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What size is Facebook group photo?

What size is Facebook group photo?

Facebook group photos come in a variety of sizes depending on where they are displayed in the Facebook interface. The cover photo, profile picture, and post photos within the group will be different dimensions. When uploading photos to use in a Facebook group, it’s important to understand the recommended sizes for each type of image to ensure they render properly across devices and maintain image quality. This article will examine the ideal sizes for Facebook group cover photos, profile pictures, and post images.

Facebook Group Cover Photo Size

The cover photo is the large horizontal banner image that appears at the top of a Facebook group’s page. This is the first visual users see when visiting your group, so having a high-quality cover photo can make a great first impression.

The ideal size for Facebook group cover photos is:

Width: 820 pixels

Height: 312 pixels

The minimum width is 640 pixels, but using the recommended 820 pixels will prevent pixelation on high resolution displays. The 312 pixel height should not be exceeded or the image may be awkwardly cropped on some screens.

Here is a comparison of how a cover photo displayed at the minimum 640 pixel width versus the recommended 820 pixel width appears:

640 Pixel Width 820 Pixel Width (Recommended)

As you can see, the 820 pixel wide version is crisper and clearer on high resolution screens.

Some additional cover photo tips:

– The file size should be under 100 KB. Larger files will slow loading times.
– JPG or PNG formats are recommended.
– Avoid using too much text as it will be difficult to read. The key focal point should stand out.
– Try to use high quality, vivid images to catch the viewer’s eye.

So in summary, for optimal Facebook group cover photos use 820 x 312 pixels at under 100KB file size.

Facebook Group Profile Picture Size

The profile picture appears in a circle next to your Facebook group’s name across the platform. This is your group’s main visual identifier so having a great profile photo is important.

The ideal size for Facebook group profile pictures is:

Width & Height: 360 x 360 pixels

Square images work best for profile pictures on Facebook. 360 x 360 pixels gives you enough resolution to maintain quality without creating overly large file sizes.

Here is an example of how a 360 x 360 pixel profile photo renders:

Tips for creating optimal Facebook group profile pictures:

– Use a meaningful image related to your group topic. This quickly tells visitors what your group is about.
– Make sure the key focal point is centered since the image is circular.
– Simple graphics and logos work well. Avoid cluttered images.
– JPG, GIF or PNG formats recommended.
– Keep file size under 100 KB.

Stick with a 360 x 360 pixel square at under 100KB for the best Facebook group profile pictures.

Ideal Photo Sizes for Posts Within a Facebook Group

When sharing visual posts within your Facebook group, you’ll want to make sure any images uploaded are optimized for the group feed. Here are the recommended photo sizes to use:

Shared Link Photo Size

When you share a link in your group, you can attach a preview photo to accompany it. The ideal size is:

Width: 1200 pixels

Height: 630 pixels

This wide rectangular image will allow viewers to clearly see the attached photo in the group feed. Ensure the preview image relates to the content being linked to.

Photo Upload Post Size

For posts that simply contain photos uploaded directly to your group, aim for:

Width: 1024 pixels

Height: 576 pixels

At this size, your images will upload quickly while still being large enough to view nicely in the group feed on all devices.

Multi-Photo Post Size

When uploading multiple images in the same post, use:

Width: 1024 pixels

Height: 768 pixels

This squares off the images slightly to account for multiple photos needing to fit in one post. Up to 6 photos can be shared in a single post to your group feed.

Video Post Thumbnail Size

For video posts, the thumbnail image overlay should be:

Width: 1280 pixels

Height: 720 pixels

This widescreen sizing ensures the thumbnail is high-quality and represents the video well.

Recommended Photo Sizes Summary

To recap the ideal Facebook group photo sizes:

Photo Type Dimensions
Cover Photo 820 x 312 pixels
Profile Picture 360 x 360 pixels
Shared Link Photo 1200 x 630 pixels
Uploaded Photo Post 1024 x 576 pixels
Multi-Photo Post 1024 x 768 pixels
Video Thumbnail 1280 x 720 pixels

Aim to stay close to these sizes when preparing your group’s photos for the best presentation across Facebook.

Image Optimization Tips

In addition to using the recommended sizes, here are some tips for optimizing images for Facebook:

– Save images as JPG or PNG files. These compressed formats load faster than other types.

– Use image editing software to compress files. This reduces file size while maintaining quality.

– Stay under the recommended file size limits. Smaller file sizes prevent slow load times.

– Crop images cleanly and remove unnecessary portions. This focuses the image.

– Add descriptive filenames. Help identify images instead of using defaults like “image25”.

– Enhance brightness, contrast and sharpness. This makes details and colors pop.

– Eliminate red eye, blemishes and distractions. Clean photos look more professional.

Taking some time to prepare and optimize your group’s photos using these tips will really maximize their visual impact on Facebook.

Creating Engaging Visuals

Beyond just technical optimization, it’s important to use photos in your Facebook group that engage members. Here are some tips for creating compelling visuals:

– Show real people and faces. Human connection attracts engagement.

– Capture authentic moments and interactions. Avoid too many posed or stock photos.

– Use interesting perspectives like close-ups or wide shots. Unique angles grab attention.

– Leverage bright, contrasting colors. Vibrant images attract the eye.

– Incorporate movement or action. Dynamic photos increase interest.

– Use conceptual or metaphorical imagery. Visually communicates themes.

– Include informative graphics, charts or illustrations. Visual education engages.

– Feature high-quality product shots. Showcase offerings clearly.

– Display user-generated content. User photos build a sense of community.

By sharing photos that connect with people visually and emotionally, you’ll see greater interaction within your Facebook group.


Optimizing your Facebook group’s photos using the recommended sizes and best practices will ensure they look great across all devices and help visually engage your audience. Use the right dimensions and image optimization tips covered in this article as a guide whenever preparing photos for your Facebook group. Well-presented visuals that resonate with members are a key part of building an active community on Facebook.