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What should I name my FB page?

What should I name my FB page?

Choosing the right name for your Facebook page is an important decision that requires some thought. The name you choose represents your brand and will be one of the first impressions potential customers have of your business. Here are some quick tips to help you select the perfect Facebook page name:

Keep it Simple

You want a name that is easy to remember and easy to spell. Stay away from using obscure references or inside jokes in the name that only you and your friends would understand. The name should clearly communicate what your page is about.

Use Your Business Name

The obvious choice is to simply use your business name or DBA (Doing Business As) name. This helps establish brand consistency and makes you easier to find. However, you aren’t required to use your official business name if you have another name in mind.

Describe What You Do

Consider incorporating keywords that describe your products, services or industry into the name. For example, “Joe’s Pizza Shop” or “Acme Marketing Agency.” This gives prospective customers immediate clarity on what your business does.

Localize Your Name

If you operate locally, include your city, state or region in the name. This helps local customers find you and conveys you serve a specific geographic area. For example, “Main Street Diner – Seattle” or “Springfield Pool Services.”

Keep it Short

You want a name that is short, sweet and rolls off the tongue. Long or clunky names are harder to remember. Stick to 2-7 words in the name for best results.

Check for Availability

Once you’ve narrowed down some name options, check Facebook to see if they are available pages names. The URL of your Facebook page will be Choose a name that is not already being used to avoid confusion.

Be Consistent

Keep your Facebook page name consistent with other social media platforms if possible. Having the same name across multiple channels helps unify your brand image.

Use a Unique Name

You want a name that stands out from competitors in your industry. Avoid generic names that could apply to any business. Be creative and come up with a unique, memorable name.

Reflect Your Personality

Let your Facebook page name reflect the personality of your brand. If your brand is fun and playful, consider a clever or punny name. If it’s elegant and sophisticated, choose something more formal.

Test it Out

Run potential names by friends, family or colleagues before deciding. Get feedback on how easy the names are to understand and remember. The right name should clearly communicate what you do.

Don’t Stress Too Much

While naming is important, don’t obsess over finding the “perfect” name. The content and customer experience you provide will ultimately define your brand. Choose a good, descriptive name and focus on creating a stellar Facebook presence.

Brainstorm Name Ideas

To get your creative juices flowing, here are some tips for brainstorming Facebook page name ideas:

  • List your products, services, mission, values, and target audience
  • Use business name generators or business name checkers
  • Look at competitors’ names for inspiration (but don’t copy!)
  • Try out name acronyms using your business name or service types
  • Think of popular expressions or phrases related to your business
  • Use alliteration, rhymes, or descriptive adjectives
  • Mix and match words from previous brainstorming

Name Ideas Based on Your Business Type

Here are some Facebook page name formula ideas based on common business types:

Business Type Name Formula Examples
Restaurant [Cuisine] + [Location] (e.g. Jack’s American Bistro – Pittsburgh)
Retail Store [Owner’s Name] + [Product Sold] Store (e.g. Mary’s Furniture Store)
Service Business [Service] + [Location] (e.g. Quick Lube Seattle)
Consulting Firm [Owner Name] + Consulting (e.g. Johnson Consulting)
Sole Proprietor [Full Name] (e.g. Jane Smith)

Tips for Writing Your Facebook Page Name

Here are some top tips for writing your final Facebook page name:

  • Avoid overused words like “best, “leading,” “official” – be unique!
  • Use title case or sentence case – avoid ALL CAPS
  • Make sure name matches page username for consistency
  • Use natural phrasing, avoid awkward names that sound forced
  • Check for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Have a call-to-action – include verbs like “shop”, “buy”, “visit”
  • Read name out loud to check flow and cadence
  • Try rearranging words into different combinations
  • Use Facebook’s Page Name Change tool if needed in the future

Things to Avoid in Your Facebook Page Name

When brainstorming name ideas, here are some things you’ll want to avoid:

  • Hard to spell or pronounce names
  • Restricted or offensive words
  • Dates or years that will become outdated
  • Overused industry jargon only you understand
  • Punctuation like commas, dashes, ampersands
  • Emojis or special characters
  • Abbreviations or initials
  • Misleading or false claims like “best quality”

Test Your Final Name Choices

Before selecting your final Facebook page name, test out a few top choices with the following methods:

  • Spell it out – Have people spell it out after you say it to test for spelling issues
  • Google it – Search online to catch any unintended meanings
  • Check other networks – See if name is available on other social platforms
  • Get input – Ask others if name is memorable and descriptive
  • Imagine advertising – Envision how name looks on ads, merchandise, and signage

Register Your Chosen Facebook Page Name

Once you’ve selected the perfect page name, it’s time to make it official. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Facebook and click “Create Page”
  2. Select desired page category like local business or company
  3. Enter your chosen page name and click “Continue”
  4. Fill out page details and click “Continue” again
  5. Confirm page name at top matches what you want
  6. Click “Get Started” and congrats – you now have a Facebook page!

Tips for Adjusting Your Page Name Later

If you ever need to tweak your Facebook page name down the road, a few tips:

  • You can change name up to 2 times in 90 days
  • Click “About” tab then “Page Name” to edit
  • Minor changes are best – avoid total name overhauls
  • Add new name to page description temporarily to reduce confusion
  • Update name across other platforms for consistency
  • Spread the word to fans and followers to minimize impact


Putting thought into your Facebook page name pays off with a name that represents your brand and connects with your audience. Brainstorm descriptive, memorable name options and test them out before selecting your final name. The right Facebook page name makes a great first impression and helps attract more followers!