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What should my username be on Facebook?

What should my username be on Facebook?

When choosing a username for Facebook, there are a few key things to consider. Your username will be a public part of your profile that is searchable by other users, so you’ll want to choose something appropriate. Here are some quick tips for picking the right Facebook username:

Make It Unique

You’ll want a username that stands out from the crowd. Avoid common names or variations of your real name that might already be taken. Get creative and come up with something more unique that represents your personality or interests.

Keep It Simple

Don’t use a really long or complex username that’s hard to remember. Stick to something reasonably short and simple. That will make it easier for friends to find you and send a friend request.

Consider Your Audience

Remember that your username is public, so think about how it will be perceived by family, friends, coworkers and others who may come across your profile. Don’t use anything unprofessional that you wouldn’t want associated with your real identity.

Reflect Your Personality

Your username can say something about who you are as a person. Brainstorm words or phrases you identify with and try incorporating them, like a favorite hobby or your astrological sign.

Add Numbers if Needed

If your preferred username is already taken, try adding numbers like your birth year or favorite number. For example: johnsmith1985 or sarah92

Test Potential Usernames

Once you’ve come up with some username ideas, check to see if they’re available by typing them into the Facebook search bar. Make sure it doesn’t pull up another user’s profile.

Consider Alternate Spellings

If your first choice isn’t available, play around with alternate spellings using numbers, letters, hyphens or underscores until you find something unique. For example: j0hnsmith or sarah_92.

Don’t Stress Too Much

Coming up with the “perfect” username can be challenging. Don’t agonize over it too much. Pick something reasonably good for now. You can always change it later if you want.

Avoid Inappropriate Content

Make sure your username doesn’t contain any offensive, hateful, vulgar or threatening language. Facebook prohibits violent, sexual, hateful, racist, or otherwise objectionable content in usernames.

Review Facebook’s Policies

Before finalizing your choice, give Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities a quick read. This covers the guidelines around appropriate content and behavior expected on the platform.

Examples of Good Usernames

Here are some examples of creative, memorable and appropriate Facebook usernames:

  • JessLovesBooks
  • ChrisTheChef
  • SarahStarSignScorpio
  • MikeBaseballFan
  • EmilyRadPhotography
  • JohnTheWorldTraveler
  • MeganMarie2021

Examples of Bad Usernames

Here are some types of usernames you’ll want to avoid due to being inappropriate, offensive or already in use:

  • Inappropriate sexual references
  • Hateful or racist language
  • Threatening or violent language
  • Celebrity names (trademark issues)
  • Misspellings of other user’s names
  • Impersonating another user

Tips for Customizing Your URL

Once you’ve chosen your username, you can also customize your public profile URL on Facebook. Here are some tips:

  • Go to your Facebook profile and click “About”
  • Click the pencil icon next to your URL
  • Type in the custom URL you want using your username
  • Click “Save Changes”

Your new custom URL will now appear on your profile. For example:

What to Do if Your Username is Taken

If someone already has the username you want, here are some options:

  • Try different variations by adding numbers, hyphens, etc.
  • Use a completely different username that is still related to your interests/personality
  • Add your middle name or initials
  • Use a nickname instead of your real name
  • Add your birthday, graduation year or other date
  • Combine two words with hyphens or underscores

With a bit of creativity, you can likely find a version that is still available for you to use.


Choosing a Facebook username may take some thought, but follow this advice to come up with something that is unique, appropriate and reflective of who you are. Avoid anything offensive and make sure it’s available before finalizing your selection. With the right username, you’ll make a great first impression on new Facebook connections.

Username Type Examples
Based on real name johnjohnson, maryjsmith
Based on interests ilovereading, baseballfan
Based on personality sarcasticgirl, adventurer
Creative/unique booknerd1987, sci-fi_fanatic

Common Username Questions

How many characters can my username have?

Facebook allows usernames up to 50 characters. However, shorter is usually better for usability.

Can I use symbols or emojis in my username?

Yes, Facebook allows the use of symbols, emojis, dashes, underscores and more. Just don’t overdo it.

Can I change my username later on?

Yes, you are allowed to change your Facebook username. Simply go to your profile, click “About” and then “Edit public details.” Enter a new username here.

Does my username have to match my real name?

No, Facebook doesn’t require you to use your real name in your username. You can create one based on nicknames, interests etc.

Can I make my username invisible to other users?

No, Facebook usernames are always public. There is no option to hide or make it private.

What happens if I delete my Facebook account?

If you delete your account, your username will be freed up for someone else to potentially take.

Can someone steal my username after I change it?

Usernames are first come, first served. So it’s possible someone could take your old one. Adding numbers helps.

Tips for a Secure Password

In addition to choosing a good username, you’ll also want to make sure you have a strong password for your Facebook account security:

  • Minimum of 8 characters
  • Mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols
  • Avoid common words or personal info
  • Unique from other accounts
  • Updated periodically

With a strong password and smart username, you can feel good about protecting your identity and connections on Facebook.

Length Complexity Security Level
Under 8 characters Only letters Very weak
8-10 characters Letters and numbers Weak
10-12 characters Letters, numbers, special chars Medium
12+ characters Letters, numbers, special chars mixed Strong

How Facebook Usernames Work

Here is some background on how Facebook’s username system works:

  • Usernames are unique – Only one user can have a particular username
  • They must adhere to Facebook’s rules around appropriate content
  • Usernames are public and searchable by other users
  • You can change your username at any time
  • Old usernames become available for new users after changing
  • Usernames are used in custom profile URLs like

Facebook actively monitors and blocks inappropriate or abusive usernames. Usernames that impersonate others or violate trademarks will also be blocked. Beyond that, you have a lot of flexibility!

Expert Recommendations for Usernames

Need more username inspiration? Here are recommendations from social media experts on things to consider:

  • “Keep it simple and easy to remember.”
  • “Use real first and last name to be easily found by friends.”
  • “Express your personality to stand out.”
  • “Check availability by searching Facebook for the name.”
  • “Brainstorm keyword-rich options related to your brand.”

The right username takes a balance of being easy to find, representing your identity, and aligning with Facebook’s policies. Set yourself up for social media success with a great username!

Username Ideas Based on Interests

Stuck trying to come up with username ideas? Here are some examples based on different interests and hobbies:

Interest Username Ideas
Reading booknerd, pageturner, bibliophile
Sports [team]fan, sportsdude, gymrat
Gaming gamergirl, [game]player, xpgamer
Traveling worldtraveler, jetsetter, wanderlust
Foodie foodlover, homechef, hungryhippo

Look to your own interests and hobbies for customizable username options that reflect who you are.

Celebrity Inspired Usernames

Celebrity names themselves cannot be used due to trademark issues. However, you can derive creative username ideas from famous people you admire:

Celebrity Username Ideas
Beyonce queenbey, beyhivemember
Taylor Swift taylorswiftfan13, loveswift
Selena Gomez selenator4life, selenafan
Lebron James kingjames23, lakersfanlebron
Kim Kardashian kkwbeautyfan, keepingupfan

Borrow inspiration from famous figures, tv shows, or brands you love. Just avoid direct trademarks.

Emojis and Symbols in Usernames

Emojis, symbols and special characters can be used to create fun, unique usernames. Here are some examples:

Type Examples
Emojis 💃🏻dancingqueen, 📚booknerd, 🐱catlover
Hearts ❤️julie, sarah💗, michael💙
Stars *starshine*, **daisy**, ***jenn***
Musical Notes 🎵musicgirl🎶, john🎼
Exclamation Points sports!fan, book!worm!

Symbols allow for more creative and fun username options. Just don’t overdo it!

Username Inspiration Lists

Check out these lists for more Facebook username inspiration:

Browse these and many other sites to spark new username ideas and inspiration!

Things to Avoid in a Username

As a final reminder, here are some things you’ll want to steer clear of in your Facebook username:

  • Offensive, hateful or obscene language
  • Racist, sexist or other derogatory terms
  • Celebrity names or other trademarks
  • Impersonating or misrepresenting someone else
  • Fake accounts (pretending to be someone fictional)
  • Trying to buy/sell something
  • Threats of harm or violence

Violating Facebook’s policies could get your account disabled. When in doubt, keep it friendly, fun and authentic to you!