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What should I say in my anniversary post on Facebook?

What should I say in my anniversary post on Facebook?

Keep it simple and heartfelt

The most important thing is to keep your anniversary Facebook post simple, sincere, and focused on your love for your partner. You don’t need to write a novel, just a short heartfelt message celebrating your relationship. Here are some quick tips:

  • Thank your partner for sharing the journey so far.
  • Highlight your favorite memories from the past year.
  • Share what you love most about your partner.
  • Express how much you value your relationship.
  • Note any big milestones you celebrated.

For example: “John, this has been an amazing year full of laughter, growth, and snuggles. Thank you for being my best friend and sticking by my side. I couldn’t ask for a more caring, patient, and loving partner. Here’s to many more adventures together!”

Share a meaningful photo

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Select one or two meaningful photos from your relationship to include in the post. Maybe it’s from your wedding day, a special trip you took, or just a cute candid shot of the two of you. The visual will make the post more engaging and heartfelt.

Tag your partner

Be sure to tag your partner in the post so they see it! This adds a personal touch. You can say something like “@JohnSmith, you’re the peanut butter to my jelly” or whatever cute nickname or phrase you have.

Keep private details private

While you want to express your love and gratitude, avoid getting too personal or revealing private details. For example, spare your friends and family from too much PDA or TMI about your romantic life! The post is meant to be heartwarming, not embarrassing.

Invite others to share memories

If you want to generate more engagement, invite friends and family to share their favorite memories and well-wishes in the comments. This makes loved ones feel included in the anniversary celebration. Just say something like “To all our friends and family, we’d love for you to share any special memories or messages to mark the occasion!”

Have fun with it!

Anniversaries are a happy time, so feel free to get playful and creative with your post! Share funny inside jokes, cute emoji, or a nostalgic throwback photo from when you were dating. The point is to celebrate and spread the love.

Sample Anniversary Post

Here is an example anniversary post integrating the tips:

“Happy anniversary to my forever partner, @JohnSmith! I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since we said “I do.” You’ve made me smile every day with your humor, compassion, and adventurous spirit. I’m so glad we found each other.

I’ll never forget our epic road trip down the coast last summer – so many laughs and impromptu dance parties! You make my heart fuller than I ever thought possible. Here’s to snuggling on the couch while we binge watch [insert your favorite show], stargazing into the night, retiring in our mountain cottage, and growing old together. There’s no one else I’d rather spend my days with. I love you more and more each day.

To all our friends and family, we’d love for you to share any memories or well wishes below! You’ve enriched our lives more than you know.”

When should I post?

Aim to post your anniversary Facebook message on the actual date of your anniversary for maximum impact. However, if you won’t be on social media that day, posting the day before or after is fine too.

Morning and mid-day tend to be popular times to post when more friends and family are likely to see it. Avoid posting late at night or when fewer people will be scrolling online.

How long should the post be?

Keep the post concise – just 2-5 sentences is plenty. You want it to be long enough to say something meaningful but short enough that people will read the whole thing. Giant walls of text can be overwhelming on social media.

Of course, it’s your post – so write as much or as little as you want! But try to be mindful of your audience online. A few thoughtful sentences can be just as impactful as a novel.

Should I write my own anniversary post or post a quote?

Writing your own original post is more meaningful. It lets you put your relationship and feelings into your own words. If you simply post an anniversary quote graphic, it seems more detached and impersonal.

However, you could include a short anniversary quote as part of a longer original post if it captures something you want to express. Just make sure the majority of the message is in your own voice.

How sappy should I get?

It’s your anniversary, so a little bit of sap is expected! Express how much you love your partner and why they mean so much to you. However, you probably want to avoid anything too saccharine, raunchy or excessive. Keep it sweet but relatively brief.

Know your audience – the post is likely visible to your partner’s friends and family too. Don’t overshare private details or bombard people’s feeds with 20 lovey doveys posts in a row. One thoughtful, genuine post is just right.

Should I do a funny or serious post?

You can definitely add humor if it fits your relationship! Funny anecdotes and inside jokes show your personality. Just balance the humor with some genuine sentiment so it doesn’t come across as too silly or ironic.

Most anniversary posts strike a chord because they capture real emotion. But a bit of lightheartedness never hurts. Do what feels true to you as a couple.

Do I have to post? What if I prefer to keep it private?

You absolutely don’t have to post anything! Some couples prefer to keep their anniversary and relationship more private rather than posting on social media. And that’s 100% okay.

The anniversary post is just a nice gesture, not an obligation. There are many other thoughtful ways to celebrate without posting – a romantic dinner out, looking at old photos together, writing an old-fashioned love letter, etc. Do what feels right for your relationship style.

What If I’m single or divorced?

If you are divorced or separated, it’s thoughtful to avoid posting anniversary messages that could be hurtful. Keep the day private rather than posting publicly on social media.

If you are single, you can still celebrate friendship anniversaries or post inspirational messages about self-love on social media. But be sensitive to couples posting their romantic anniversary messages.

Can I post anniversary wishes on my partner’s wall too?

Absolutely! Posting a loving anniversary message on your partner’s Facebook wall is a nice gesture. Just make sure your partner is comfortable with public proclamations of love before you post. Some people prefer to keep it low key.

Wish them a happy anniversary, thank them for being an amazing partner, share your favorite memory, or express how much they mean to you. Tag them and include a cute photo of you two if you like. But the short and sweet approach is best.

What about other social media like Instagram?

The same anniversary post tips apply on other platforms like Instagram too. Short, sweet, thoughtful and personal is the way to go.

Instagram does provide more options creatively through photos, Boomerangs, Stories, etc. You could make a photo collage or short celebratory video. Or post a series of your favorite couple pics. But don’t let it get too complicated – you want the sentiment to shine through.

Can I post too many anniversary updates?

It’s possible to go overboard. Posting dozens of anniversary thoughts, flashbacks, photos and video tributes over the course of days on end is probably excessive. One or two thoughtful posts is sufficient, not a drawn out PR campaign!

Think about how much anniversary content you would want to see from other couples in your feed. A single loving post is considerate without overwhelming your audience.

Should kids or family post too?

It’s sweet if your kids or other family members want to post their own anniversary wishes for you! Having children, siblings, parents etc share their well wishes makes the day even more special.

Their perspectives will likely be shorter, simpler and a bit more innocent or funny – like a kid saying “Happy anniversary Mom and Dad! Thanks for giving me so many awesome vacations and being gross together.” Let them post whatever feels authentic.

Can I ask friends to also wish my partner happy anniversary?

You can, but tread lightly here. Tagging friends to ask them to wish your partner happy anniversary could come across as excessive. It’s better to keep things low key.

Your friends and inner circle will likely post nice messages for you two regardless. If not, try not to take offense. Not everyone is as comfortable posting romantic outpourings publicly online!

What if someone posts something inappropriate?

Hopefully this doesn’t happen, but if someone leaves an inappropriate comment, post photo etc, just delete it. Don’t engage or call the person out publicly. Be the bigger person, take the high road, and focus on all the thoughtful wishes.

If it’s a continued issue with one person, you can block their account from seeing your anniversary posts in the future and move on. Surround yourself with positive energy on such a special day.


Your anniversary gives you a chance to celebrate your love story with that special someone. When crafting your anniversary post, keep it simple, sincere and heartfelt. Share your joy, highlight your favorite memories, express your gratitude, and invite loved ones to join in the outpouring of well wishes.

Most importantly, your post should capture what your partnership means to you. Stay true to your own voice and relationship style. However you celebrate, may the happiness of your anniversary shine through!