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What name should I use in Facebook?

What name should I use in Facebook?

When creating a Facebook profile, one of the most important decisions is choosing your name. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become a major platform for personal branding and online identity. The name you use can significantly impact how others perceive you, so it’s important to choose wisely.

Should I use my real name?

Using your real, legal name is generally recommended on Facebook for a few key reasons:

  • Authenticity – Using your real name helps maintain trust and transparency with friends, family, coworkers and other connections.
  • Ease of use – Friends can easily find and connect with the “real you.” Using an alias can create confusion.
  • Compliance – Facebook’s terms require users to provide their real names.

However, there are some cases where using a variation of your name, nickname or middle name may be preferred:

  • Privacy – To limit profile visibility from employers, coworkers, etc.
  • Security – To protect against harassment, stalking or identity theft.
  • Professional branding – Using a consistent name across social media for a personal brand.

Overall, your real name is recommended in most cases, but nicknames or variations may be suitable depending on your goals and privacy needs.

Should I use my full name or a shortened version?

On Facebook, you have a few options when it comes to your first and last name:

  • Full legal name (e.g. Robert Smith)
  • Shortened first name (e.g. Bob Smith)
  • Initials (e.g. R. Smith)
  • First name only (e.g. Robert)

Here are some factors to consider:

  • Searchability – Using your full first name makes it easier for friends to find you.
  • Formality – Full names are more formal, shortened versions more casual.
  • Length – Long names may need to be shortened to fit in the character limits.
  • Privacy – Using initials only affords more anonymity.

In most cases, your full first name or common nickname is recommended, but initials or first name only is fine too. Just be sure friends can still identify you easily.

Should I use my middle name?

Using your middle name, middle initial or omitting your middle name altogether are all options on Facebook. Here are a few pros and cons of each approach:

Using full middle name:

  • Allows you to fully represent your legal name
  • Helps distinguish you from others with a common first/last name
  • Middle names are less commonly used day-to-day

Using middle initial:

  • Standard option used by many
  • Balances authenticity with brevity
  • Still provides some distinction from common names

Omitting middle name:

  • More common everyday option
  • Shorter and simpler for friends to search
  • May increase confusion with similar names

Overall, using your middle initial is recommended, but your full middle name or none at all are also perfectly fine options.

Can I use a nickname?

Facebook does allow using nicknames, under certain conditions:

  • Your nickname must clearly relate to your authentic first or last name and be used consistently across platforms.
  • Fake or misleading nicknames are not allowed.
  • Celebrity or fictional names cannot be used.

Here are some examples of acceptable nicknames on Facebook:

  • Jen for Jennifer
  • AJ for Anthony Jones
  • Kat for Katherine
  • Will for William

The key is choosing a nickname you’re commonly known by among friends and family. This maintains authenticity while allowing you to craft your preferred variant of your real name.

Can I use my maiden name?

If you changed your last name due to marriage or divorce, you have a few options on Facebook:

  • Married last name only – Simplest option if you go by your married name exclusively.
  • Maiden name only – Use if you prefer to maintain your pre-marriage identity.
  • Hyphenated name – Combines both married and maiden names.
  • Maiden name as middle name – Keeps both names but prioritizes married name.

The right choice depends on your personal situation and preferences. The key is using a variation of your legal name that friends still recognize you by.

Should I use any punctuation or special characters?

Facebook names support standard punctuation and special characters including:

  • Dashes and hyphens (e.g. Jo-Anne)
  • Apostrophes (e.g. O’Reilly)
  • Accent marks over letters (e.g. José)

However, other symbols and emojis should be avoided. Stick to standard letters, punctuation and hyphens for a professional look.

Can I use titles or credentials?

Facebook recommends not including titles or credentials like “Dr.” or “CPA” as part of your profile name. Rather, you can add these details to the Bio and Job fields on your profile. Reasons to avoid titles in your name include:

  • Clutters names with excess information
  • Not part of legal name in most cases
  • Separate fields exist for credentials/titles
  • Can come across as overbearing or pretentious

Keep your name simple and add any professional distinctions in your profile itself for the best presentation.

Should I create a Facebook page instead of a profile?

Facebook offers both personal profiles and pages:

  • Profiles – For individual personal use to connect with friends/family.
  • Pages – For businesses, brands, organizations and public figures.

Guidelines on choosing between a Facebook profile or page:

Facebook Profile Facebook Page
For non-commercial personal use For organizations and businesses
5,000 friend limit Unlimited followers
Real name used Can represent a brand/entity
More private and personal Public-facing and professional

For most everyday users, a standard personal profile is appropriate. Business owners, brands or public figures may want to also create a page.

What if I want to change my name later on?

If you later want to change your profile name on Facebook, you have a few options:

  • Edit Profile – You can edit your name directly in the About section of your profile.
  • Request Change – Formally request a name change through Facebook’s Help Center.
  • Create New Account – Make a new account with your preferred name, then migrate over info.

To change your name, you’ll need to provide documentation confirming the legal name change. This ensures authenticity on the platform.


Choosing the right name for your Facebook profile is an important personal branding decision. While using your authentic full name is recommended in most cases, you do have some flexibility to use variations or nicknames. Just be sure the name reasonably matches your real identity and doesn’t mislead others. With over 2 billion users, the name you choose on Facebook will be how many people know and find you.