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What should I write about myself on a dating site examples?

What should I write about myself on a dating site examples?

Creating an engaging dating profile can be a daunting task. With so many singles online, how can you stand out from the crowd and attract the right people? Your profile is your chance to showcase your personality and what makes you unique. The key is finding the balance between being honest and highlighting your best qualities, without going overboard or making things up. Follow these tips to learn what to include, what to leave out, and how to write a profile that reflects the real you.

Be Original and Genuine

While it’s tempting to use overused phrases and cliches like “I love adventure” or “I’m an open book”, this will make your profile blend in with all the rest. Take time to think about your passions, interests, personality quirks and what makes you, you. Don’t just say you like travel, talk about backpacking across Europe for a summer. Rather than saying you love music, mention going to Coachella every year. Specific examples like these allow your uniqueness to shine through. Being authentic and original will help the right people recognize you and feel drawn to find out more.

Open With an Attention-Grabbing Headline

Your headline is one of the first things potential matches will see when browsing profiles. Make it interesting and memorable to grab their attention. Stay away from generic phrases like “Here to meet someone special” or “Just checking this out.” Try using imaginative and witty headlines that give a glimpse into your personality like “Pun enthusiast looking for a fellow funnyman” or “Let’s talk into the night and gaze at the stars.” Show your sense of humor, values or passions to draw the right people in.

Describe Yourself…But Keep it Brief

Use your profile description as a snapshot to convey who you are and what makes you special. Share your interests, job, lifestyle, passions and values. But don’t get too wordy or reveal too much personal detail upfront. Keep it short, simple and positive. Write things to spark conversation like “Bookworm with a passion for 80’s movies, yoga and Italian food.” or “Outgoing engineer who loves playing flag football, trying new craft beers and road trips.” Give people the broad strokes, then elaborate more through messaging and when you meet in person.

Talk About What You’re Looking For

Without being overly specific, share the kind of relationship or person you hope to find through the dating site. You could say “Looking for someone adventurous who enjoys the outdoors as much as me!” or “Hoping to find a down-to-earth guy with similar values and interests.” This will help attract matches who align with the type of connection you want. And it weeds out people who aren’t a fit. Just take care not to sound demanding or like you have a rigid checklist of requirements. Keep it open and positive.

Share Your Interests and Passions

One of the best ways to give people a sense of who you are is talking about how you enjoy spending your time. What hobbies do you have? What activities energize you? Are you into sports? Creative arts? Travel? Include a few specifics to spark conversation. For example: “I stay active rock climbing, playing tennis and running 5Ks.” Or “I enjoy making pottery, gardening and photographing nature in my free time.” Sharing passions gives people an idea of your lifestyle and personality. It also gives matches easy topics to talk about in first messages to you.

Be Selective About Personal Details

While you want to be genuine, don’t share anything too personal that could jeopardize your safety or privacy. Keep details about where you live, work and spend time vague in your profile. Don’t include your last name, email address or phone number. Be cautious about revealing too much about your schedule or daily routines as well. The goal is sharing enough to pique interest and have things to talk about, while still maintaining your privacy until you get to know someone better. The dating site’s messaging system allows you to have more intimate conversations privately once mutual interest is established.

Add Some Humor

Everyone appreciates a good laugh. Sprinkling in some light humor can help you come across more approachable and fun in your profile. Just take care that jokes or sarcastic comments don’t come across as mean-spirited or make you appear bitter. Self-deprecating humor often goes over well when done in a tongue-in-cheek way. You could say something like “I make a mean stack of pancakes but am still searching for the perfect recipe!” or “My dance moves may be a bit rusty, but I’ve got enough energy to keep up with you!” Keep it playful and positive. The right amount of humor helps you appear down-to-earth and enjoyable to be around.

Show Your Smile

Photos showing you smiling, laughing and enjoying life are key. Stay away from gym selfies, group shots where you’re impossible to pick out, or blurry, dark photos. Have at least one clear headshot where your face and smile are visible. Make sure you’re the focal point. Candid shots of you pursuing a hobby, hanging with friends, or in an interesting place are also great additions to showcase your interests and personality visually too. But keep photos current and honest. Don’t use old pictures or heavily edited/filtered images that don’t look like you. The goal is giving matches a true glimpse of what you look like and your vibe.

Get Input From Trusted Friends

Having trusted friends or family look over your profile can provide helpful feedback. They can point out areas that seem confusing, incomplete or even inaccurate. Plus they know you well, so they can ensure you’ve conveyed the essence of your personality. Take their constructive criticism to heart. Tweak things that aren’t coming across right. Add details they suggest to make your profile more genuine. But don’t let friends pressure you to represent yourself in a way that feels artificial or untrue to who you are. Take their advice, but make sure the final profile sounds like you.

Proofread Before Posting

Typos, grammar mistakes and incomplete sentences can undermine all your hard work crafting a great profile. Before putting your dating profile out there, read it over closely. Double check you haven’t made any obvious errors or left lingering filler text like “add more here.” Ask a friend to proofread as well, as it’s easy to overlook your own mistakes. You want your profile to put your best foot forward from the moment it goes live. Taking the time to polish the language shows you care about making a good impression.

Change It Up Periodically

Don’t just set and forget your dating profile. Revisit it every few months to freshen things up. You may have new interests, hobbies or goals to include. Tweaking a few photos, funny anecdotes or conversation starters can help reignite interest from old matches. And new site users will get to see a more recent representation of the real you. Think of profile updating as a way to showcase your continual growth and evolving character over time.

Profile Examples

To help summarize all these tips, here are a few strong dating profile examples for a variety of situations:

Outdoorsy Guy

Down-to-earth middle school science teacher looking to meet a sweet, active woman to share adventures with. I stay busy teaching during the week but love escaping to the mountains on weekends to hike, mountain bike and recharge out in nature. Dream Saturday involves waking up early to hit the trails, then grabbing a beer at a local brewery before dinner. Let’s chat if you love the outdoors as much as me!

Bookworm Girl

Quirky bookworm seeking a fellow introverted intellectual to have deep conversations with over coffee or wine. When I’m not teaching literature at the local high school, you can find me curled up with my cat reading dystopian sci-fi novels, crafting short stories or adding to my collection of antique books. Looking for someone who appreciates a good thought-provoking debate about existential questions just as much as quiet nights in.

Career-Focused Guy

Busy corporate accountant keeping life balanced and fun with weekends packed full of concerts, sports games and new restaurants. Looking to meet a laidback, independent woman to join me for happy hours, festivals and spontaneity when I’m not crushing it at the office. Want someone ready for an epic summer of rooftop bars, beach trips and enjoying the city I love with me by my side.

Artsy Woman

Free-spirited artist who loves painting, writing poetry and thrift shopping for vintage home decor. Looking for a fellow creative spirit to be inspired by and share a passion for art and music. I’d rather spend a Friday night trying a new dessert recipe, going to a gallery opening or listening to vinyl in my cozy apartment. Looking for someone equally mellow to laugh with over a homemade meal and wander through flea markets on weekends with.

Do’s and Don’ts

To summarize, here are some handy dos and don’ts for an engaging dating site profile:


  • Show your unique personality
  • Use specific examples and stories
  • Keep it positive and honest
  • Talk about your interests and values
  • Add humor when it fits your style
  • Smile big in photos
  • Ask friends to review your draft
  • Proofread thoroughly before posting


  • Use cliches or overused phrases
  • Reveal too many personal details
  • Include negative comments or rants
  • Post old or overly edited photos
  • Let typos or mistakes slip through
  • Set it and forget it – update it regularly!


Your dating profile is your chance to let your personality shine through and attract a suitable match. Be honest and authentic, have fun showing off what makes you unique, and maintain an upbeat, positive tone. Pay attention to presentation with engaging photos and a polished, error-free writing style. See your profile as a living document that grows and evolves as you change and grow. With thoughtful effort and care, your profile can capture your essence and lead to meaningful connections. The right match is worth taking the time to get your profile right.