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What makes a good story on Facebook?

What makes a good story on Facebook?

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms for sharing stories and connecting with friends, family and peers. For individuals and businesses looking to build their audience and increase engagement on Facebook, creating compelling stories is key.

What types of stories work best on Facebook?

The best stories on Facebook are ones that resonate with your target audience. Consider what types of content your followers would find interesting, entertaining or educational. Some ideas include:

  • Behind-the-scenes photos and videos
  • User-generated content like customer testimonials or reviews
  • Lists and tips related to your industry
  • Inspirational and motivational stories
  • Funny or heartwarming anecdotes
  • Educational articles and explainers
  • Stories highlighting company culture and values

Stories that provide value for your audience and align with your brand voice tend to perform best. experiment with different story formats and topics to see what resonates most with your Facebook followers.

How can you create engaging stories?

Here are some tips for crafting compelling stories for Facebook:

  • Use vivid language. Paint a picture with descriptive words to draw readers in.
  • Share your expertise. Provide insider tips and industry knowledge.
  • Tell a complete story. Have a beginning, middle and end instead of just making an announcement.
  • Use high-quality photos and videos. Visuals help bring your story to life.
  • Write conversationally. Use a friendly, approachable tone.
  • Share your experiences. Personal stories from your employees or customers can help readers connect.
  • Appeal to emotions. Stories that evoke joy, inspiration, laughter or nostalgia often resonate.
  • Highlight people. Share stories about real employees, customers or fans when possible.

Keep your audience top of mind when crafting stories. Ask yourself what they would find interesting, surprising or helpful. Tailor your stories to align with their preferences.

What story formats work best?

Facebook offers several formats for telling visual stories:

  • Photo albums: Share a series of photos to tell a story with images and captions.
  • Video posts: Create engaging video content to share on your Page.
  • Facebook Stories: Use the Stories feature to share ephemeral photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours.
  • Live videos: Go live to offer behind-the-scenes footage, Q&As and real-time engagement.
  • Carousel posts: Highlight multiple photos or videos in one post that people can horizontally scroll through.

The best story format depends on your goals, audience and content style. Test different approaches to determine what drives the most reactions and shares within your niche.

How can you optimize stories for engagement?

Follow these tips to increase engagement with your Facebook stories:

  • Post at optimal times when your audience is most active.
  • Use strategic call-to-action buttons like “Learn More” to drive clicks.
  • Include links to drive traffic to your website or other pages.
  • Leverage hashtags related to your industry or location so stories appear in those feeds.
  • @mention relevant Facebook pages to expand your reach.
  • Prompt followers to tag friends who may be interested.
  • Ask questions to spark conversation in the comments.
  • Run polls and questionnaires to boost engagement.

Analyze your Facebook Insights data to see which types of posts and story formats spark the most engagement. Tailor your strategy based on the metrics.

How can you use stories to humanize your brand?

Stories provide a prime opportunity to showcase your brand personality and humanize your company. Strategies include:

  • Profile employee spotlights sharing their personal stories.
  • Give behind-the-scenes looks at your office culture.
  • Share customer testimonials and user-generated content.
  • Highlight your company values and community involvement.
  • Publish lighthearted and fun stories showcasing your team.
  • Share stories revealing your brand heritage and history.

Storytelling allows followers to look past your logo and connect with the real people behind your brand. Taking a human-centric approach can help set you apart from competitors.

What makes stories shareable?

Certain qualities can help boost the shareability of your Facebook stories, such as:

  • Usefulness: Share tips, how-tos, and advice followers can apply in their own lives.
  • Entertainment: Amuse people with delightful and funny stories.
  • Inspiration: Motivate or uplift others with inspirational tales.
  • Surprise: Pique curiosity with something unexpected about your brand.
  • Controversy: Respectfully challenge assumptions and spark discussion (when aligned with your brand values).
  • Exclusivity: Offer sneak peeks, insider access or content just for Facebook followers.

People are more likely to share stories that evoke emotion or provide value. Experiment to determine what resonates most with your audience.

How can you repurpose content into stories?

With a bit of adaptation, you can recycle existing content assets into stories:

  • Turn written blog posts into photo collages or videos.
  • Repackage ebooks and guides as a series of tips and takeaways.
  • Compile product photos into an album spotlighting your offerings.
  • Excerpt sections of a video into short video clips.
  • Showcase customer testimonials previously shared on your website.
  • Feature interesting statistics or takeaways from your reports or research.

Repurposing not only saves time but allows you to present content in fresh, engaging ways tailored for social media.

How can you integrate other platforms into your stories?

Integrating complementary platforms can help maximize your Facebook stories:

  • Embed Instagram posts within Facebook stories and vice versa.
  • Cross-promote content and campaigns through Facebook and Instagram ads.
  • Share Twitter polls or hot takes and respond to reactions on Facebook.
  • Turn Facebook Live videos into YouTube replays.
  • Spotlight positive YouTube comments or subscriber milestone updates.
  • Promote links to your latest podcast episode or newsletter issue.

Using Facebook stories to highlight content from other platforms helps showcase the full scope of your brand. Just ensure your cross-channel efforts still feel cohesive.

What metrics should you track?

Key Facebook Stories metrics to monitor include:

  • Reach: The number of unique people who saw your story.
  • Impressions: Total views of your story.
  • Engagement rate: Likes, comments, shares divided by impressions.
  • Clicks: Taps on interactive elements within your story.
  • Exits: People who left Facebook after viewing your story.
  • Replies: Comments and reactions to your story.
  • Saves: How many times people saved your story to watch later.

Compare metrics on your best-performing and worst-performing stories to identify winning strategies.


Leveraging Facebook Stories can help you connect with your audience in an interactive, visual way. Focus on crafting compelling stories tailored to your followers’ interests. Optimize your content for engagement and shareability based on performance data. With consistent testing and optimization, Facebook Stories provide a powerful channel for showcasing your brand’s personality and engaging your community.