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What should you not do when selling on Facebook Marketplace?

What should you not do when selling on Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace has quickly become one of the most popular places to buy and sell used items online. With over 1 billion active users on Facebook, Marketplace gives sellers access to a huge audience of potential buyers in their local area. While Marketplace makes selling incredibly easy, there are still some common mistakes sellers should avoid when using the platform. Knowing what not to do on Marketplace can help you have a safer, smoother, and more successful selling experience.

Don’t Skip the Title and Description

The title and description of your Marketplace listing are vital for attracting interested buyers. You’ll want to choose a descriptive, eye-catching title that sums up the item you’re selling. Avoid generic titles like “For sale” that won’t stand out. The description is your chance to provide all the important details about your item’s make, model, dimensions, condition, etc. Take the time to write a thorough description – it will help buyers determine if they want to inquire further. Avoid leaving the description blank or nearly blank. Listings without adequate details often appear sketchy to buyers.

Don’t Use Poor Quality Photos

Great photos are essential for showing off your item and enticing buyers. Blurry, dark or faraway shots won’t cut it. Take clear, well-lit, close-up pictures that accurately display the item from multiple angles. Include photos showing any flaws or wear and tear. Choose a clean, simple background that won’t distract. Follow Facebook’s rules about prohibited photos too. Listings with inappropriate or illegal photos may be removed. Investing some time in taking great photos will really pay off when you get more interested buyers.

Don’t Make Communication Difficult

Once you start getting inquiries, be responsive so you don’t lose potential buyers. Check messages frequently and reply promptly, ideally within a few hours. Don’t make it hard for buyers to contact you by limiting how you can be reached. List your phone number, email address or both to give buyers options. Confirm you received their message so they aren’t left wondering. Being difficult to reach or slow to respond gives buyers a poor impression. Streamline communication by enabling messaging through your Marketplace listing.

Don’t Forget to Include Location

With Marketplace being local selling, your location is key info buyers need upfront. Failing to share your city/town will make your listing seem questionable and unusable to buyers browsing listings near them. Locations also help buyers determine if picking up the item in-person is feasible. Your location will be included automatically when you download the Facebook Marketplace app, but double check this critical detail if you list through Facebook’s website.

Don’t Leave Buyers Waiting on Delivery Details

If you will ship an item, provide details upfront about shipping costs and options. Buyers want to know if they’ll be responsible for shipping or if you will handle it. Leaving out shipping details is frustrating for buyers and leads to unnecessary back and forth messages trying to clarify. Even if you plan to only allow local pickup, specify this in the listing so distant buyers don’t assume you will ship. Adding delivery/shipping details early prevents confusion down the road.

Don’t Exaggerate or Misrepresent Your Item’s Condition

While you want to highlight thepositives of your item, exaggerating or lying about aspects like its condition, age or origin will only lead to unhappy buyers and headaches for you later. Buyers expect sellers to honestly represent items. When the item they receive isn’t as described, you may end up with an angry buyer demanding a refund. Stick to facts about wear and tear, any damage or flaws, and whether everything works properly. Buyers will likely see through dishonest descriptions anyway when they come to view the item.

Don’t Have an Unreasonable Price

Research prices for similar items sold on Marketplace to set a fair, competitive price. Overpricing your item will deter buyers who can easily find it cheaper elsewhere. On the other hand, an unusually low price attracts scammers and raises suspicions. Consider reasonable offers too – rejecting every buyer interested in negotiating price means missing out on sales. Be open to some back and forth. Find the price sweet spot that satisfies both you and buyers.

Don’t Forget to Remove Sold Items

Once you’ve sold an item, take the listing down promptly. Leaving sold listings up will frustrate potential buyers who reach out about purchasing. Saving old listings to repost the same items again later is also a bad idea. Reposting sold items comes across as deceptive since buyers can’t tell the item was already sold. Removing sold ads keeps your Marketplace page looking fresh and inventory accurate.

Don’t Meet Up Alone

When exchanging an item in person, use common sense safety precautions. Meet in a public setting like a coffee shop during daytime hours. Avoid inviting strangers to your home address. Bring a friend or family member to accompany you. Beware of buyers insisting on meeting in a private or isolated location. Make sales in cash only to avoid fraudulent payments. Follow your gut – if a buyer seems suspicious, risky or makes you uncomfortable, cancel the meetup. Prioritize safety over making the sale.

Don’t Accept Checks or Money Orders

Stick to cash, credit/debit cards, PayPal, Venmo or Facebook Pay. Checks and money orders can easily be counterfeit or written off closed accounts. By the time you realize, the “buyer” already has your item. Checks and money orders are risky payment methods with strangers. Let buyers know upfront you only accept non-reversible secure payment. The right buyer will have no issue paying in cash or electronically. Don’t fall for excuses about why another method is necessary.

Don’t Share Financial Details Publicly

A common scam tactic is pressuring sellers to share bank details to “verify” a transaction. This gives scammers access to your sensitive info to steal funds. Never share your login credentials, bank account numbers, credit card info, etc. publicly in Marketplace messages or comments. Legitimate buyers don’t need this info. Also refrain from discussing figures, account numbers or other financial details over the phone. Only do business with buyers you fully trust.

Don’t Ship Before Inspecting Payment

When selling online, only ship items after confirming the buyer’s payment has successfully processed into your account. Shipping first and expecting payment later leaves you at risk of nonpayment. Wait until you have the funds securely in your account before releasing the merchandise. Remember that personal checks, wire transfers or money orders can take days to clear. Explain payment terms to buyers upfront so they understand your process.

Don’t Fall for Marketplace Messages from Fake Admins/Buyers

Scammers often pretend to be Facebook administrators or interested buyers. They may claim there is an issue with your account that requires you to provide personal information or pay a fee. These messages are fakes – Facebook will never message about account issues in this way. Also beware interested “buyers” making odd requests like paying more than your list price. Use caution chatting off the platform too. Never provide sensitive info or click sketchy links in unsolicited messages.

Don’t Give Away Personal Contact Info

Limiting the personal details you share is always wise when selling to strangers online. Don’t hand out info that could facilitate identify theft like your social security number, date of birth or driver’s license number. Also be cautious providing your full name, current address or workplace before meeting a buyer. Keep communication strictly about coordinating the transaction. There’s no reason for buyers to need your personal details right away.

Don’t Rely on Marketplace Buyer Protection

While Marketplace has some protections, they are limited compared to other sites. For high-value items especially, stick to platforms with robust seller protections like escrow services and purchase guarantees. Marketplace warnings about scams underscore the risks of Facebook selling. Use common sense precautions like meeting in public and avoiding undesirable payment methods. Avoid selling luxury or extremely expensive items where scam attempts are more likely.


With a few smart practices, selling on Facebook Marketplace can be rewarding. Avoiding common missteps like a weak listing, poor photos, or an unsafe meetup location will lead to better experiences. Keep communication clear, transactions secure and pricing fair. Following Facebook’s rules and guidance helps minimize risks too. Stay vigilant about scammers – if a buyer raises red flags, move on. Implementing the right safeguards allows you to use Marketplace seamlessly to turn unwanted items into cash locally.

Don’t Do
Skip title/description details Use a descriptive, eye-catching title and thorough description
Post blurry, poor quality photos Take clear, well-lit photos from multiple angles
Be slow or difficult to communicate with Reply promptly to buyer inquiries
Neglect including your location Specify your city/town in the listing
Fail to clarify shipping/delivery details State upfront if you will handle shipping or require pickup
Exaggerate or misrepresent item details Honestly represent any flaws, damage or issues
Overprice or underprice items Research prices and consider reasonable offers
Leave sold item listings up Promptly remove sold items
Meet in private/isolated places Meet in public settings during daytime
Accept checks, money orders or wire transfers Only take cash, credit/debit cards, PayPal, Venmo
Provide sensitive financial information Keep bank/credit details private
Ship before inspecting payment Only ship once payment successfully processes
Give personal details (DOB, address, etc.) Keep communication focused just on the transaction
Rely solely on Marketplace buyer protections Use common sense precautions for high-value items