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What should I talk about on FB live?

What should I talk about on FB live?

Going live on Facebook can be an extremely effective way to engage with your audience, promote your business, drive traffic, and boost sales. However, it can be challenging to come up with interesting and valuable topics to discuss during your Facebook Live videos. Here are some tips for determining what to talk about during your Facebook Live streams:

Discuss Trending Topics and News

Pay attention to what is currently trending in the news or within your industry. Comment on breaking stories or provide your unique perspective on trending issues. This allows you to tap into what your audience is already talking about and interested in hearing more on.

Share Industry Expertise and Insights

Utilize your industry experience and insider knowledge to provide value to your viewers. Offer tips, best practices, analysis, and insights on topics related to your field. Consider common pain points, challenges, or questions your customers and prospects face and how you can address them.

Promote Sales, Deals, and Offers

Facebook Live presents a prime opportunity to promote time-sensitive sales, deals, and offers. You can provide details on sales, coupon codes, contests, or other special promotions to incentivize viewers to buy from you.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Give your audience an inside look of what goes on in your business day-to-day. This could involve filming behind-the-scenes footage of your product development, workspace environment, company culture, and team members. Provide an authentic inside view they can’t get elsewhere.

Q&A Sessions

Invite your audience to ask you questions in real-time and have an open dialogue. This allows you to identify and address your audience’s pain points and interests. Consider asking viewers to submit questions in advance to prime the discussion.

Collaborate with Other Companies or Influencers

Team up with another complementary brand or influencer in your space to co-host a discussion that appeals to both of your audiences. The collaboration can help expand your reach and provide more dynamic conversation.

Spotlight Customers and Their Stories

Interview or showcase some of your current customers and how your product or service has helped them. Positive customer stories and testimonials can help convince prospective customers.

Step-by-Step Tutorials

Create helpful walkthroughs and how-to videos showcasing how to use your products or services. Or provide a tutorial on a common task or process related to your industry. This can be both informative and entertaining for your audience.

Conduct Product Demos

Bring your physical products on screen and showcase their features and how they work. Or provide screenshare demos of your software, apps, or digital products. Allowing customers to see your offering in action can increase conversion rates.

Host a Q&A

Invite your audience to ask questions to you live and answer them in real-time. This creates an engaging, two-way conversation where you can provide personalized advice. Prompt viewers to submit their questions during registration to prime the discussion.

Share User-Generated Content

Repurpose fun user photos, videos, testimonials, or reviews related to your brand. This shows you listening to and interacting with your customers. Be sure to ask for permission before resharing content.

Run Contests or Giveaways

Offer prizes, free samples, gift cards, or other incentives to reward engaged viewers and encourage shares. Contests can help increase viewership, engagement, and word-of-mouth promotion.

Host an Ask Me Anything (AMA)

Invite your audience to “ask you anything” during a live, unfiltered Q&A. AMAs allow you to build transparency and trust by answering any questions people submit.

Collaborate with Influencers

Pair up with influencers in your industry to tap into their follower base and authority. The influencer can interview you, host a joint discussion, or participate in a Q&A. This introduces you to new audiences.

Reveal Company News

Make live announcements about new products, services, company milestones, partnerships, or other major news. The real-time format allows you to break the news and provide context.

Behind-the-Scenes Look

Give viewers a “backstage pass” look at things that normally happen behind closed doors, like your product design process, employee training, or leadership meetings. The inside access can fascinate viewers.

Talk About Ongoing Projects

Discuss works in progress, like product development milestones, new content you’re creating, or business growth strategies you’re implementing. Offering a window into your current initiatives makes viewers feel invested.

Live Industry Conference Coverage

If your team is attending an industry conference or event, go live from the venue to share key takeaways, talks, and exhibitors. This gives insider access to those unable to personally attend.

Response to Major News

When major news happens related to your industry, go live quickly to share your reaction and analysis. Offer perspective on how it may impact your business and customers.

Day in the Life Content

Stream segments that showcase what an average day is like for you. Activities might include meetings, creating content,sales calls, events, and more. This behind-the-scenes view engages audiences.

Exclusive Sneak Peeks

Generate excitement by giving exclusive first looks at upcoming products, content, or initiatives. For example, preview a new feature coming to your app. The access makes viewers feel special.

Poll Your Viewers

Engage your audience by asking for their opinions and feedback in real-time polls and surveys during your broadcast. This makes viewers feel heard.

Live Audience Q&A

Answer questions from your audience live as they come in. This could be broad questions or focused on a particular topic. Responding in real time creates an interactive experience.

Tutorials or How-Tos

Walk viewers step-by-step through a particular process, such as how to use your product/service, DIY projects relevant to your niche, or anything useful. These help audiences learn new skills.

Pro Tips

Share professional advice, best practices, useful tools or resources, and overall tips and tricks related to your field. Position yourself as an expert doling out insider intel.

Celebrity or Influencer Guests

Invite a celebrity or industry influencer with a large following to join your live stream and be interviewed. This introduces you to their fanbase.

Live Product Demo

Showcase your product or service in action by providing a live demonstration. For physical products, this may involve unboxing or demonstrating features. For digital products and services, share your screen.

Debates and Discussions

Engage viewers by debating hot topics within your industry with colleagues or guest experts. Discuss trends, news issues, differing perspectives, and more.

User-Generated Content

Incorporate user photos, videos, testimonials, reviews, questions, and other UGC into your broadcast. This makes viewers feel involved and shows you listen.

Product Launches and Updates

When launching a new product, redesign, or major update, use live video to break the news and showcase features in real time. The immediacy and interaction is powerful.

“Ask the Expert” Q&A

Invite your audience to ask for your advice on questions related to your niche. Position yourself as an expert by providing helpful answers and tips.

Respond to Follower Questions

Ask your followers to submit questions in advance, then answer the most popular ones live. Or summarize and respond to questions coming in during the broadcast.

Behind-the-Scenes Access

Let viewers “look behind the curtain” by giving them live access to parts of your company they don’t normally see, like your office, production facility, event setup, etc.

AMA (Ask Me Anything)

Invite viewers to ask any questions at all, and answer them candidly in real time. This can reveal an authentic, unfiltered side of your brand.

Employee Takeovers

Have an employee take over your live stream to offer a new perspective. They can share their experience, give a tour of their role, or discuss their expertise.

Solicit Product Feedback

Preview a work-in-progress product and ask for feedback in real time. Or discuss potential new features and ask which ones viewers would find most useful.

Spotlight Customers or Clients

Feature fan or customers by having them co-host your live stream, share positive experiences, or demonstrate how they use your product.

Show Your Personality

Let your brand personality shine through via more casual, off-the-cuff videos. Tell stories, share laughs, or show playful team moments to connect on a more human level.

respond to Follower Questions

Ask your followers to submit questions in advance, then answer the most popular ones live. Or summarize and respond to questions coming in during the broadcast.

Top 10 List

Share a Top 10 list related to your industry, whether that’s tips, product/service rankings, trends, or other lists viewers will find interesting.

Current Event Response or Analysis

When a major current event happens related to your industry, share your brand’s take on what happened and what it means for the space.

Debates and Discussions

Engage viewers by discussing or debating popular or controversial industry topics and news stories with colleagues or guest experts.

Book Reading or Review

Read excerpts from a newly released book related to your niche. Or discuss and review industry books you recommend checking out.

Leadership Discussion or Q&A

Have a founder, executive, or leader at your company join to discuss trends, plans, or news and take audience questions live.

“Daily Grind” Content

Document a day on the job at your company, showing meetings, routine tasks, office antics, and other “daily grind” content.

Office Hours

Set aside time where viewers can join your live stream and get 1-on-1 advice, feedback, or assistance from you.

Social Media Q&A

Talk about trending social media topics like platform updates, algorithms, new features, or analytics. Answer related questions.

PR Stunts or Challenges

Live stream exciting PR stunts your company takes on or fun challenges for charity. Get viewers rooting for you.

Team/Staff Challenges

Live stream company team members competing in a fun challenge, contest, competition, or game for viewers’ enjoyment.

Virtual Conference Coverage

If your industry is holding a virtual conference, summarize the keynotes, breakout sessions, and announcements for those unable to attend.

Remote Work Tips

Share your best tips, tools, or advice for being productive and successful while working remotely. Great for office professionals.

Topic Examples
Industry News & Trends
  • Discuss new developments in your field
  • Comment on relevant news stories
  • Analyze market trends and changes
Product Updates
  • Demo new product features
  • Showcase upcoming releases/sneak peeks
  • Explain how updates improve user experience
  • Show daily office life
  • Introduce team members
  • Display cool company spaces
Tips & How-Tos
  • Share professional skills/advice
  • Show how to use products/services
  • Give tutorials relevant to industry
Q&As and Interviews
  • Answer viewer questions live
  • Have execs discuss business strategy
  • Interview influential guests
Special Offers & Promos
  • Promote sales, deals and offers
  • Offer discounts or coupons
  • Preview upcoming launches and collabs


The most successful Facebook Live videos provide value to viewers through engaging topics, compelling visuals, audience interaction, and hosts that connect authentically. Brainstorm creative ways to educate, entertain, inspire, or help your target audience. Experiment with different formats and topics to see what resonates most with your viewers. Stay true to your brand voice while capitalizing on the interactive nature of live video.