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What size is a CapCut video for Facebook?

What size is a CapCut video for Facebook?

When creating videos for Facebook using CapCut, it’s important to understand Facebook’s video requirements so your videos look great on the platform. Facebook has specific recommended video dimensions and aspect ratios depending on where your video will be viewed – such as in the News Feed, Stories, or Facebook Watch.

Video Size for Facebook News Feed

For videos that will appear in the Facebook News Feed, the recommended dimensions are:

  • Width: at least 600 pixels
  • Height: 315 to 600 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: 1.91:1 to 9:16

Facebook recommends keeping videos for the News Feed under 4 minutes long to maximize viewership. The ideal length is around 1-2 minutes.

So when creating a CapCut video for Facebook’s News Feed, aim for the following settings:

Setting Ideal Value
Width 600-720 pixels
Height 315-405 pixels
Aspect Ratio 9:16
Length 60-120 seconds

This will ensure your CapCut-edited video looks great on Facebook News Feeds and grabs viewers’ attention.

Video Size for Facebook Stories

If you want your CapCut video to display properly in Facebook Stories, the size requirements are:

  • Width: at least 600 pixels
  • Height: 1070 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16

Facebook Story videos are limited to 15 seconds long. So keep your CapCut Story edits short and engaging.

The ideal CapCut settings for a Facebook Story video are:

Setting Ideal Value
Width 600 pixels
Height 1070 pixels
Aspect Ratio 9:16
Length 15 seconds

Video Size for Facebook Watch

Facebook Watch hosts longer-form vertical videos. To optimize your CapCut videos for Watch:

  • Minimum width of 600 pixels
  • Minimum height of 315 pixels
  • Aspect ratio of 9:16
  • Length of 1 minute to 12 hours

Aim for the following settings in CapCut:

Setting Ideal Value for Watch
Width 600+ pixels
Height 315+ pixels
Aspect Ratio 9:16
Length 1+ minute

Best Video Codec for Facebook

In addition to video size, the video codec (encoding format) also matters for Facebook videos.

Facebook recommends using H.264 codec as it provides the best results across their platforms. This is also the default export setting in CapCut.

Some key benefits of using H.264 codec for Facebook include:

  • High visual quality at smaller file sizes
  • Faster upload speeds
  • Wide device compatibility
  • Consistent quality across Facebook surfaces

So when exporting your video from CapCut, it’s best to stick with the H.264 codec option for Facebook.

Ideal Video Bitrate for Facebook

Bitrate refers to the amount of data encoded in your video file per second. It determines the video quality and file size.

Facebook recommends:

  • 720p videos: Upload at 4-5 Mbps
  • 1080p videos: Upload at 7-8 Mbps

Higher bitrate = better quality but larger file size.

When exporting CapCut videos for Facebook, aim for the bitrate recommendations above based on your video resolution. This will optimize quality while keeping file sizes manageable.

How to Export CapCut Videos for Facebook

Here are the steps to export your CapCut videos properly for Facebook:

  1. Finish editing your video in the CapCut app
  2. Go to the export screen
  3. Set the resolution based on where it will be viewed (see size guides earlier)
  4. Keep the codec as H.264
  5. Set the bitrate according to the resolution (4-8 Mbps)
  6. Tap export – choose “Save Video”
  7. Upload the exported MP4 file to Facebook

And that’s it! Following these best practices will ensure your CapCut videos look great on Facebook and captivate your audience.


When making videos with CapCut for Facebook, keep these key size factors in mind:

  • News Feed: 600-720p width, 315-405p height, 9:16 aspect ratio, 60-120 seconds long
  • Stories: 600px width, 1070px height, 9:16 aspect ratio, 15 seconds max
  • Watch: 600px+ width, 315px+ height, 9:16 aspect ratio, 1+ minute long

Use the H.264 codec and target bitrates of 4-8 Mbps. Following Facebook’s recommendations will optimize your CapCut videos for each destination on the platform.

Achieving the ideal size, ratio, length, codec and bitrate will ensure your creative CapCut edits look fantastic when shared on Facebook. Just export using the specs outlined and you’re good to go!

With these pro tips, your CapCut videos will captivate viewers as you share them seamlessly across Facebook. Now get out there, start editing, and boost your Facebook presence!