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What should I write on my Facebook page invite?

What should I write on my Facebook page invite?

Creating an engaging and informative Facebook event page can be challenging. As the host, you want to provide all the key details to get your guests excited about the event, while also encouraging them to RSVP and share the invite with their networks. In this article, we’ll explore tips on what to write in a Facebook event invite in order to create maximum interest and attendance.

Give the Event a Clear, Descriptive Title

The very first thing your invitees will see is the event name at the top of the page. You want the title to be descriptive enough to communicate what type of event it is, while also being intriguing enough to pique interest. Some examples of Facebook event titles that accomplish both goals:

  • John’s 30th Birthday Extravaganza
  • Networking Happy Hour for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
  • Jessica’s Bon Voyage Party: Send-Off to France

Aim for clarity while also hinting at the tone and purpose of the event. An event title like “Let’s Hang Out Friday Night” does not provide enough context, while a title like “Mandatory Strategic Planning Meeting” may not excite potential guests. Find a middle ground that builds anticipation.

Specify Key Event Details Upfront

Early on in your event description, you’ll want to get logistical details out of the way. Include info on:

  • The date and time (be sure to specify if multiple time zones are involved)
  • The location, with an exact address
  • Any admission fees or required tickets
  • Parking availability details
  • Dress code guidance (if applicable)

Providing these key facts will get guests oriented on the basics and help them determine if they can attend. Try to be as specific as possible with the address. For example, include the specific conference room if it’s a large venue.

Describe What Will Take Place at the Event

Now you can elaborate on the event theme, activities, schedule, entertainment, food and drinks, speakers, and other central details that communicate the experience you have planned. This is your chance to get creative and give potential guests a vision of just how exciting this event will be!

Some elements you may want to expand on:

  • Will there be games, contests, giveaways, or door prizes?
  • Is there a buffet, seated dinner, cocktail reception, or passed hors d’oeuvres?
  • Will there be music, dancing, comedy acts, or other entertainment?
  • Are any special guests or speakers presenting?
  • Is there a dress code or requested attire that fits the theme?
  • Will there be crowd participation, audience Q&A, or hands-on demos?

Paint a vivid picture of what guests can expect. This will get them excited about attending and sharing with others.

Explain the Purpose of the Event

Along with the details of what will take place, also explain the “why” behind your event. Some examples:

  • Is it a birthday, graduation, going away party, or other milestone?
  • Is it a charity fundraiser or awareness campaign?
  • Is it a book launch, product release, or company celebration?
  • Is it an alumni reunion, class get-together, or networking opportunity?

Sharing the purpose provides helpful context that makes the event more meaningful. It also gives guests a sense of the tone and social opportunities.

Provide Guidance on How to RSVP

One key reason to create a Facebook event is to manage RSVPs and headcount. So make sure to provide clear instruction on how you want guests to respond:

  • Ask them to click “Going” or “Interested” on the Facebook event page
  • Provide an email address or website link for further RSVP details
  • Mention if they can bring guests or if it’s one invitation per person
  • Advise on the RSVP deadline so you can plan accordingly

The easier you make it for guests to RSVP, the higher the likelihood they will attend. Consider using an online registration tool or RSVP management app to streamline the process.

Encourage Sharing the Event

One great advantage of hosting an event on Facebook is the ability for invited guests to share it with their networks. Include a friendly note encouraging people to forward the invite to others who may be interested. This expands your reach and makes efficient use of the Facebook platform.

Give Updates as the Event Nears

As excitement builds and logistics firm up, postupdates:

  • Share new speaker or entertainment announcements
  • Preview menu items or decor elements
  • Spotlight sponsors or participating vendors
  • Remind people to RSVP before the deadline
  • Answer commonly asked questions

Sending regular updates keeps your event top of mind. It also gives guests a reason to re-engage with the page. This helps build buzz among your networks.

Thank Confirmed Guests

As RSVPs roll in, be sure to thank those who have confirmed. You can comment directly on their attendance response or send them a message:

  • “Thanks for RSVPing yes to my event, Jack! Looking forward to seeing you there.”
  • “So glad you can make it to the party, Lisa. It’s going to be a blast!”

Personal touches like this make guests feel appreciated. It also stimulates conversation and gets people more excited.

Follow Up with Non-Responders

Pay attention to those who have not yet RSVP’d as the deadline nears. Shoot them a quick reminder message or email to confirm if they can make it. The gentle nudge might get them off the fence.


Creating a compelling Facebook event page is an art and a science. Use these tips to describe your gathering in an engaging way, provide practical details, create real enthusiasm, manage RSVPs smoothly, and bring more people together for memorable shared experiences. With a well-written invite that speaks to the unique purpose and activities of your event, you can get guests excited to attend and spread the word.