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What size are the new Facebook post images?

What size are the new Facebook post images?

Facebook recently announced that they are increasing the size of images that can be posted. This is a highly anticipated change that will allow users to share higher quality images. In this article, we’ll look at the details of the new image sizes and what it means for Facebook users and marketers.

The Old Facebook Image Sizes

Up until now, Facebook had restricted image sizes to rather small dimensions. The maximum size for a standard image post was 720 pixels wide by 720 pixels tall. That’s only 720p resolution – far lower than even a 1080p HD image. For photos posted in the Facebook feed, the image was cropped to 405 pixels wide. This was done to conserve bandwidth and space. While these small image sizes worked well in Facebook’s early days, they are quite restrictive for today’s high resolution images.

The New Image Dimensions

The new maximum size for images posted on Facebook is 2048 pixels wide by 2048 pixels tall. This is a huge increase from the old 720px maximum width and height. 2048px is over 4 times larger than 720px in both dimensions. This allows images to be shared at a much higher quality than before. Photos will look crisp and clear at full size.

For images that appear in the Facebook feed, the new width is now 1024 pixels wide. This is over double the previous 405px width. While feed images are still cropped for the narrow column view, 1024px gives plenty of space for stellar image quality.

Image Type Old Size New Size
Standard Image Post 720 x 720px 2048 x 2048px
Feed Post Image 405px wide (cropped) 1024px wide (cropped)

What This Means for Users

For regular Facebook users, this change means you’ll be able to share higher quality images. Gone are the days of extremely compressed, artifact-ridden images. Your snapshots will look great when shared on Facebook now. The larger sizes also allow bigger flexible images that look good on both desktop and mobile. There’s no need to downsample your images before posting anymore.

Benefits for Brands and Marketers

For brands and marketers, the boosted image sizes open new creative opportunities. Eye-catching HD visuals will finally be possible on Facebook. Logos, text, and graphics will be clear and legible in posts. Photographs can be shared with their full quality intact. Video clips can be displayed in rich high-def previews.

Larger images also create more real estate for social media managers to work with. More space allows adding overlays with promotions or captions that pop out but don’t detract from the photo itself. Overall, brands will be able to create more visually compelling and engaging posts.

When Do the New Image Sizes Roll Out?

The new 2048 x 2048 pixel standard image size is already rolled out as of October 2022. You can start uploading and sharing larger images immediately. The increased 1024px feed image width will begin rolling out in early 2023. Over the next few months, all Facebook users will gain the ability to use these new larger visuals.

Steps to Upload Larger Images

Uploading images at the new sizes is easy. Simply select a photo that is 2048 pixels or larger in both dimensions. JPEG, PNG, GIF, and MP4 file types are supported. When you go to upload the image, Facebook will automatically shrink or crop it to fit the allowed dimensions. But the starting larger size will provide a higher quality result.

If you want feed images at the new 1024px width, you may need to wait until early 2023 for the roll out. Upload images at least 1200-1500px wide to take advantage of the increased size when available.

Image Optimization Best Practices

To optimize images for the new Facebook sizes, follow these best practices:

  • Use original high resolution source files when possible
  • Save images at 100% quality to minimize compression
  • Resize images to exact dimensions if needed
  • Use JPEG for photos, PNG for logos and graphics
  • Double check image sizes before uploading
  • Analyze insights to see what performs best

Other Facebook Image Tips

In addition to the new sizes, keep these tips in mind for creating highly engaging Facebook images:

  • Bright, vivid colors tend to attract attention
  • Minimalist designs work well for clean look
  • Include relevant text overlays when applicable
  • Feature people and faces in photographs
  • Leverage high-contrast for dramatic effect
  • Use HD video clips when possible


Facebook increasing its maximum image sizes is a major update for visual marketing. Take advantage of the new dimensions to share stellar graphics, professional photos, eye-catching creatives and more. With these best practices, your brand can stand out in the Facebook feed and engage more customers through high-quality posts.