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What should I name my shared album with my boyfriend?

What should I name my shared album with my boyfriend?

Choosing a name for a shared photo album with your boyfriend can be a fun way to capture memories of your relationship. However, finding the perfect title that encompasses your unique story as a couple can also feel daunting. In this article, we’ll explore different factors to consider when brainstorming shared album names, provide tips for creating meaningful titles, and suggest over 50 creative name ideas to spark inspiration.

Why Do Shared Photo Album Titles Matter?

While it may seem like a minor detail, the title you give your couples album carries significance. Here are some key reasons why it’s worth taking the time to think of a thoughtful shared album name:

  • Captures the essence of your relationship – An album title can encapsulate inside jokes, pet names, favorite activities, or other special memories that characterize your bond as a couple.
  • Sets the tone – The name will influence how you and others perceive the photos when viewing the album. An amusing or lighthearted title creates a different feeling than a romantic or sentimental one.
  • Helps with organization – Titling shared albums makes it easier to identify and distinguish between multiple albums later on.
  • Adds personalization – A customized title personalizes the album and makes it uniquely yours as a couple.

In short, the album title provides meaning that goes beyond just labeling a collection of photos. So take some time to think about the vibe you want to create and how to encapsulate your relationship in just a few words.

Tips for Brainstorming Shared Album Name Ideas

When creating a title for you and your boyfriend’s album, keep these tips in mind:

  • Reflect on special memories and inside jokes. Look back on experiences you’ve shared and think about funny stories or quirks that capture the essence of your relationship.
  • Consider combinations of your names or nicknames. Mashup portmanteaus like “JenMatt” or integrate pet names like “KellyBear & TomCat Adventures.”
  • Focus on favorite activities. If you bond over travel, foods, hobbies, etc. incorporate these passions into the title.
  • Think about important relationship milestones. Anniversaries, vacations, and big events often make meaningful album names.
  • Use lyrics from a song with significance. Look for lines from “your song” that summarize your love story.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Aim for 2-5 words that are simple but packed with meaning for you as a couple.

Spend time brainstorming individually at first, then come together to share ideas and decide on your favorite option. Getting input from both people will help create a more personal and meaningful shared title.

50 Creative Shared Photo Album Name Ideas for Couples

Here are 50 cute, cool, and creative album title ideas to inspire you and your boyfriend:

1. Our Adventure Book

2. Bob & Jane’s Excellent Adventures

3. The Story of Us

4. Better Together

5. Our Greatest Hits

6. Our Little Moments

7. Let Our Story Unfold

8. We Go Together Like Peas and Carrots

9. Caught Up in You

10. Can’t Take My Eyes Off You

11. You & Me Against the World

12. Laughs, Loves & Lasting Memories

13. Love, Set in Stone

14. The Sweetest Moments

15. All You Need is Love

16. The Best is Yet to Come

17. Our Endless Adventure

18. Better Together

19. Our Epic Journey

20. Lovebirds

21. Love Notes

22. Love & Other Stories

23. Me & You

24. Our Little Infinity

25. Forever Starts Today

26. You had me at Hello

27. Laughing, Loving & Living

28. Simply Meant to Be

29. Two Roads, One Love

30. Love by Chance, Joy by Choice

31. We Fit Perfectly

32. You & I, Time After Time

33. All of My Favorite Memories (Are With You)

34. The Story of How We Fell in Love

35. Time Stands Still Here

36. A Portrait of Us

37. Snapshots of Love

38. Best Days of My Life

39. Together & In Love

40. Our Own Little Paradise

41. Meant to Be

42. You + Me

43. Better With You

44. Our Someday Starts Today

45. Let’s Stay Together

46. Never Stop Falling in Love

47. Love is All You Need

48. To the Moon & Back

49. Our Little Bubble of Joy

50. Love Actually

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Title

When narrowing down your shared album name options, keep the following factors in mind:

  • Relationship Stage – A new relationship may warrant different names than a mature long-term relationship. Consider your time together.
  • Tone – Decide if you want a silly, formal, romantic or funny vibe for your title.
  • Memories – Try picking something representative of favorite moments and inside jokes.
  • Interests – Hobbies, activities, passions or travels that reflect your bond.
  • Milestones – Anniversaries, proposals, trips and big occasions often inspire meaningful names.

Additionally, it can be helpful to view example albums others have created to spark new naming ideas. Look at both the titles and photo content for inspiration.

More Tips for Creating the Perfect Title

Beyond just brainstorming name options, keep these additional tips in mind:

  • Bounce ideas off each other and combine your favorites.
  • Keep it short and sweet – aim for 2 to 5 words.
  • Go for creative over generic (like “Vacation” or “Summer Fun”).
  • Make sure it resonates with both people and represents your relationship.
  • Consider running your top choices by close friends.
  • You can always change it later if you come up with something you like better!

With an abundance of creative name options to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect title to represent your shared story and memories. Have fun with the process!


Choosing a meaningful name for your shared photo album is an exciting part of commemorating your relationship. With these tips and ideas, you’re sure to find a title that perfectly encapsulates your unique love story. Think about special memories, inside jokes, combinations of your names, song lyrics, or relationship milestones as inspiration. Aim for a short, creative phrase packed with significance for you as a couple. Brainstorm individually then come together to decide on just the right option. The album title sets the tone for you to look back fondly on all your treasured moments together. So take a trip down memory lane and have fun immortalizing your romantic adventure in words!