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What size is the Facebook cover photo 1920×1080?

What size is the Facebook cover photo 1920×1080?

The recommended size for a Facebook cover photo is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. This results in an aspect ratio of roughly 2.63:1. However, the minimum size is 640 x 360 pixels and the maximum is 820 x 360 pixels. So Facebook cover photos can range from 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio to 2.28:1 ultra widescreen aspect ratio. The most common myth is that Facebook cover photos are 1080×1920 pixels or 1920×1080 pixels. Let’s explore the facts about Facebook cover photo sizes.

What is the aspect ratio of a Facebook cover photo?

The aspect ratio of a Facebook cover photo should be around 2.63:1. This means the photo should be roughly 2.63 times wider than it is tall. The exact recommended size is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. 820/312 = 2.63. So an aspect ratio close to 2.63:1 is ideal.

However, Facebook does allow quite a bit of flexibility. The minimum size for a cover photo is 640 x 360 pixels (16:9 widescreen). The maximum size Facebook allows is 820 x 360 pixels (2.28:1 ultra widescreen). So any photo with width between 640 and 820 pixels and height of 360 pixels or less will work.

Why do people think the Facebook cover size is 1080×1920?

The likely reason people think 1080×1920 is the correct Facebook cover photo size is because 1920×1080 pixels is a common HD resolution. It’s the resolution of 1080p HD televisions and computer monitors. So people are familiar with that size and assume it must be the Facebook cover dimensions. However, 1920×1080 is actually much taller than what Facebook allows for cover images.

The source of confusion may stem from the fact that Facebook profile pictures do have a 1:1 aspect ratio. Profile pictures are perfectly square, so 1080×1080 would be an appropriate size. However, cover photos have a completely different size and shape requirement.

What happens if I upload a 1080×1920 cover photo?

If you try to upload a 1920×1080 pixel photo as your Facebook cover image, it will simply get cropped and resized to fit the 820 pixel maximum width. The height will get cut off at 312 pixels tall. So you’ll end up with only the top portion of your original 1920 pixel tall photo remaining visible.

This unintended cropping can cut off important parts of your photo. That’s why it’s best to prepare your cover image at the proper 820×312 pixel size rather than risk losing key elements to cropping.

What is the file size limit for Facebook cover photos?

In addition to the resolution requirements, Facebook also imposes file size limits on cover photos:

  • Less than 100 KB for photos
  • Less than 4 MB for videos

So if your cover photo is a JPEG or PNG image, be sure to compress it to under 100 KB before uploading. For cover video files, keep them under 4 MB in size.

How do I create a Facebook cover photo?

Here is a quick guide to creating a properly sized Facebook cover photo:

  1. Open your image editing software like Photoshop, GIMP, Canva, etc.
  2. Create a new project with width of 820 pixels and height of 312 pixels.
  3. Design your cover photo artwork within those dimensions.
  4. Export the image as a high quality JPEG, under 100 KB in file size.
  5. Upload the 820×312 JPEG photo to Facebook as your new cover image.

Following those steps will ensure your custom cover art meets Facebook’s size and aspect ratio requirements.

Do the cover dimensions change for mobile?

The cover photo dimensions remain unchanged regardless of whether viewers are looking at your profile on desktop or mobile. The photo does get cropped for different display sizes though:

  • On desktop, the full 820 pixel wide cover image is shown.
  • On mobile, it crops to 640 pixels wide to fit the screen.

So be sure to design your cover with the full 820 pixel width in mind. Avoid putting critical elements near the outer edges that might get cut off on mobile screens.

How do I choose the right cover photo?

Some tips for selecting a great Facebook cover photo:

  • Use high quality, eye-catching images.
  • Make sure text/logos are readable.
  • Emphasize interesting elements in the center area.
  • Avoid busy patterns that distract.
  • Represent your brand, interests or personality.

The cover image is valuable real estate to promote your business, showcase your talents or express who you are.

Can I use the same cover on multiple pages?

You can reuse the same custom cover photo across multiple Facebook pages you manage. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the image is relevant for each page.
  • Change cover text to match each page.
  • Consider colors that fit each brand.
  • Rotate through different covers periodically.

Having the exact same cover for long periods looks lazy. Tailoring covers to each page shows followers you care.

Do Facebook covers work on business pages too?

Yes, Facebook business pages can also use cover images. The dimensions are identical to personal profiles. Just upload 820×312 pixel cover photos tailored to your brand, products or services.

Covers are a great way for business pages to reinforce branding, promote products, highlight imagery related to the company’s mission, announce sales or events and generally use the space to engage followers.

Cover Photo Tips for Business Pages

  • Showcase products/services visually
  • Feature eye-catching scenes of customers engaging with the brand
  • Use covers to highlight promotional sales or offerings
  • Include emotive company slogans or marketing headlines
  • Reinforce brand identity through color, logos, fonts, etc.

By optimizing their Facebook business page covers, companies can drive more profile visits and engagement.

Can I customize cover dimensions?

No, Facebook does not allow users to customize or change the cover photo dimensions. All covers must abide by the 820×312 pixel size requirement. The only flexibility is uploading images between 640-820 pixels wide and 360 pixels or shorter height.

This standardization allows Facebook to optimize its layout and presentation across profiles. So users aren’t able to modify the cover specifications themselves.

What’s better, wider or taller covers?

Wider is generally better for Facebook covers. The maximum 820 pixel width allows you to maximize the horizontal space. This creates more room for visuals, text, logos, etc. Just ensure important elements are centered and not pushed too far left/right.

Extremely tall/narrow covers are not ideal. 360 pixels is already fairly short, so going taller means wasted vertical space. Stick with cover heights between 312-360 pixels for best results.


The standard Facebook cover photo size is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. This 2.63:1 widescreen ratio provides ample horizontal space to showcase eye-catching imagery, text and branding elements.

Uploading photos at 1920×1080 or 1080×1920 size will result in unwanted cropping since Facebook limits cover heights to only 360 pixels maximum. For best quality and to avoid losing key parts of your photo, create covers at the recommended 820×312 pixel dimensions.

With creative, relevant and nicely tailored cover images at the proper size, both personal profiles and business pages can use Facebook covers to great effect in engaging their audiences.