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What shows up on Facebook activity log?

What shows up on Facebook activity log?

The Facebook activity log allows users to view a history of their activity on Facebook. This can include posts, comments, searches, reactions, logins, location history, and more. Knowing what shows up in the activity log can help users manage their privacy and security on Facebook.

Posts and Comments

The activity log shows a history of posts and comments you have made. This includes text posts, photo posts, video posts, live videos, and posts in Facebook Groups. It includes both posts you have published as well as drafts you started but did not publish. The log shows the text, images, or video from each post.

For comments, the activity log shows the text of your comments on posts made by friends, Pages, or Groups. It shows comments you posted on your own posts as well. The log displays where the comment was made – such as on a friend’s post, a Group post, or a Page’s post.


When you react to a post or comment with a like, love, wow, sad, or angry face, this reaction gets logged in your activity log. It records which types of posts you reacted to, such as a friend’s post, a Page post, or a Group post. The activity log does not show the specific content you reacted to, but it records the date, type of reaction, and where you reacted.


Facebook keeps a log of searches you have performed while logged into your account. This includes searches for people, Pages, Groups, events, and interests. The records show the keywords or names used in the search along with the date it was performed.

For people searches, the activity log may display names of your friends or acquaintances you searched for. For interest searches, it shows keywords related to hobbies, locations, sports teams, or other interests you searched for.


Your account activity log records successful logins to your Facebook account. It shows the date, time, browser, and IP address used each time you logged in. This can help you identify any suspicious logins from unfamiliar locations or devices.

Location History

If you have location services enabled for Facebook, your location each time you use the app is recorded in the activity log. This includes specific details like cities and exact coordinates. Location history is viewable for the past 30 days.

Location information can come from your device’s GPS, wireless networks, cell tower signals, WiFi access points, and other sensor data. The accuracy of the location varies.

Deleted and Hidden Posts

When you delete a post or photo you shared on Facebook, it gets removed from your profile and news feed. However, deleted content still appears in your account activity log. The log will show text, images, or video from the deleted posts.

Likewise, if you hide a post from your timeline without deleting it, the hidden post will still be viewable in your activity log. Hiding a post only prevents it from displaying on your profile – it does not remove it from Facebook’s records.

Edited Posts

If you edit a post or comment after publishing it, the activity log will show the original, unedited version. It does not update to show your edits. However, it will record the date and time you edited the post.

Reactions Deleted

If you delete a reaction to a post, such as removing a like or love reaction, this deletion gets recorded in the activity log. It will show the date you reacted originally as well as the date you removed the reaction.

Friend Requests

Sent and received friend requests are documented in your account activity history. When you send a friend request to another user, this gets recorded in your log. If another user sends you a friend request, that also gets logged.

The log shows the name and date for each friend request. If you delete a sent or received friend request, the record still remains visible in the log.

Removed Friends

When you remove a friend from your friends list, this action gets recorded in the activity log. It will show which friend you removed and the date you removed them. If the friend removes you from their friends list, that also gets documented.

Blocked Users

If you block another Facebook user, this gets added to your account activity history. The log will show the name of the user you blocked and the date you blocked them. If another user blocks you, your log will also show that.

Page Likes

When you like or unlike a Facebook Page, your activity log records it. It shows the names of Pages you have liked or disliked along with the dates. Unlike posts, it does not show any details about the actual Page content.

Group Activities

Actions you take in Facebook Groups also show up in your account activity history. This includes:

  • Joining or leaving a Group
  • Posts and comments in Groups
  • Reacting to posts in Groups
  • Turning notifications on or off for a Group

The log records the name of the Group along with the specific activity details and dates. Your activity and interactions in both public and private Groups are documented.

Marketplace Activities

When you browse or purchase items on Facebook Marketplace, this gets tracked in the activity log. It records:

  • Items you posted for sale or gave away
  • Items you marked as sold
  • Items you reported
  • Items you saved or hid
  • Searches for items or locations
  • Messages with buyers and sellers

Your log shows details like item names, descriptions, prices, locations, sale status, and message content from your Marketplace activities.

Saved Items

When you save a post, Page, photo, or video, this gets logged in your Facebook activity history. The log shows which types of content you saved such as posts, Pages, videos, and more. It records save and unsave actions.

Uploaded Contacts

If you upload your phone’s contact list to Facebook, your activity log records this. It shows the number of contacts uploaded and the upload dates. However, it does not show the actual contact names and details.

Deleted Contacts

If you delete contacts you previously uploaded to Facebook, the activity log documents these deletions. It records the number of contacts deleted and the date. But again, it does not show the specific contact information.

Event Responses

Your responses to Facebook events get tracked in your account history. This includes:

  • Events you were invited to
  • If you were interested, going, or declined
  • Changes to your responses
  • Events you created
  • Guests responses to your events

The activity log shows the event names, dates, locations, hosts, and your specific responses.

Games and Apps

Actions taken within games and apps on Facebook also appear in your activity log. This can include:

  • Games you played
  • Scores and achievements
  • Items collected or purchased
  • Progress and levels
  • App activities
  • App searches and transactions

Details are recorded about your use of apps connected to your Facebook account.

Deleted Apps

If you delete apps you had previously given access to your Facebook account, your activity log records these deletions. It lists which apps you disconnected and the dates.

Ads Clicked

Facebook shows users targeted ads based on their interests, behavior, location, and demographics. When you click on one of these ads, this action gets tracked in your account history.

The activity log records clicks on ads in your news feed, sidebar ads, Marketplace ads, and ads on Pages you visit. Details like the advertiser, content, dates, and times are logged.

Sponsored Content Interactions

In addition to direct ads, businesses also promote posts and content which appear in your feed. When you view, like, comment on, or share this sponsored content it gets recorded in your log.

Interactions with Page posts, event invites, offer claims, and other sponsored content that appears in your feed are all tracked and documented.

Pages Created

If you create a Facebook Page for a business, organization, product, brand, interest, or other purpose, this page creation gets logged. The activity history shows the name, category, and creation date for Pages you are an admin of.

Fundraisers Created

When you create a fundraiser for a cause or charity on Facebook, details about the fundraiser get recorded in your account history. This includes the fundraiser name, beneficiary organization, dates created and ended, and goal amount.

Profile Updates

Certain changes you make to your personal Facebook profile appear in the activity log. This includes:

  • Profile photo updates
  • Cover photo updates
  • Adding or removing bio info
  • Changes to featured friends
  • New profile badges displayed

Edits to your basic personal info like name, birthday, hometown, and relationship status are not logged.

Menu Options Accessed

When you click on various menus and options within Facebook, such as privacy shortcuts and account settings, these actions get tracked. Though it does not record your specific settings changes, the log documents accessing different menus.

This data allows Facebook to analyze how users navigate the platform and which menus are accessed most frequently.


Facebook’s activity log provides a detailed record of your history on the platform. It stores your posts, searches, logins, location, content interactions, and profile changes over time. Reviewing your personal log allows you to audit your Facebook activity and identify any concerning or unauthorized access.

While Facebook activity logs are private and only viewable to individual users, the data contributes to Facebook’s analytics about platform usage. The records help Facebook understand how people use their services and target content accordingly.