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What size are Facebook backgrounds?

What size are Facebook backgrounds?

Facebook allows users to customize their profile pages with background images. The size of the background image that can be used depends on what kind of Facebook profile you have.

Personal Facebook Profiles

For personal Facebook profiles, the maximum size for a background image is 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall. This applies to cover photos displayed on desktop as well as mobile. The recommended minimum size is 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall.

Below are the exact pixel dimensions for personal Facebook profile backgrounds:

Usage Width Height
Maximum 851 px 315 px
Recommended Minimum 640 px 360 px

So in summary, for your personal profile:

  • The maximum width is 851 px
  • The maximum height is 315 px
  • The recommended minimum width is 640 px
  • The recommended minimum height is 360 px

Facebook automatically crops and resizes any image you upload to fit these dimensions. So you don’t need to resize it beforehand – just upload whatever horizontal image you want and Facebook will take care of sizing it appropriately.

Facebook Pages

For Facebook Pages, the dimensions are a little different than personal profiles. Page cover photos can be up to 1080 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall. The minimum size is 400 pixels wide by 150 pixels tall.

Here are the Facebook Page background dimensions:

Usage Width Height
Maximum 1080 px 1080 px
Minimum 400 px 150 px

In summary:

  • Max width for Facebook Page cover is 1080 px
  • Max height for Facebook Page cover is 1080 px
  • Minimum width for Facebook Page cover is 400 px
  • Minimum height for Facebook Page cover is 150 px

As with personal profiles, Facebook will crop and resize any image to meet these dimensions. Just upload a horizontal photo that’s at least 400 x 150 pixels.

Facebook Group Cover Photos

For Facebook Groups, the maximum cover photo size is 2048 pixels wide by 1152 pixels tall. The minimum size is 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall.

Specifically, the dimensions for Facebook Group cover photos are:

Usage Width Height
Maximum 2048 px 1152 px
Minimum 640 px 360 px

In summary:

  • Max width for Facebook Group cover is 2048 px
  • Max height for Facebook Group cover is 1152 px
  • Minimum width for Facebook Group cover is 640 px
  • Minimum height for Facebook Group cover is 360 px

Facebook will resize any image uploaded to fit the Group cover within these dimensions.

Recommended Sizes for Facebook Backgrounds

While Facebook will resize and crop images automatically based on the type of profile, it’s best to upload images that are already optimized for the dimensions you need.

Here are the recommended sizes to use for each type of Facebook background:

Background Type Recommended Width Recommended Height
Personal Profile 851 px 315 px
Facebook Page 1080 px 1080 px
Facebook Group 2048 px 1152 px

Using images at these exact widths and heights will ensure the images display properly with minimal cropping or distortion.

Image Types for Facebook Backgrounds

Facebook supports JPG, PNG, TIFF, and GIF image formats for background photos. Here are some tips for choosing the best image type:

  • JPGs are great for photos with lots of colors and details. They offer good compression too.
  • PNGs allow for transparent backgrounds. They’re better for simple images and logos.
  • GIFs can be animated. They work well when you want motion in your background.
  • TIFFs are high quality but have large file sizes. They’re better for printing than web.

In most cases, JPG is the best format for Facebook background images. PNG also works well if you need transparent areas in your design.

Image Quality and File Size

Facebook compresses and resamples images to optimize file size and loading speeds. You’ll get the best image quality by starting with a high resolution source image.

Aim for images that are at least 1080p resolution. The recommended minimum is 720p. Avoid using small or heavily compressed images, as these will look pixelated when uploaded.

In terms of file size, Facebook allows background images up to 4MB. Larger files will be compressed further, potentially reducing quality. For the best results, keep your image file sizes between 1-2MB before uploading.

Design Tips for Facebook Backgrounds

Here are some tips for designing attractive, engaging Facebook backgrounds:

  • Use high-quality, eye-catching photos
  • Include relevant text and branding elements
  • Ensure important information is visible without scrolling
  • Use contrasting colors that stand out
  • Add visual interest with textures, patterns, and depth
  • Account for news feed cropping by placing focus centrally

Also consider adding a profile picture border that matches your background photo for a cohesive look.

Customizing Backgrounds by Device

Facebook allows you to set different background images depending on whether a user is viewing your profile on desktop or mobile.

To do this:

  1. Go to your Profile Picture settings
  2. Click “Select Different Cover Photos”
  3. Choose a separate “Mobile Cover Photo” and “Desktop Cover Photo”

This allows you to tailor the images to each viewing environment. For example, you may want an uncropped image on desktop and a tighter close-up image on mobile.

Troubleshooting Facebook Background Image Issues

Here are some common issues and fixes for Facebook background photos:

Image Appears Blurry

  • Upload a higher resolution version of the image
  • Avoid extreme cropping or upscaling small images
  • Use images that match the recommended dimensions

Image Isn’t Displaying Properly

  • Refresh the page – Facebook sometimes needs to recache new images
  • Ensure the image meets the minimum size requirements
  • Try converting to a JPG format
  • Re-upload the image – corrupted files may fail to display

Image Has a White Box

  • This happens if the image is transparent – convert to JPG instead of PNG
  • Try cropping out any fully transparent areas before uploading

Part of Image Appears Cropped

  • Ensure the image meets size guidelines for the type of profile
  • Position the main focus of the image centrally
  • Use Facebook’s alignment tool when uploading to control cropping


Optimizing your Facebook background image can make your profile stand out. Use high-quality images sized to each profile’s dimensions for the best results. JPGs at 1080p resolution with compressed file sizes under 2MB are recommended.

With the proper sizing and formats, you can upload eye-catching backgrounds that align with your brand or personal style. Customizing images for desktop and mobile allows you to tailor the experience across viewing environments.

Following Facebook’s recommended specifications will ensure your background looks professional on any device. With a little trial and error, you can perfect a Facebook profile backdrop that engages your audience.