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What size is FB profile pic?

What size is FB profile pic?

Facebook profile pictures come in a few different sizes depending on where they are displayed on the platform. The standard size for the main profile picture that shows up on your profile is 180 x 180 pixels. However, Facebook automatically generates other sized versions of your profile picture to display in different areas of the site.

Standard Profile Picture Size

The standard size for your main Facebook profile picture is 180 x 180 pixels. This is the picture that shows up in the largest size on your profile under your cover photo. When you upload a picture to use as your profile photo, it will automatically be resized and cropped to fit the 180 x 180 pixel size if it is larger.

The 180 x 180 pixel size was chosen by Facebook as a good balance between showing enough detail in the picture while keeping the file size reasonable for quick loading. At 180 x 180 pixels, there is enough resolution to clearly see someone’s face and recognize them easily.

Other Facebook Profile Picture Sizes

In addition to the 180 x 180 pixel version, Facebook also generates smaller versions of your profile picture to use around the site. Here are some of the other common profile picture sizes:

  • 32 x 32 pixels – Used in friend lists and comment threads
  • 50 x 50 pixels – Used on the timeline and activity log pages
  • 96 x 96 pixels – Used in search results
  • 128 x 128 pixels – Used in the chat sidebar
  • 160 x 160 pixels – Used on the timeline and news feed pages

Facebook uses special algorithms to take your uploaded 180 x 180 profile photo and scale it down cleanly to these smaller sizes as needed. The algorithm ensures the subject of the photo (usually a face) remains centered and clear.

How to Upload a Profile Photo

Uploading a new profile photo on Facebook is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Click on your profile picture anywhere it appears on Facebook.
  2. In the popup menu, click “Update Profile Picture”.
  3. Click the “Upload Photo” button.
  4. Select a photo from your computer to upload.
  5. Adjust the cropping as needed so your face is centered.
  6. Click “Save” to set your new profile photo.

The profile photo will update immediately everywhere it appears. Make sure to choose a clear, high-quality photo of your face to get the best results.

Cover Photo Size

In addition to your profile picture, you can also set a cover photo that appears at the top of your Facebook profile. The size for Facebook cover photos is:

  • 820 x 312 pixels for desktop
  • 640 x 360 pixels for mobile

Desktop web browsers will display the 820 x 312 pixel version while mobile devices will use the smaller 640 x 360 size. Like with your profile picture, Facebook will automatically resize and crop cover photos to fit if the original image is a different size.

Photo Sizes for Posts

When you add a photo to a Facebook post, the ideal size is:

  • 1024 x 576 pixels for a horizontal landscape orientation
  • 600 x 600 pixels for a square orientation

Facebook will shrink photos larger than these sizes but using one of these optimal sizes ensures your photo will appear crisp and clear within Facebook’s column interface. The 1024 x 576 landscape size is ideal for full-width photo posts.


To summarize the key Facebook profile and cover picture sizes:

Profile Picture 180 x 180 pixels
Cover Photo (Desktop) 820 x 312 pixels
Cover Photo (Mobile) 640 x 360 pixels
Photo Post (Landscape) 1024 x 576 pixels
Photo Post (Square) 600 x 600 pixels

Using photos that already match these optimal sizes will ensure they look their absolute best when posting them to Facebook. The platform will resize and reformat photos of other sizes as needed but starting with the right size avoids potential distortion or pixilation.

Why Facebook Profile Picture Size Matters

Having the right profile picture size matters for a few key reasons:

  • Aesthetics – The 180 x 180 pixel size displays a big, clear version of your face that looks good next to posts and comments.
  • Quick Loading – The relatively small file size of a 180 x 180 image ensures fast loading.
  • Recognition – Your face needs to be clear and centered for friends to recognize you.
  • Consistency – All profile pictures on Facebook are the same size, so yours won’t look out of place.

In most cases, Facebook handles resizing your photos automatically. But for the best quality, starting with a square photo cropped around your face at 180 x 180 pixels is recommended.

Maintaining Your Brand Image

Your Facebook profile picture is a key part of your brand image on the platform. Having a high quality, consistent photo that meets Facebook’s size and composition recommendations helps maintain your brand. The photo appears next to all your posts and interactions, so it being clear and professional looking is important.

Conveying the Right Impression

In addition to your brand, your profile photo also creates an impression of you personally to anyone who views your profile. Given the prevalence of profile pictures all over Facebook, it has a big impact on how people perceive you. Having a flattering, friendly looking photo helps create a positive impression.

Standing Out

While all profile pictures are the same size, you can still take steps to make yours stand out. Using a high quality camera, thoughtful posing and flattering lighting helps create an engaging profile photo. An interesting background that fits your brand can also help your picture get noticed.

Combining an eye-catching profile photo with intriguing cover photo and timeline posts helps attract more profile views and connections.

Mistakes to Avoid

To get the best results with your Facebook profile picture, here are a few mistakes to avoid:

  • Low resolution photos that look blurry or pixelated.
  • Cropping issues like cutting off part of your face.
  • Busy backgrounds that draw attention away from you.
  • Outdated photos that no longer look like you.
  • Inconsistent photos across your online profiles.
  • Extreme facial expressions or poses.
  • Having other people in the photo.
  • Private or inappropriate photos.

Sticking to Facebook’s recommended 180 x 180 pixel size and following some basic portrait photography tips will ensure your profile picture looks great.

Customizing Your Facebook Profile Picture

In addition to your main profile photo, Facebook offers a few different ways to customize and enhance your profile picture area:

Profile Picture Frames

You can overlay decorative frames on top of your profile picture for holidays, events, or just for fun. Facebook offers a selection of special profile picture frames you can temporarily enable on your profile photo.


Badges are small icons that appear next to your profile picture. They represent your support for causes, sports teams, groups, or events. Enable badges to display your affiliations.

Animated GIFs

Want to get really creative? Facebook also lets you upload brief animated GIFs to use as your profile picture instead of a static image.

Profile Picture Options

Facebook gives you additional options for customizing how your profile picture appears:


When people are tagged in a profile picture, their name appears when you hover over their face. This identifies them to others.

Pinned Posts

Pin an important post like a life update to the top of your profile alongside your profile picture.

Featured Friends

Showcase up to 6 friend profiles as smaller photos around your own.

Profile Picture Privacy

Adjust your profile photo privacy settings to control who can see your picture.

Tools to Create the Perfect Profile Picture

Looking for help getting the perfect profile picture? Here are some useful tools:

Photo Editing Software

Use photo editing apps like Photoshop or free online tools to touch up and optimize profile picture photos.

Social Media Image Sizes

Reference guides like Canva’s social media image size chart provide ideal dimensions for all platforms.

Profile Picture Analyzer

Tools like Photofeeler provide detailed analysis of your photos to help choose the most effective one.

Profile Picture Apps

Specialized mobile apps like Facetune help take flattering selfies and touch them up for social media.

Photography Tips

Use online photography tutorials to learn techniques for taking great profile pictures.

How Often Should You Change Your Profile Picture?

There are no set rules for how often you need to change your Facebook profile picture, but here are some best practices:

  • When your appearance changes significantly – after a new haircut or style change for example.
  • When you want to update your overall image and impression.
  • When your current photo is looking outdated.
  • For relevant holidays or events.
  • After major life events you want to showcase – such as marriages, new child, new job, etc.

Aim to change your profile picture every few months at minimum, more frequently if you want to show off new looks or milestones. Stay on top of keeping that profile photo fresh!