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What should I comment on a Facebook post?

What should I comment on a Facebook post?

When deciding what to comment on a Facebook post, there are a few quick things to keep in mind. First, make sure your comment is relevant and adds value to the conversation. Simply commenting “lol” or “this” is not very meaningful. Second, be positive and uplifting. Avoid negative or critical comments, as they can cause hurt feelings. And third, keep it short and sweet. A long rambling comment can be off-putting to others.

Be Relevant and Add Value

The most important thing when commenting on a Facebook post is to stay on topic and contribute in a meaningful way. Don’t post random, irrelevant comments just for the sake of responding. Make sure your remarks directly pertain to what was posted and offer some additional insight or perspective.

For example, if your friend posted about their new job, don’t respond with “What’s for lunch today?” Instead, say something like “Congrats on the new job! You’ll do great.” Or if they shared an article, share your thoughts on the topic. Adding a relevant, thoughtful reaction helps keep the conversation going.

Be Positive and Uplifting

In general, err on the side of posting positive comments rather than negative ones. Building others up is far better than tearing them down. If you disagree with something, find a constructive way to share your viewpoint. And if you have nothing nice to say, it’s better to just refrain from commenting.

Comments like “This is dumb” or sarcastic reactions can cause hurt feelings and may discourage your friends from posting in the future. Even if you have good intentions, negative comments can be misconstrued online. When in doubt, stick to uplifting, supportive remarks in order to create a positive environment.

Keep it Short and Sweet

Lengthy comments can be overwhelming or annoying to others on Facebook. Try to keep your thoughts concise and to the point. You want them to actually read what you wrote, rather than just skim over it. Paragraph-long comments may even get collapsed so others have to click “See More” just to view the whole thing.

Brief responses like “Love this!” or “So cool, thanks for sharing!” get your message across without dominating the thread. For longer remarks, consider breaking it up into separate comments focused on one main idea each. People appreciate thoughtful feedback, just keep it bite-sized.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

If you want to spark an interesting dialogue in the comments, try asking an open-ended question related to the original post. This gives others an easy way to jump in and share their own thoughts and opinions.

For example, on a shared article you could ask, “What did you all think of this idea presented here?” Or on a travel photo you could ask, “What’s your dream destination?” Thought-provoking questions keep the conversation flowing and give more depth to the discussion.

Tag Other Friends

When relevant, consider tagging friends in your comments using the @ symbol. This notifies them that you mentioned them and draws them into the conversation. It’s a great way to get more people involved.

For example, if a friend posts about a concert, you could write “@John we should check this out, looks awesome!” Or on a photo from an event, tag friends who were also there. When others see their name tagged, they’ll often chime in with their own thoughts.

Use Emojis and GIFs

Emojis and GIFs are a fun way to react and interact on Facebook posts. A single emoji or animated GIF can sometimes convey your thoughts better than writing a long comment. It also adds some colorful flair to the thread.

Just don’t go overboard. Using too many flashy elements can be distracting or come across as spammy. Sprinkle in some relevant emojis and GIFs here and there to enhance your written comments.

Share Publicly vs. Privately

Before commenting, consider if you want to share your thoughts publicly or just privately message the person. For straightforward comments like “Congrats!” that don’t need privacy, posting publicly is fine. But anything more personal may be better sent in a private message.

Private messages allow you to communicate sensitively and avoid any embarrassing mix-ups. You can always comment “Sent you a message!” publicly to let them know to check their inbox.

Avoid Controversial Topics

Think twice before commenting on posts involving controversial or heated issues like politics, religion, social issues, etc. These types of discussions can easily get out of hand and may not be the right place to share your views.

Unless you know the person is welcoming of respectful debate on their page, avoid stirring the pot unnecessarily. Keep your remarks focused on neutral, uplifting topics to prevent tension.

Don’t Make It All About You

When commenting, make sure to consider the original poster’s intent and desired focus. Don’t hijack their post to make it all about yourself or shift the topic to something completely unrelated.

For example, if your friend posts a professional update like a promotion, don’t turn the comments into a discussion about your own work situation. Keep things centered around celebrating their news in a thoughtful way.

Proofread Before Posting

Make sure to proofread your comment before posting. Just like other social networks, comments on Facebook are public and often permanent. Typos, grammatical errors or autocorrect mistakes could end up spreading widely.

Take a few extra seconds to double check your phrasing and spelling. It will polish your comment and prevent potentially embarrassing errors down the line.

Follow the Golden Rule

Apply the “Golden Rule” when deciding what to write in a Facebook comment: Treat others how you would want to be treated. Be thoughtful, respectful and considerate. Share the types of comments you would appreciate receiving yourself.

If your remark could be construed as hurtful, overly critical, inappropriate or irrelevant, think twice before posting. Stick to comments you would feel good about if the roles were reversed.

Don’t Feed the Trolls

If someone posts a negative or provocative comment trying to get a reaction, don’t take the bait. Attempting to reason with an internet troll rarely goes well. The best approach is usually to just ignore them.

Arguing back will often spur them on for more attention. Deleting their comment without acknowledging it may be an option too. Don’t let trolls derail an otherwise positive conversation.

Use Common Courtesy

Think about real-life social etiquette and apply the same courtesies when commenting on Facebook. Say “please” and “thank you” when appropriate. Avoid curse words even if your page allows them. Be polite and respectful at all times.

Posts on social media may seem informal, but basic manners still go a long way. You never know who may end up reading your comment down the line.

Don’t Post When Emotional

If you’re feeling unusually emotional or worked up about something, it may be best to hold off on commenting for the time being. Comments made in the heat of the moment are more likely to come across as irrational, aggressive or unintentionally hurtful.

Give yourself some time to calm down first. Then if you still feel you have something meaningful to add to the discussion, comment from a more rational, balanced headspace.

Provide Context if Needed

Sometimes a stand-alone comment may seem out of the blue or random without any background context. In cases like this, consider giving some quick prefacing context.

For example, “I know you mentioned going here last week so had to share…” or “This reminded me of that hilarious story from the reunion…” The extra context helps your comment make more sense.

Reply Thoughtfully to Replies

If someone replies to your original comment, be thoughtful in crafting your response. Carry on the dialogue rather than ignoring their remark or shutting it down.

Thank them for their input if you appreciate their perspective. Tactfully correct them if they seem misinformed. Or agree to disagree if your views don’t align.

Unfollow or Hide if Needed

If a particular friend frequently posts things you don’t want to see or comment on, you can unfollow them without unfriending. You’ll remain Facebook friends but their posts won’t appear in your feed.

Or you can hide individual posts from your feed that you don’t want to engage with. Use these tools to avoid feeling obligated to comment on unwanted content.

Don’t Post Too Much

While participating in discussions can be great, avoid bombarding every single post from a friend with multiple comments. Too many rapid-fire remarks come across as spammy.

Limit yourself to 1-2 comments per post maximum, unless you’re actively engaged in a back-and-forth conversation on it. Find the right balance to stay engaged but not overbearing.

It’s Okay to Lurk Sometimes

Don’t feel pressure to comment on every post in your feed. Sometimes reading posts without reacting is perfectly fine too. Social media users don’t expect responses to everything they share.

If you don’t have anything meaningful to contribute, or are short on time, feel free to lurk without actively commenting. Save your remarks for when you really feel like chiming in.

Take Breaks if Needed

If you find commenting stressful or too time-consuming, it’s alright to take a break for a while. Social media should be enjoyable, not another obligation. Disable notifications and check in only when you want to.

Temporary breaks can be refreshing and help you avoid burnout. Find a balance that works for your lifestyle and don’t force yourself to engage.

Don’t Take Lack of Response Personally

If you comment on a post and get few reactions, try not to take it personally. There are many reasons someone may not respond, like simply missing the notification.

A lack of response doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t appreciate you chiming in. Avoid reading too much into social media silences. Focus on the value of commenting, not the reaction.

Consider the Poster’s Privacy

If a friend shares something personal or vulnerable, be careful about commenting extensively unless they explicitly ask for feedback. They may prefer support privately vs. lots of public comments.

A simple “Thinking of you” or “Sending hugs” lets them know you care without overstepping any boundaries. When in doubt, send a private message checking in.

Don’t Take Criticism Personally

If someone disagrees with your comment or offers constructive criticism, try not to be offended. They have a right to share their perspective just like you did. This can lead to meaningful dialogue.

Listen with an open mind rather than getting defensive. You may learn something even if their viewpoint differs from yours. Be gracious and thank them for giving you food for thought.


Commenting on Facebook can be a great way to connect with friends, share ideas, and participate in meaningful discussions. By keeping comments relevant, positive, thoughtful, and bite-sized, you’ll add value for yourself and others. Approach every comment as an opportunity to brighten someone’s day in a small but significant way.