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What should not be posted on Facebook?

What should not be posted on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2 billion monthly active users. While it allows people to stay connected with friends and family and share life updates, there are some types of content that should not be posted on Facebook.

Explicit or Offensive Content

Facebook prohibits the sharing of pornographic, violent, graphic or otherwise offensive content. This includes images, videos, text, illustrations etc. Posting such content can get your account disabled either temporarily or permanently.

Examples of offensive content that should not be posted include:

  • Pornographic or sexually explicit images or videos
  • Graphic violence or gore
  • Hate speech targeting race, religion, gender or sexual orientation
  • Threats of violence against a person or group
  • Bullying or harassment

While artistic nudity such as breastfeeding photos or images shared for medical or health purposes may be allowed, outright pornography is prohibited. When in doubt, it’s better to avoid sharing explicit content on Facebook.

Illicit Drug Promotion

Facebook does not allow the purchase, sale or trade of illegal drugs or pharmaceuticals on its platform. Any content promoting the use of illicit recreational drugs or non-medical use of pharmaceuticals is also not allowed.

You should avoid posting:

  • Images of recreational drugs like marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy etc.
  • Discussions related to selling/buying drugs
  • Promoting drug abuse or addiction
  • Instructions on making or using drugs like meth, crack cocaine etc.

Facebook may also remove content that provides instructions on safer drug use or drug paraphernalia. In short, any post related to illicit drugs can potentially violate Facebook’s policies.

Spam and Fake Accounts

Facebook aims to provide an authentic social experience. Any attempts to artificially boost engagement, mislead users or disrupt their experience is prohibited.

Avoid creating or posting content from:

  • Fake accounts impersonating other people
  • Mass-generated spam posts or comments
  • Clickbait headlines or links solely to drive traffic
  • Ads disguised as regular posts
  • Falsely claiming an affiliation

Such activities may get your account disabled for spam. Try to post authentic content that would be interesting or useful for your audience.


Facebook removes any content aimed at defrauding or misleading users for financial gain. So you should not post:

  • Get rich quick schemes
  • Promotions that are clearly scams or financially deceptive
  • Requests for donations without providing adequate documentation and information
  • Phishing content aiming to steal personal information

If you are trying to raise money for a cause, be transparent about how the funds will be used. Avoid vague appeals for donations or promotions making unbelievable money claims.

Infringing Other Rights

You should not share content on Facebook that infringes on someone else’s rights or violates the law. This includes:

  • Copyrighted material like excerpts from books, movies or music
  • Trademark or branding violations
  • Private information shared without consent
  • Threats of harm or other legally prohibited content

Make sure you have permission or a license before posting copyrighted work. Also don’t share private information like contacts, addresses, IDs etc. without consent.


Facebook works to minimize the spread of false news, medical misinformation and other kinds of misinformation that can cause harm. Avoid posting content that:

  • Makes unsubstantiated claims
  • Includes inaccurate medical advice
  • Advances conspiracy theories
  • Misrepresents voting processes or election results
  • Spreads falsehoods related to war, natural disasters, civil unrest etc.

Stick to sharing information from reliable sources. When sharing about sensitive topics, fact-check information first to avoid contributing to the spread of misinformation.

Medical Misinformation

Facebook does not allow claims or content related to:

  • Misinformation about COVID-19, vaccines, cancer and other diseases
  • Unproven cures or treatments
  • Anti-vaccination propaganda
  • Promotion of miracle cures
  • Claims regarding safety or efficacy of FDA-regulated products

Be careful when sharing any health-related information. Consult official sources like WHO, CDC, licensed healthcare professionals etc. to ensure medical information is accurate.

Financial Misinformation

Content that deceives people financially can also qualify as misinformation. Don’t share posts related to:

  • False or misleading investment opportunities
  • Get-rich-quick schemes related to cryptocurrency or other assets
  • Manipulating the market for assets like stocks

Always fact-check financial information and be wary of claims that seem too good to be true. Rely on information from reputable financial publications and experts.

Election-Related Misinformation

Facebook has strict policies preventing the spread of falsehoods related to elections and voting. Avoid posting:

  • Inaccurate information regarding election dates, procedures, officials etc.
  • False allegations of election fraud
  • Threats regarding voting locations or ballot counting
  • Calls for violence related to election outcomes

Only share election-related information from official government sources or reputable news outlets.

Harassment and Privacy Violations

To maintain a safe community, Facebook removes content that harasses, bullies or invades privacy. Don’t post:

  • Threats, unwanted sexual remarks or repeated unwanted contacts
  • Sharing private images to shame someone
  • Stalking behaviors
  • Outing someone’s private details without consent

Avoid tagging people to mock or degrade them. You should also not post private images of someone else without getting their permission first.

Bullying and Harassment

Content targeted to degrade, shame or insult someone based on attributes like race, religion, gender, sexual orientation etc. qualifies as harassment. Don’t engage in:

  • Hate speech
  • Body shaming
  • Slut shaming
  • Racial slurs
  • Unwanted sexualization

Even if meant as a joke, such content can normalize discrimination and prejudice. Avoid any remarks based on identity characteristics.

Unauthorized Sharing of Private Content

To respect privacy, don’t share:

  • Contact details like phone number, home address without consent
  • Photos or videos that were shared privately without permission
  • Screenshots of private messages or emails
  • Intimate bedroom images to shame someone

Make sure you have explicit consent before posting any private or confidential information about someone else.

Regulated Goods

Facebook restricts unauthorized selling or gifting of regulated items like alcohol, firearms, livestock etc. Avoid posts related to:

  • Alcohol or tobacco being offered to minors
  • Selling firearms and ammunition without following legal guidelines
  • Illegal pet trade
  • Pharmaceuticals requiring prescription

Follow all applicable laws and regulations if you need to advertise related products or services.

Alcohol and Tobacco

Facebook restricts promoting or depicting alcohol or tobacco consumption by minors. Do not post content showing:

  • Minors using alcohol or tobacco
  • Price promotions targeting students
  • Sale of raw loose tobacco
  • Misleading health claims regarding tobacco

Marketing alcohol or tobacco products requires following industry regulations for your region regarding purchase age, health warnings etc.


Facebook prohibits unauthorized selling or gifting of firearms, explosives and ammunition. Avoid posts:

  • Attempting to sell firearms without license
  • Promoting 3D printing of firearms
  • Gifting firearms to those ineligible to own them
  • Showcasing firearms used illegally or dangerously

Make sure any posts marketing firearms follow relevant regional regulations.

Violent Organizations

Facebook removes accounts, pages, groups and content representing violent organizations. Don’t post:

  • Propaganda from terrorist, criminal or hate groups
  • Praise, support or representation of such organizations
  • Content to recruit people into violent groups
  • Instructions to make explosives or weapons for such groups

Avoid sharing symbols, slogans or any content that promotes identified criminal or hate organizations. Facebook has no tolerance for any violent groups.

Terrorist Content

Do not share terrorist propaganda or any content supporting identified terrorist groups. Avoid:

  • Speeches, photos or videos featuring terrorist leaders
  • Messaging furthering terrorist narratives
  • Images of graphic terrorist violence
  • Terrorist training methods or techniques

Posts glorifying or supporting terrorism help these violent groups spread their destructive ideologies. So you should not share any terrorist-related content.

Organized Criminal Activity

Facebook removes content related to organized criminal operations. Don’t post:

  • Promoting criminal organizations like gangs, cartels etc.
  • Showcasing crime to attract recruits
  • Selling illicit goods or services
  • Coordinating criminal activity

Avoid glorifying or promoting organized crime to prevent further propagation of these harmful elements.


Facebook aims to enable meaningful social interactions in a safe environment. While the platform allows free expression, some types of harmful or illegal content need to be restricted. By being mindful of what you post and avoiding content detailed above, you can help keep Facebook safe and positive for everyone.