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What should comment on girl pic?

What should comment on girl pic?

When commenting on a girl’s photo on social media, it’s important to be respectful and appropriate. The goal should be to give a sincere compliment or start a friendly conversation, not to be creepy or make her uncomfortable. Here are some tips on how to comment on a girl’s photo in a positive way:

Focus on non-physical compliments

Rather than commenting on her appearance or body, say something nice about her style, mood, or personality. For example: “This is such a cool photo! You look like an adventurer.” “Your smile is contagious in this pic!” “I love your outfit here – the colors suit you!”

Reference something specific in the photo

Pick out a detail that shows you really looked at the photo, rather than just giving a generic compliment. For example: “That mountain view behind you is stunning!” or “Your dog is so cute, what’s their name?”

Ask an open-ended question

Ask a question that invites conversation and keeps things positive. For example: “Where was this photo taken? It looks beautiful there!” or “What are you up to in this pic?”

Compliment her talents or skills

If it’s relevant to the photo, compliment abilities like photography skills, artistic talent, or athleticism. For example: “Wow, did you take this photo yourself? You’re very talented!” or “Amazing form! I bet you work hard at the gym.”

Use humor

If there’s something funny or amusing in the photo, leave a funny (but not mocking) comment about it. The key is keeping it positive. For example: “Haha did you get photobombed by that bird?” or “Looks like you’re really enjoying that ice cream!”

Wish her well

You can brighten someone’s day with a warm, positive sentiment. For example: “Hope you’re having an amazing day!” or “Looks like fun, enjoy!”

What Not to Do

It’s also important to avoid problematic comments. Here are some things not to do when commenting on a girl’s photo:

Don’t comment on intimate body parts

Never make sexualized or creepy comments about a girl’s body. Don’t comment on intimate areas like her breasts, rear end, legs etc. This is inappropriate and will most likely result in her blocking you.

Don’t make assumptions about her or objectify her

Don’t assume things like her relationship status, interests, personality etc. based on her appearance. Also avoid objectifying comments that make her sound like an object for male pleasure.

Don’t be pushy or demanding

Don’t pressure her into responding, meeting up or sending you more photos. Phrases like “You have to message me back!”, “Let’s hang out soon gorgeous” or “Send me more pics baby” are unacceptable.

Don’t use pet names or terms of endearment

Don’t call her things like “baby”, “sexy” or “cutie” right off the bat. This comes across as pushy and disrespectful. Get to know her first before using nicknames or endearments.

Don’t make her uncomfortable with unwanted flirting

Flirty comments can easily cross the line without indicating clear mutual interest first. Avoid comments with sexual overtones or excessive flattery that could make her feel uneasy.

Don’t be negative or critical

Never post mean or critical comments putting down her looks or photo skills. Even if you think you’re joking, negative comments are rude and upsetting.

How to Respond to Her Reply

If you comment respectfully on a girl’s photo and she replies, here are some tips for continuing the conversation:

Thank her for responding

Show you appreciate her taking the time to reply. A simple “Thanks for replying!” is friendly without being over-the-top.

Answer any questions she asks

If she asks you something in her response, answer helpfully and provide enough detail for more conversation. Don’t just give a short answer without follow-up.

Ask a follow-up question

Keep the dialogue flowing by asking another open-ended question about her photo or something she said. Avoid asking anything too personal.

Look for common interests

If she reveals shared interests or experiences in her reply, point that out and ask for more details. This creates a personal connection.

Compliment aspects of her personality

Compliment positive personality traits she demonstrates in her reply, like kindness, a good sense of humor or intelligence. This shows you notice deeper qualities.

Limit the flirting

Mild flirting can be okay if she seems receptive, but avoid crossing the line into constant compliments, pet names or strong sexual interest before getting to know each other better.

Suggest meeting up (if appropriate)

If she seems interested and conversation goes really well, it may be appropriate to suggest meeting up. Say something casual like “Would you like to grab coffee sometime?” Make sure your tone doesn’t pressure her.

Wrap up the conversation politely if needed

If she seems disengaged and isn’t asking follow-up questions, she may not be interested in an extended conversation. Politely wrap things up by saying something like “It was nice chatting with you!”

Inappropriate Comments to Avoid

Here are some specific comments that are almost always inappropriate and unnecessary on a girl’s social media photos:

“Sexy lady!”

Too sexualized and objectifying right off the bat.

“Marry me!”

Comes across as pushy, intense and creepy.

“You’re so hot, can’t stop looking at you”

Focuses entirely on physicality in an objectifying way.

“Why don’t you respond?!”

Pressuring and entitled if you don’t know each other well.

“Nice rack”

Crass comment on intimate body part. Highly inappropriate.

“I’d tap that”

Disrespectful, objectifying and overly sexual.

“Smoking hot body”

Reduces her to just her body/appearance in an objectifying manner.

“Sexiest girl on here”

Too strong of a sexual compliment for someone you’re not already intimate with.

“You look so lonely, need some company?”

Presumptuous and pushy without indication of mutual romantic interest.

How to Comment Based on Photo Type

You may need slightly different strategies for commenting based on the type of photo it is:


Compliment her overall look, style, or expression genuinely. Ask about her fashion, hair, makeup, or background setting.


Ask about the activity she’s doing or comment on her involvement in sports/hobbies. Compliment her skill level.


Compliment her pet and ask what their name or breed is. Share your own pet anecdote or pet love.


Ask about the interesting destination and discuss travel experiences. Be positive.


Compliment the tasty looking food and ask if she made it herself. Share your own cooking skill/interest.

Friend group

Compliment the fun friend group and positive energy. Ask about how she knows them or long they’ve been friends.


Compliment her put-together look and ask about her career or job. Keep professional.


Praise her creative talent in a meaningful way. Ask about her artistic process and passions.


Compliment her style and confidence. Keep comments feeling more friendship-oriented.

Photo Type Do: Don’t:
Portrait – Compliment look/style genuinely
– Ask about fashion/background
– Make sexualized comments
– Use objectifying language
Activity – Compliment skill in activity
– Ask about sports/hobbies
– Assume or comment on physical fitness
Pet – Compliment pet
– Ask pet’s name/breed
– Make assumptions about love life
Travel – Ask about destination
– Discuss travel experiences
– Pressuring to meet up or travel together
Food – Compliment food
– Discuss cooking skill
– Make suggestive comments about eating together
Friend group – Compliment friend group
– Ask how she knows them
– Creepy or lewd comments about her and friends
Professional – Compliment put-together look
– Ask about career
– Overly flirty or unprofessional comments
Artistic – Praise creative talent
– Ask about artistic process
– Sexualized comments about her body/looks
Selfie – Compliment style and confidence – Pushy flirting or requests for more selfies

How to Recover From an Inappropriate Comment

If you accidentally post an inappropriate comment on a girl’s photo, here are some tips for apologizing and correcting your mistake:

Apologize sincerely

Post a new comment apologizing for the inappropriate remark. Be specific about what you’re apologizing for and take full responsibility. Don’t make excuses.

Acknowledge it made her uncomfortable

Express understanding if your comment caused distress or discomfort. Assure her you didn’t intend that reaction.

Delete the original comment

Delete the inappropriate comment to prevent further spread. Don’t hide what you said, but do remove it.

Explain your intent wasn’t malicious

Let her know you had positive intentions but missed the mark. Make clear you don’t expect her forgiveness.

Keep the focus on your actions

Don’t pressure her to respond, forgive you or make you feel better. Keep the focus on apologizing for your mistake.

Avoid defensive or victim-blaming remarks

Don’t say anything that implies she’s overreacting or that blames her photo. Take full accountability.

Learn from the experience

Reflect on why the comment was problematic and how to avoid it in the future. Growing is the best response.

Move forward with respect

If she accepts your apology, great. But don’t expect things to continue as before. Give her space and interact respectfully moving forward.


Commenting thoughtfully on a girl’s social media photos comes down to being friendly, respectful and considerate. Give sincere compliments, ask questions that spark conversation, and focus on learning about her personality beyond appearances. Avoid sexualized or objectifying remarks. If you accidentally cross a line, apologize sincerely without defensiveness. With the right mindset, you can brighten someone’s day and make positive connections online.