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What should name my album in Facebook?

What should name my album in Facebook?

Choosing the perfect name for your Facebook photo album can be a fun and creative process, but also challenging if you want the name to be meaningful, descriptive and attention-grabbing. When brainstorming album names, there are a few key aspects to keep in mind.

Reflect the Album Content

First and foremost, the album name should reflect the content and theme of the photos within. Examine the photos you plan to include and identify the overarching subject, location, event or experience they have in common. For example, if the photos are from a recent vacation to Hawaii, “Hawaii 2022” or “Paradise in Hawaii” would be descriptive titles. If the photos are of your child’s 5th birthday party, “Emma’s 5th Birthday Bash” would capture that theme.

Use Specific Details

Make the album title more specific by including key details like names, dates, locations or ages that relate to the photos inside. For the Hawaii trip, you could name it “The Miller Family Hawaiian Vacation 2022.” For the birthday party, use the child’s name and birthday numeric like “Emma’s 5th Birthday Party.” This gives viewers contextual clues about the content before even opening the album.

Keep it Short and Concise

Aim for an album title that is fairly short, ideally 2-7 words. Very lengthy titles can look cluttered alongside other albums on your profile. Include the most important identifying details but leave out extraneous words that don’t add value.

Use Creative Description

If you want a more creative title that expresses the vibe or emotions of the album, think of descriptive words, alliterations or playful phrasing that captures the spirit. For example, “Sunny Days in Paradise: The Miller Family Hawaiian Vacation 2022” or “Emma’s 5th Birthday Bash: Carnival Chaos.” Let your personality shine through!

Incorporate Names

Using the names of people, places, events or time periods featured prominently in the album is an easy way to make the title specific and informative. For vacations and events, you can use a format like “[Location] 2022: The Smith Family Vacation.” For albums with photos of your kids, name them after your child like “Emma’s 5th Grade Year” or “Matthew’s Soccer Season 2022.”

People’s Names

When including people’s names, listing just first names or first and last names together is ideal for privacy. For example, “Anna’s Wedding” or “The Johnson Family Reunion 2022.” Check with others who are named if they are comfortable being included.

Pet Names

If you have albums of your furry friends, use your pet’s endearing name like “Maisy’s First Year” or “Bruno the Adventure Dog.” Your Facebook friends will know exactly who the star is!

Event and Business Names

For albums of specific events, incorporating the formal name is helpful like “Sarah’s Bat Mitzvah 2022” or “AST Dew Tour 2022.” Similarly, naming businesses like restaurants, hotels or venues gives viewers context.

Incorporate Locations

Identifying the location or destination is highly useful for travel albums. You can keep it simple like “Hawaii 2022” or add more details like “The Miller Family Maui Vacation 2022.” For hometown albums, include your city name like “Summer Fun in Austin 2022.” Locations immediately convey where and when photos were taken.

City Names

Using city names like “Paris 2022” or “Our London Vacation” makes it clear where the photos took place if you visited iconic destinations.

State/Country Names

For broader U.S. trips or international destinations, state and country names are handy like “California Coast Road Trip” or “Namibia Safari Adventure 2022.”

Venue Names

If photos were taken at a specific business, venue or establishment, mention that in the title like “Liana’s Bat Mitzvah at the Hilton Hotel” or “Cousin Reunion at Sunset Ranch.”

Use Dates or Years

Dates and years are essential details to situate photos in time, especially for vacations, events, holidays and milestones. They also distinguish between multiple trips or recurrences. Some examples are:

  • “Mexico 2022: The Anderson Family Vacation”
  • “Emma’s 5th Birthday Party 2022”
  • “Taylor’s High School Graduation 2022”
  • “Our Annual Lake House Trip 2022”

Full Date

If photos all come from a single day, you can use the full date like “06/15/2022 – Sadie’s Wedding.” This pinpoints the exact event date.


Just listing the year is effective for broader albums spanning longer time frames in 2022 like “Summer Fun 2022” or “Our 2022 Family Reunion.”


For throwback albums with photos covering an entire decade, simply name the decade like “1990s Childhood Memories.” This signals the general era.

Highlight Key Milestones

Naming albums after major milestones or achievements documented inside is an easy formula too. This works well for albums about:

  • Birthdays (“Taylor’s 30th Birthday Bash”)
  • Graduations (“Alex’s High School Graduation 2022”)
  • Weddings (“Sarah’s Wedding 8/6/2022”)
  • Baby’s first year (“Baby Matilda’s First Year 2022”)
  • Vacation milestones (“The Smith Family’s First Trip to Hawaii”)

Numeric Birthdays/Anniversaries

Calling out milestone numeric ages and anniversaries gives a sense of significance for albums about monumental birthdays like 30th, 40th, 50th, etc. and 10th, 25th, 50th anniversaries.

Major Holidays

Holiday album titles can highlight the specific holiday like “Christmas Morning 2022” or “Our Halloween 2022.”

Add Some Creativity

If you want a more creative, clever or poetic album name, here are some ideas to spark inspiration:

  • Alliterations: “California Coasting 2022”
  • Rhyming: “Baby on Board 2022”
  • Puns: “New Year, Beard Year 2022”
  • Song lyrics: “You’re So LA 2022”
  • Quotes: “She Believed She Could So She Did – 2022 Marathon”

Song Lyrics

Song lyrics that fit the theme make fun album titles like “California Girls 2022” or “Walking on Sunshine: 2022 Family Reunion.” Choose lyrics your Facebook friends will recognize.

Famous Quotes

Famous quotes can elegantly describe travel albums like “Life is Either a Daring Adventure… 2022 Hiking Trip.” Ensure quotes are distinct enough that they won’t be confused with other albums.

Your Own Quotes

You can also use your own clever quotes like “Making a Splash in 2022” for water activity albums or “Chaos Coordinated” for event planning albums. Get creative with your own words!

Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some handy do’s and don’ts to ensure your Facebook album titles are nameable, shareable hits:


  • Keep titles relatively short (under 30 characters if possible)
  • Make titles specific to your photos
  • Include names, dates, locations or events
  • Have fun and be creative if inspired!


  • Use generic titles like “Summer 2022” or “Family Vacation”
  • Use very lengthy or text-heavy titles
  • Include unrelated memes or inside jokes
  • Use potentially embarrassing personal details

Album Title Ideas

Here is a table with example album name ideas for various occasions to inspire your own great titles:

Album Topic Title Idea 1 Title Idea 2
Hawaii family vacation Aloha Hawaii 2022 Island Dreams: Hawaii 2022
Mexico friend trip Amigas in Mexico 2022 Tequila Sunrise Squad Cancun 2022
Wedding photos Chris & Marie Tie the Knot 2022 Happily Ever After: Chris & Marie’s Wedding
Baby’s first year Baby Jack’s First Year From Birthdays to First Steps: Jack’s Baby Album
5-year-old’s birthday Emma Turns 5! Emma’s 5th Birthday Bash 2022

Find Album Name Inspiration

Spend time brainstorming album names that feel fun, meaningful and authentic to you. Look for inspiration in the photo content, locations, song lyrics, quotes and memories. Create an album title you’ll be excited to post and share with friends and family for years to come!