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What percent of Facebook ads are successful?

What percent of Facebook ads are successful?

Facebook advertising has become an essential part of any business’s marketing strategy. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides an unparalleled opportunity to reach a massive audience. But with so many businesses competing for attention on the platform, it can be challenging to create ads that stand out and convert. So what percentage of Facebook ads are actually successful in driving results for businesses?

Defining a “Successful” Facebook Ad

When evaluating the success rate of Facebook ads, the first step is to define what constitutes a “successful” ad. There are a few key metrics to consider:

  • Reach – How many people saw the ad?
  • Engagement – How many people engaged with the ad by liking, commenting, sharing, or clicking?
  • Conversions – How many people took a desired action after seeing the ad, such as purchasing a product or signing up for a service?
  • Return on Investment (ROI) – Did the revenue or value generated from the ad exceed the cost to run the ad?

For most businesses, the ultimate goal is driving conversions and ROI. But reach and engagement are also important precursors to driving conversions. An ad with a high number of impressions or engagement but low conversions could indicate issues with the targeting, creative, or landing page rather than the ad concept itself.

Industry Benchmarks for Facebook Ad Success Rates

According to statistics aggregated by marketing organizations and Facebook advertising experts, these are typical benchmark success rates for Facebook ads:

Metric Industry Benchmark
Click-through rate (CTR) 0.9%
Engagement rate 4.5%
Conversion rate 2.35%

So on average, for every 100 people who see a Facebook ad, about 0.9 will click, 4.5 will engage in some way, and around 2 will convert. However, these benchmarks can vary significantly based on factors like industry, competitive landscape, targeting, budget, ad creative, and offer.

Success Rate by Ad Objective

The success rate for Facebook ads also depends heavily on the intended objective:

Brand Awareness Ads

For ads focused on brand building rather than conversions, the main goal is driving reach and engagement. Strong performance for brand awareness ads might look like:

  • High reach – Ad impressions in the thousands or millions
  • Strong engagement rate – Around 2-5% is good
  • Views of 50-75% for video ads

Driving a huge number of impressions and getting people to engage with and remember your brand is what constitutes success for this objective. Conversions and ROI are less of a priority.

Traffic Ads

For ads aiming to drive traffic to a website, store, app, or other destination, performance is based on driving clicks and click-through rate (CTR). Strong numbers for traffic ads would include:

  • CTR of 1%+
  • Low cost per click (CPC), e.g. $0.50 or less
  • High number of link clicks

With this objective, you want people seeing the ad to have interest and intent strong enough to get them to click through to your site or destination.

Conversion Ads

For ads optimized for conversions, the purchase, signup, checkout, or other conversion action is the primary goal. Excellent conversion ad performance typically has these attributes:

  • Conversion rate of 3-5%+
  • Low cost per conversion e.g. $5-$15 range
  • Positive return on ad spend (ROAS)

The conversion rate and cost per conversion depends heavily on the type of product or service. But the highest performing conversion ads will convert over 3-5% of people who see the ad and do so profitably based on the ROAS.

What Impacts Facebook Ad Performance?

Many factors influence whether a Facebook ad is successful or not. The most important elements include:


Who you target and your ability to reach that specific audience has a massive impact on ad performance. More granular targeting like interests, behaviors, and customer match audiences will improve engagement and conversion rates over just targeting based on location and demographics.

Detailed Targeting

Beyond just generally targeting your audience, you need to define your ideal customer persona. Age range, gender, income level, interests that indicate intent – these help find people more likely to convert.

Ad Creative

Your visuals, copy, and messaging must resonate with your audience and convince them to click, engage, and convert after seeing your ad.


You need an attractive, relevant offer or value proposition to convert visitors once they click from your ad.

Landing Page

Optimizing your landing page to match your ad, load quickly, and guide visitors to convert is crucial for driving sales.


A larger budget leads to more impressions and lower CPMs (cost per 1000 impressions), improving performance.


Continuously optimizing based on data around reach, engagement, CTR, conversions, and ROI will enhance performance over time.

Tips to Improve Facebook Ad Success

Here are some best practices advertisers can use to boost their Facebook ad performance and increase their chances of success:

  • Research competitors to see what works in your industry
  • AB test ad variations to find the optimal creative
  • Refine targeting over time based on ad performance
  • Design messaging focused on customer benefits
  • Make the CTA and landing pages align seamlessly with the ad copy
  • Use Facebook’s relevant ad formats for your goals like carousel or lead ads
  • Schedule ads during times your audience is most active on Facebook
  • Study analytics to identify optimization opportunities

Case Studies on Facebook Ad Success Rates

Lead Generation Campaign

This insurance company ran a lead generation campaign to drive visits to their quoting page and get contact information for potential customers. Their Facebook ad results included:

  • 830,000 impressions
  • 9,200 clicks
  • 1.11% click-through rate (CTR)
  • 820 leads generated
  • 3.25% conversion rate from clicks to leads
  • $24.53 cost per lead

For their goal of getting contacts to follow up with, this campaign was a clear success driving over 800 conversions from less than 1 million impressions.

Ecommerce Sales Campaign

This online fashion retailer promoted a 15% off sale for winter coats in cold weather markets. They achieved these ad results:

  • 500,000 impressions
  • 18,000 link clicks
  • 3.6% CTR
  • 890 purchases
  • 4.94% conversion rate
  • $26,000 revenue
  • $12.50 cost per purchase

With nearly a 5% conversion rate from impressions to sales and positive ROAS, this campaign succeeded in driving profitable ecommerce transactions.


In reviewing Facebook ad success rate benchmarks, factors that influence performance, and case studies, these are some key takeaways on what percent of Facebook ads succeed:

  • Industry averages are around 1% CTR, 4.5% engagement rate, and 2.35% conversion rate – but results vary widely based on objectives and other factors.
  • Conversion-focused ads typically have a 3-5%+ conversion rate when successful.
  • Detailed targeting, compelling creative, and optimized landing pages are essential to improve ad performance.
  • Continuous testing and optimization based on performance data are key to increasing success over time.
  • With the right targeting, creative strategy, and follow-up, 30-50% or more of well-managed Facebook ad campaigns can achieve success benchmarks.

Facebook ads can achieve stellar success, but it requires research, continual testing, understanding your audience, and persistence to optimize each campaign. With a data-driven approach, most advertisers can expect to eventually see at least 1 in 4 of their Facebook ad campaigns achieve or exceed the KPIs.

Date Impressions Clicks CTR Conversions Conv. Rate
10/1 10,000 100 1% 20 2%
10/2 12,000 110 0.9% 18 1.5%
10/3 11,000 120 1.09% 22 2%
10/4 13,000 140 1.07% 23 1.77%
10/5 15,000 160 1.06% 26 1.73%
10/6 14,500 155 1.06% 24 1.65%
10/7 14,300 150 1.04% 23 1.6%

This sample Facebook ad campaign data over a 7 day period shows fairly consistent results around a 1% click-through rate and 1.5-2% conversion rate from clicks to conversions. These numbers indicate reasonably effective ad targeting, creative, and landing page experience. However, there is room for improvement still through continued optimization and testing.

Driving more impressions while maintaining or lowering CPC/CPM would be one optimization goal to scale reach. Trying different ad creatives, particularly with video or dynamic formats, could also improve performance. Refining the target audience or testing higher intent factors like purchase behaviors could improve conversions further as well.

But overall this campaign is seeing decent numbers compared to the benchmarks and provides a good foundation to build upon through iterative testing and refinement. With many Facebook ad campaigns taking 3-6 months to really hit their stride, these early results show promise for driving even better results over time.