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What size is a cover photo for Facebook aesthetic?

What size is a cover photo for Facebook aesthetic?

When it comes to choosing the perfect cover photo for your Facebook profile, size matters. The ideal dimensions for a Facebook cover photo are 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. This allows your photo to fit seamlessly across desktop, mobile and tablet devices. The right proportions are key to ensuring your cover photo looks visually appealing no matter what device it’s viewed on.

What are the exact dimensions for a Facebook cover photo?

The exact pixel dimensions for a Facebook cover photo are:

  • Width: 820 pixels
  • Height: 312 pixels

These proportions result in a banner-style horizontal rectangle image that stretches nicely across the top of your Facebook profile. Facebook automatically crops and resizes any image you upload to fit these dimensions. But having an image that’s already sized properly will ensure it looks its absolute best.

Why are the Facebook cover photo dimensions so specific?

Facebook engineered the 820 x 312 pixel size specifically to optimize the cover photo for all devices. Here’s why:

  • 820 pixels spans nicely across desktop computer screens
  • 312 pixels perfectly frames the top of the page on smartphones when viewed vertically
  • The 820 pixel width also displays well on tablets held horizontally

In the era of multi-device social media, optimizing visual content for all platforms is crucial. The tried and true 820 x 312 size ensures your Facebook cover photo always makes a great first impression.

How can I create a 820 x 312 cover photo?

Creating a custom Facebook cover photo at exactly 820 x 312 pixels is easy if you have graphic design or photo editing skills. You can make one from scratch in programs like Canva, Photoshop, or Illustrator. But if you’re not graphically inclined, don’t worry! There are also shortcuts you can use:

  • Take a photo on your phone in landscape/horizontal orientation. Crop it to 820 x 312.
  • Design a graphic or collage using an online template sized for Facebook covers.
  • Hire a graphic designer on freelance sites like Fiverr to create one for you.
  • Search sites like Creative Market and GraphicRiver for Facebook cover templates to customize.
  • Use Canva’s preset Facebook cover layouts and just swap in your own photos.

What is the minimum size for a Facebook cover photo?

If for some reason you don’t have an image that’s quite 820 x 312 pixels, don’t fret. Facebook does allow for some flexibility in cover photo sizes. At minimum, your cover image should be:

  • At least 400 pixels wide
  • At least 150 pixels tall

Just keep in mind that smaller sizes will get cropped and distorted more severely to fit Facebook’s layout. Sticking as close to the 820 x 312 recommendation as possible is your best bet for a cover that looks great across all devices.

Can I customize my Facebook cover by device?

Unfortunately, while customizing content for individual platforms is a nice idea, Facebook does not allow you to use different cover photos for desktop vs mobile users. Your cover photo will be exactly the same on all devices. This makes optimizing for multiple resolutions all the more important!

How do I upload the right size Facebook cover?

Uploading your pre-sized 820 x 312 Facebook cover photo is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile and click the camera icon to update your cover photo
  2. Choose “Upload Photo” and select your image file
  3. Drag the photo handles to get the positioning you want
  4. Click “Save Changes”

That’s all there is to it! Your properly sized cover photo will now look fantastic across desktop, mobile and anywhere people access Facebook.

How can I design my cover photo for aesthetics?

Here are some tips for crafting a Facebook cover photo with aesthetically pleasing visual appeal:

  • Use the rule of thirds – Place key subjects 1/3 or 2/3 across the frame rather than dead center.
  • Include breathing room – Don’t overcrowd the cover or cram it with too many elements.
  • Choose complementary colors – Adhere to a consistent color palette for visual cohesion.
  • Direct the viewer’s eye – Use lines, shapes,contrast to intentionally guide the viewer.
  • Use Overlapping elements – Layering creates depth and interest.
  • Incorporate texture – Add natural texture for organic, cozy appeal.
  • Play with fonts – Complement graphics with stylish, readable typography.
  • Focus on symmetry/patterns – Repetition of shapes or mirrored halves achieve harmony.

By keeping these core design principles in mind as you plan your Facebook cover photo, you can create a header that aesthetically reflects your personal brand and style.

What colors work best for Facebook cover photos?

When selecting a color palette for your Facebook cover photo, brighter, bolder hues tend to stand out in the small header space. Here are some top color choices to consider for cover photos:

Color Meaning
Blue Trust, professionalism
Green Nature, health
Purple Creativity, imagination
Red Energy, excitement
Orange Friendliness, warmth
Black Power, sophistication

Aim for colors that align with your brand identity. Brighter tones tend to stand out best against Facebook’s white background. Avoid busy patterns and stick to solid colors or simple gradients for the most visible impact.

Should I include text on my Facebook cover photo?

When designing a Facebook cover photo, minimalism tends to look best. You want to avoid cramming too many words into that small header space. But a little thoughtful text can work nicely and complement the visuals. Consider these tips for cover photo text:

  • Keep it short and sweet – Stick to 5 words or less.
  • Make text large and legible
  • Use contrasting colors that stand out
  • Incorporate your brand name, motto or headline
  • Highlight key information like sales or events
  • Include inspirational quotes or messages

The key is keeping text large enough to read and consistent with your brand style. Avoid long sentences or paragraphs that clutter up your cover. Let the image speak for itself and use typography to subtly enhance it.

What types of photos work for Facebook covers?

When selecting a photo for your Facebook cover, you want an eye-catching image that represents your brand or content focus. Some types of photos that make excellent Facebook covers include:

  • Landscape photos – Breathtaking outdoor scenery or cityscapes.
  • Nature photos – Beautiful flowers, forests, animals, etc.
  • Travel photos – You at a cool destination or landmark.
  • Event photos – Concerts, conferences, and occasions.
  • Product photos – Showcasing your wares or services.
  • Quotes – Inspirational messages over backgrounds.
  • Graphics – Bold patterns, illustrations or colors.

Choose eye-catching photos consistent with your niche and brand. Go for interesting perspectives, beautiful backdrops and high-quality resolution for best results.

Should I include people in my Facebook cover photo?

Photos featuring people can make for engaging Facebook covers when done right. Some tips for incorporating people include:

  • Use candid shots rather than posed photos for a natural look.
  • Include groups of 2-3 people rather than large crowds.
  • Position people to one side rather than dead center.
  • Make sure faces are large and clearly visible.
  • Show genuine emotions and connections.

The key is choosing photos where the people feel organic to the scene and their personalities come through. Avoid cluttered group shots or poses that look stiff or unnatural.

Should I use text overlays on photos?

Text overlays can be a nice way to incorporate your branding into photo-based Facebook covers. Some tips for text overlays:

  • Use brief phrases rather than long text.
  • Position near bottom third over dark solid color areas.
  • Use large sans serif fonts like Arial for readability.
  • Make sure text stands out from photo colors.
  • Consider shadows or outlines on lighter backgrounds.

When done tastefully, a branded phrase or slogan overlaying your cover photo can help reinforce your messaging. Just be sure to keep it simple and make the text large and legible.

How often should I change my Facebook cover photo?

There’s no set rule for how frequently you need to change up your Facebook cover photo. It comes down to personal preference and brand strategy. Here are some guidelines on cover photo refresh rate:

  • Brand pages: Every few months to highlight new products, seasons, campaigns.
  • Businesses: 1-4 times per year to complement promotions.
  • Creators: Monthly or bi-monthly to showcase latest projects.
  • Personal: Every few months or whenever you want a fresh look.

Individuals often change covers seasonally or a few times a year. Brands rotate more frequently to place emphasis on initiatives and events. Do what feels right for your needs!

Should I design multiple cover photos to rotate?

Having a few optimized cover photos on standby can make it easy to refresh your Facebook header. Some tips for creating multiple options:

  • Design covers for major holidays or seasons to rotate yearly.
  • Tie covers to key campaigns or initiatives.
  • Tailor covers to big events your audience cares about.
  • Create covers highlighting new products/services.
  • Design variants that align with your brand style.

Then you can simply upload covers relevant to the moment! Planning a content calendar for your headers keeps them fresh and engaging.


Optimizing your Facebook cover photo for the ideal 820 x 312 pixel size ensures it will look fantastic across all devices. Taking the time to design an aesthetically pleasing, attention-grabbing header that represents your brand will make a great first impression on your profile. Use high quality visuals, engaging colors, and minimal text to create a cover that adds impact. Refresh your photo frequently to highlight different aspects of your business or brand.