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What size header for Facebook banner?

What size header for Facebook banner?

When creating a Facebook banner, one of the most important considerations is choosing the right header size. The header contains your main messaging and imagery, so getting the dimensions right is crucial for an effective ad.

What are the Facebook banner sizes?

Facebook offers several banner ad formats, each with recommended header sizes. The main options include:

  • Single image ad: The recommended header size is 1200 x 628 pixels. This elongated, single-image ad stands out in the mobile News Feed.
  • Carousel ad: For carousel ads with multiple images or videos, the header should be 1200 x 628 pixels for the first asset. Subsequent carousel cards can be 600 x 600 pixels.
  • Collection ad: Collection ads feature a 1200 x 628 pixel header image, above a tiled layout of product images.
  • Slideshow ad: Slideshow ads have headers at 1080 x 1920 pixels in vertical format, or 1920 x 1080 for horizontal.

So in summary, the standard Facebook banner header size is 1200 x 628 pixels for single image and carousel ads. The other formats have variations, but this elongated 1200 x 628 size works well across placements.

Why does banner size matter?

Getting your Facebook banner header size right matters for a few important reasons:

  • Visual impact: The right size header draws attention with bold, vibrant imagery or video at native News Feed dimensions. If the header is too small, it won’t stand out.
  • Information hierarchy: A properly sized header has room for your brand and your most important messaging. The rest of the text and links go in the body below.
  • Ad relevance: When the header content matches the ad objective and target audience, Facebook rewards the relevance with better ad delivery.
  • Flexible placements: The 1200 x 628 size works well in mobile and desktop feeds, as well as the sidebar and groups.

In essence, the standard 1200 x 628 Facebook banner header size achieves visual impact and information hierarchy, while remaining flexible across placements. This ultimately helps get your ad seen by more of your target audience.

How to design an effective header

When designing your Facebook banner header, follow these best practices:

  • Choose compelling imagery. Pick photos or video that instantly capture attention and relate to your brand. Faces, lifestyle scenes and bright colors tend to perform well.
  • Highlight your value proposition. Use brief, scannable text to convey your most important customer benefit or campaign message right up top.
  • Use minimal text. Stick to your brand name, top-level heading, and a single value proposition statement or call to action. Leave the body text below.
  • Consider video. Short video clips can bring your banner header to life. But also include fallback image assets.
  • Optimize legibility. Text should be large, simple and high contrast. Overlay text on solid image areas to maximize legibility.

By applying these best practices to your 1200 x 628 pixel header, you’ll maximize visual impact and communication effectiveness.

How does the header fit with the body?

On Facebook banner ads, the header sits above the body text and links. This layout creates a visual hierarchy that draws attention up top, before promoting further engagement below the fold.

To balance your header with the body:

  • Echo header themes: Reiterate visuals, color schemes and key messages below the header for continuity.
  • Elaborate on the header: Expand on header text and imagery with descriptive copy, captions, product shots, etc.
  • Add clear calls to action: The body can contain buttons and links leading to product sites, special offers and more.
  • Use ample white space: Leave plenty of buffer space around assets to avoid a cluttered look.

When the body content reinforces the header, the overall banner ad retains focus while driving clicks and conversions. Just be sure to size images and text in the body for readability.

Examples of effective Facebook banner headers

Let’s look at some real-world examples of brands using Facebook banner headers effectively:


This Netflix ad promotes a new show with a striking 1200 x 628 pixel header. Bold, shadowed text provides sufficient contrast over the dark background. And the imagery extends into the body for continuity.


Starbucks highlights seasonal beverages in this colorful banner header. The ad speaks directly to the audience while displaying a relevant product shot. And the body text provides details to complement the friendly header.

Ted Baker

Fashion brand Ted Baker uses a lifestyle image banner with model and logo. The 1200 x 628 pixel header establishes the chic brand aesthetic. While the body contains a sale offer and link to the online store for clicks.

These examples show how effective headers not only draw attention, but also communicate relevant messages inline with the brand and campaign goals.

Tips for header text

When adding text to your Facebook banner header, keep these tips in mind:

  • Lead with your brand name. Include your brand or logo to build awareness.
  • Keep it short and scannable. Stick to top-level headings, slogans or brief value propositions.
  • Highlight benefits. Communicate what the customer gets – convenience, savings, quality, etc.
  • Use vibrant colors. Pick hues that complement your brand palette and imagery.
  • Utilize contrast. Dark text over light areas enhances legibility.
  • Employ bold fonts. Slab serifs and sans serifs work well. Avoid thin, delicate fonts.

With these text tips in mind, you can create banner header copy that delivers your key message in a clear, eye-catching way.

Optimizing images for banner headers

Visuals are a crucial part of an effective Facebook banner header. When selecting images, consider these optimization tips:

  • Pick visually striking photos. Opt for interesting compositions, colors and lighting.
  • Use high-resolution images. Header images should be crisp and clear at full size.
  • Enhance brightness and contrast. Boost image dynamism by adjusting levels.
  • Add text overlays. Include short header text directly over imagery.
  • Include product shots. Displaying merchandise helps connect brand to purchase.
  • Consider Canva templates. Canva offers nicely designed Facebook banner templates.

Properly optimized images help your banner header capture attention while conveying visual information. Just remember to size images correctly and provide fallbacks where needed.

Common Facebook banner header mistakes

While creating your Facebook banner header, avoid these common mistakes:

  • Wrong dimensions: Using incorrect sizes leads to awkward cropping or scaling.
  • Cluttered design: Cramming in too many elements looks messy and confusing.
  • Weak imagery: Stock photos or unrelated imagery don’t connect with the audience.
  • Tiny text: Header text that’s too small won’t be readable on mobiles.
  • Unclear messaging: Headers need a concise brand and value proposition statement.
  • Redundant body content: Don’t just repeat the header info below the fold.

By designing clean, focused headers with compelling visuals and scannable text, you can avoid these pitfalls.


The standard Facebook banner header size of 1200 x 628 pixels makes for impactful, flexible ads. Focus on value propositions in bold copy and vibrant imagery. Carry themes through in the body text and links below the fold. With an effective, optimized header working together with the body content, your Facebook banners can capture attention and drive engagements across placements.