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What should I write in my Facebook group description?

What should I write in my Facebook group description?

When creating a Facebook group, the group description is one of the most important parts to get right. A good description helps communicate what your group is about, sets expectations for members, and attracts your target audience. Here are some tips on what to include in your Facebook group description:

Introduce your group’s purpose and focus

Start your description by clearly stating the purpose of your group. What is the group about? What is its focus or specialty area? Who is it for? Your first few sentences should convey the overall topic and goal so potential members immediately understand what your group has to offer.

For example: “This group is for social media marketers looking to improve their Facebook marketing skills. It is a place to connect with fellow professionals and learn best practices for promoting business pages and running successful ad campaigns.”

Explain what members can expect and get from the group

Next, get into more detail on what types of discussions, resources or benefits members can expect and gain by joining. Share the types of content and conversations happening in the group. Describe what makes it worth members’ time to participate and check in regularly.

For example: “Inside the group we share Facebook marketing tips and strategies, examples of effective campaigns, updates on algorithm changes, and advice for improving organic reach. Members are encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussions around optimizing Facebook presence.”

Share guidelines for posting and interacting in the group

It’s helpful to set ground rules and policies around member participation upfront so expectations are clear. Outline how you want members to engage – sharing insights, asking questions, posting helpful resources, etc. You can also note if there are any posting guidelines they should follow.

For example: “This is a friendly and supportive community – all members should interact in a professional, constructive and positive way. When posting, provide value to the group by sharing learnings, advice and best practices others will find helpful.”

Encourage inviting friends or colleagues to join

To help your group grow, prompt members to invite relevant friends, colleagues, clients or peers that would also benefit from the group. This gives your description a call to action to help spread the word.

For example: “If you know other Facebook marketers or professionals that would enjoy our community, please invite them to join! The more the merrier.”

Close with an enthusiastic final pitch

Wrap up your description with a final summary of the group that gets potential members excited to join the community. Reiterate the focus of the group, passionately convey the value, and end on an enthusiastic note.

For example: “Join our passionate collective of Facebook pros – together we aim to master Facebook marketing, help each other succeed, and have a bit of fun along the way!”

Optimize with relevant keywords

Additionally, incorporate relevant keywords throughout your description that will help direct people to your group in Facebook search. For example, for a social media marketing group include keywords like “Facebook marketing,” “social media strategies,” “Facebook advertising,” etc.

Keep it short and scannable

Aim to keep your overall description relatively short and scannable. Paragraphs should be 2-4 sentences max. Break up sections with subheadings using HTML header tags. Use bullet points and lists when possible.

This improves readability and ensures the key points will jump out. Members are more likely to read an impactful 300 words than an overly verbose 500+ word novel.

Check character limits

Be aware Facebook has a 500 character limit for group descriptions. This is about 3-4 paragraphs of text. If needed, you can expand on details in a pinned “welcome post” after forming the group. But try to encapsulate the core overview concisely within 500 characters.

Examples of great Facebook group descriptions

Below are some real examples of excellent Facebook group descriptions to draw inspiration from:

Social Media Marketing Community Group

“We are passionate social media marketers who love all things social media! Here we share tips, strategies, ideas and proven tactics for marketing on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and more. Ask questions, get feedback, and connect with fellow community members on our social marketing journeys. All skill levels welcome – let’s learn, grow and succeed together!”

Content Marketing Mastermind

“This group brings together content creators, marketers, bloggers and business owners to discuss content creation, promotion, analytics, strategy, tools and more. Share your latest content, brainstorm ideas, ask for feedback and help each other produce high-quality, impactful content that grows businesses and brands.”

Small Business Owners Support Group

“Are you an entrepreneur looking to grow your small business? Join our community of small business owners! Here you’ll connect with fellow entrepreneurs, learn from each other’s experiences, and get support, motivation and advice for taking your business to the next level. Let’s build each other up, share our wins and struggles, and celebrate each other’s successes!”


Your Facebook group description is an important first impression – take time to craft it well. Clearly convey your purpose, focus and guidelines upfront to attract the right members and set expectations. Keep it short, engaging and keyword optimized. With a compelling overview, you can build an active community that provides value for members and grows your audience.