look, feel and brand identity of the page. For optimal display across devices, Facebook recommends using images that are sized to the following dimensions:

Recommended Facebook Page Banner Size

The ideal banner size for Facebook pages is:

  • Width: 820 pixels
  • Height: 312 pixels

Images that are 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall will display crisply on desktop as well as smoothly resize to fit mobile screens. This is considered the standard Facebook page banner size that will provide ideal image quality and alignment.

Minimum Banner Size

While 820 x 312 pixels is recommended, Facebook does allow for some flexibility in banner sizes. At a minimum, Facebook requires page banner images to be:

  • Width: 400 pixels
  • Height: 150 pixels

Any images smaller than 400 x 150 may become distorted or pixelated. While you can upload banners smaller than the recommended size, they will not display as cleanly, especially on high resolution desktop screens.

Maximum Banner Size

Facebook does enforce maximum bounds on page banner images. The largest banner you can upload is:

  • Width: 2,048 pixels
  • Height: 768 pixels

Any image dimensions larger than 2,048 x 768 will be automatically resized by Facebook to fit. Avoid overly large files since they will increase load times without any added benefit.

Banner Size Considerations

When designing your Facebook page banner, keep these key size considerations in mind:

  • Use the recommended 820 x 312 pixels for best quality and performance.
  • Minimum size is 400 x 150 pixels, but this may pixelate on large screens.
  • Max file size is 2,048 x 768 pixels, larger images will be resized.
  • Save uncompressed images as JPG or PNG with RGB color mode.
  • Keep file size under 100KB for faster upload and loading.

Creating Responsive Banners

With so many people accessing Facebook on mobile, you’ll want to create a responsive banner that adapts to different screen sizes. Some tips for mobile-friendly banners:

  • Center your key focus area within the middle 620 pixels to ensure it displays on mobile.
  • Avoid using critical text or logos on the far left or right edges.
  • Include imagery that will read well at smaller screen resolutions.
  • Use minimal text and strong, legible fonts and colors.

Banner Image Formats

Facebook accepts the following image formats for page banner uploads:

Image Type File Extensions
JPEG .jpg, .jpeg
PNG .png
GIF .gif

For best results, JPEG and PNG formats with an RGB color mode are recommended. GIFs allow for animation, but may display with a lower resolution.

Banner Size Specifications

To summarize, here are the key Facebook page banner size specifications:

Dimension Pixel Size
Recommended Width 820 pixels
Recommended Height 312 pixels
Minimum Width 400 pixels
Minimum Height 150 pixels
Maximum Width 2048 pixels
Maximum Height 768 pixels

Keep these dimensions in mind when designing and optimizing banners for your Facebook page. Using the recommended 820 x 312 size will ensure your images always look sharp and display properly on both desktop and mobile.

Optimizing Banners for High Resolution Screens

With the rise of ultra high definition displays, you may want to adapt your banner sizes for the best quality:

  • 2K resolution (1440p): Try 1,440 x 546 pixels.
  • 4K resolution (2160p): Go with 2,160 x 820 pixels.

These larger banner sizes will help prevent pixelation or blurriness when viewing your Facebook page on extra high resolution monitors and screens. However, keep in mind the maximum width Facebook allows is still 2,048 pixels.

Tips for Creating an Effective Banner

Beyond just technical specs, follow these design tips for creating an eye-catching, effective Facebook banner:

  • Showcase your brand identity with logos, colors, and fonts.
  • Highlight your products, services, events, or special offers.
  • Use high quality, eye-catching imagery.
  • Include minimal but strategic text to get your message across.
  • Make sure text stands out clearly against the background.
  • Use banners to tell a story and evoke emotion in viewers.

Your Facebook page banner is valuable real estate, so make the most of it! A banner that conveys your brand personality and engages visitors will enhance your entire social media presence.


Optimizing your Facebook page banner for the recommended size of 820 x 312 pixels will ensure it displays properly across platforms. Minimum size is 400 x 150 pixels while maximum is 2,048 x 768 pixels. Focus on creating a high quality, engaging banner that brings your brand to life. Use compelling visuals, strategic text, and a mobile-friendly responsive design. With these tips and specs in mind, you can create a banner that will make a stunning first impression on your Facebook page visitors.