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What size is a Facebook post without cropping?

What size is a Facebook post without cropping?

Facebook posts come in a variety of sizes and dimensions depending on the type of content being shared. Photos, videos, text updates, and links all have recommended sizes to ensure they display properly on both desktop and mobile devices without being cropped or distorted.

The Basics of Facebook Post Sizes

In general, the maximum width for any Facebook post is 504 pixels. This applies to all types of content including photos, videos, and share links. The maximum height for a Facebook post is variable and depends on the aspect ratio of the content being shared.

For photos and videos, Facebook recommends using a 1.91:1 aspect ratio for optimal display on mobile devices. This equates to a maximum height of 504 x 1.91 = 963 pixels. So the maximum non-cropped size for Facebook photos and videos is 504 x 963 pixels.

Text-only status updates are displayed at 100% width on desktop and wrap to the width of the user’s device on mobile. Link shares with a thumbnail image are displayed at 484 x 252 pixels on desktop news feeds.

Image Sizes for Facebook Posts

To recap, here are the ideal image sizes to use for Facebook posts:

  • 504 x 963 pixels – Optimal for photos and videos without cropping
  • 1200 x 630 pixels – Minimum size for link shares to display a large preview image
  • 1200 x 900 pixels – Recommended for Facebook cover photos and canvas ads

Always upload images at their original size without resizing to avoid any loss of quality. Facebook will automatically scale and crop images to fit different layouts across platforms.

Photo Posts

When uploading single photos, aim for a size of 504 x 963 pixels. Square images can be 1080 x 1080 pixels. This gives you the maximum real estate in desktop and mobile news feeds without any unwanted cropping by Facebook.

Multi-Photo Posts

For multi-photo albums, each individual image should still be 504 x 963 pixels. Up to 10 images can be shared in a single post on desktop. On mobile, up to 4 images from the album will display per row.

Link Share Posts

When sharing links on Facebook, you can upload a custom preview image that is 1200 x 630 pixels to display the largest thumbnail possible. You must upload the image separately as Facebook does not pull images automatically from links.

Facebook Video Specs

For native video uploads, Facebook recommends uploading in MP4 or MOV format with H.264 compression and AAC audio encoding for optimal quality and compatibility.

Here are the maximum video resolutions and frame rates to use:

Resolution Max Frame Rate
1920 x 1080 (HD) 30 fps
1280 x 720 (HD) 30 fps
640 x 360 (SD) 30 fps

For longer videos up to 240 minutes, drop the resolution down to 640 x 360 and 30 fps. The maximum file size for uploads is 4GB.

For optimal quality and performance across devices, Facebook recommends uploading HD 1080p or 720p video at the highest frame rate possible up to 30fps.

Facebook Live Video Specs

Facebook Live videos follow the same specifications as native video uploads:

  • Maximum resolution 1080p HD (1920 x 1080 pixels)
  • Minimum resolution 360p SD (640 x 360 pixels)
  • Max frame rate 30fps
  • 4GB maximum file size

The maximum length for Facebook Live videos is 4 hours.

Facebook Text Post Character Limits

Regular text-only status updates on Facebook have a maximum character count of 63,206 characters, which equates to roughly 10,000 words.

However, any posts over 420 characters will display a “See More” link on desktop news feeds that must be clicked to expand the full post text.

For optimal visibility, it is recommended to keep text-only posts under 420 characters so the entire update is visible in the desktop news feed without needing to click “See More.”

The 420 character limit does not apply to posts made directly from Pages or public figures, which can display longer content without the “See More” link.


To maximize visibility and engagement on Facebook posts, follow these best practices for sizing content without cropping:

  • Photos: 504 x 963 pixels
  • Videos: 1080p or 720p in MP4 format
  • Multi-images: 504 x 963 pixels per image
  • Link shares: 1200 x 630 pixel preview image
  • Text updates: Under 420 characters

Using properly sized images, videos, and concise text will help your posts stand out in desktop and mobile feeds without appearing distorted or truncated.

Checking your content in Facebook’s Object Debugger can identify any issues with sizing or formatting before you publish your post live.

Optimizing content for Facebook does require some extra effort, but the payoff is more immersive and engaging posts that your audience will love to interact with.

Facebook Post Size FAQs

What is the best size for a Facebook cover photo?

The recommended size for Facebook cover photos is 820 x 312 pixels for desktop layouts and 640 x 360 pixels for mobile. Cover images will display cropped on desktop based on the device screen size, so design with the center area in mind.

What is the ideal Facebook profile picture size?

Facebook profile pictures display best at 170 x 170 pixels on desktop and 128 x 128 pixels on smartphones. Profile pictures are always displayed in a square crop, so make sure to design the central focal point of your headshot well.

What is the maximum image size for a Facebook event photo?

For Facebook event cover photos, upload images at 1920 x 1080 pixels to display high-quality images without cropping or distortion across desktop and mobile.

What are Facebook’s image dimension guidelines?

The optimum image dimensions for Facebook are:

  • News feed post photos: 504 x 963 pixels
  • Event cover photos: 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • Shared link thumbnail: 1200 x 630 pixels
  • Profile picture: 170 x 170 pixels

Aim for images at those sizes when possible to maximize quality without unwanted cropping by Facebook’s algorithm.

What is the best resolution for Facebook ads?

Facebook recommends keeping ad images between 72-100 DPI using RGB colors in formats like .JPEG, .GIF, or .PNG. Ad image dimensions can vary depending on placement, with common sizes being 1200 x 628 pixels, 1080 x 1080 pixels, or 600 x 315 pixels.

Facebook Post Layout Examples

Here are some examples of properly sized posts on Facebook desktop and mobile:

Text-Only Status Update

This text update fits entirely in the desktop news feed without a “See More” link by keeping the post under 420 characters. It will also display seamlessly on mobile feeds.

Shared Link Post

This shared link displays a large 1200 x 630 pixel preview image and keeps the status text concise at under 420 characters.

Single Photo Post

This 504 x 963 pixel photo utilizes the full width of the desktop news feed without cropping on mobile.

Multi-Photo Post

Each image maintains the ideal 504 x 963 pixel size to span the full width of both desktop and mobile feeds.

Video Post

This natively uploaded HD video has a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio fitting desktop and mobile layouts.

Optimizing Facebook Posts with Object Debugger

Facebook’s Object Debugger Tool allows you to input your actual images, videos, and links to see how they will appear in desktop and mobile feeds.

To use it:

  1. Go to the Object Debugger in Facebook’s Business Suite.
  2. Select the type of object to test: photo, video, or link.
  3. Upload or enter your content to preview.
  4. View the optimized post preview on different device layouts.
  5. Adjust your content as needed to fit various feeds.

Taking advantage of this free tool can help troubleshoot any sizing, formatting, or layout issues before your content goes live.

Formatting Facebook Posts for Maximum Visibility

Beyond just images and videos, there are other formatting best practices to make Facebook posts stand out:

  • Use line breaks: Add line breaks after 2-3 sentences in long blocks of text for better readability.
  • Include emojis: Emojis help catch the viewer’s eye and express emotions.
  • Ask questions: Pose questions to your audience to spark engagement in comments.
  • Try different post types: Mix up photo posts, link shares, short videos, and text updates.
  • Post consistently: Share at least 1-2 times per week to stay top of mind.

Well-formatted, visually appealing posts are more likely to get noticed by your target audience on Facebook.

Facebook Post Size Considerations by Objective

You may need to tailor your Facebook post sizes and formats to meet different goals:

Driving Traffic to Your Website

For driving external traffic, create link share posts using high-quality 1200 x 630 pixel preview images and compelling captions of under 420 characters. Avoid text-heavy posts.

Growing Your Facebook Followers

To gain followers, create engaging lifestyle photo and video content sized at 504 x 963 pixels to authentically showcase your brand, products, or services.

Promoting an Event

Upload eyecatching 1920 x 1080 pixel cover images and vivid photo or video content during the event to get attendees excited.

Boosting Engagement

Ask questions, run polls and contests, share user-generated content, behind-the-scenes images, and respond to all comments to spark two-way interactions.

Analyzing Your Facebook Post Performance

Use Facebook Insights to analyze the reach and engagement of your posts. Look at which post types, lengths, and formats perform best with your target audience. Then double down on what works and continue testing and optimizing.

Some key metrics to analyze for Facebook success include:

  • Reach: How many people viewed your posts?
  • Engagement rate: Likes, shares, comments divided by reach.
  • Click-through rate on links.
  • Reactions: Analyze the breakdown of reactions.
  • Comments: What types of responses are you getting?
  • Shares: How often is your content being reshared?

Continuously tweak your Facebook strategy based on these insights to maximize the return from your efforts.

Tools to Create Engaging Facebook Graphics

Designing custom Facebook graphics for your posts and ads doesn’t have to be hard. Here are some easy tools to create stunning visuals:


Canva offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and a huge library of templates sized for Facebook and other social platforms. Easily add images, text, and your brand logos.


Crello makes graphic design accessible for everyone with customizable Facebook post templates, photo effects, and illustrations.

Adobe Spark

Spark’s Post feature has preset sizes for Facebook images, videos, and stories. Build visually appealing posts with the photo, text, and design tools.


Snappa has a collection of templates optimized specifically for Facebook feed posts, stories, ads, events, and more.


Over offers a large library of pre-made templates, graphics, and design objects to quickly create social posts.

Try out a few of these intuitive design tools to take your Facebook visuals up a notch.


Optimizing the size and formatting of your Facebook posts is crucial to maximize reach and engagement. The ideal creative specs include:

  • Photos at 504 x 963 pixels
  • HD video at 1080p or 720p resolution
  • Preview link images 1200 x 630 pixels
  • Text updates under 420 characters

Use Facebook’s Object Debugger to troubleshoot any cropping or layout issues before publishing your posts. Analyze Facebook Insights to guide your posting strategy and double down on what resonates most with your audience.

With these tips and best practices, you can master the art of creating engagng Facebook posts that attract views, shares, and conversions.