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What makes a good cover photo?

What makes a good cover photo?

A cover photo can make or break your social media profile. It’s often the first thing people notice, so you want to make a good impression. But what exactly makes an effective cover photo? Here are some tips on creating cover photos that will engage your audience.

Use High-Quality Images

First things first, your cover photo needs to be high resolution and crisp. Blurry or pixelated images will make your profile look unprofessional. For Facebook, the ideal cover photo size is 820 pixels by 312 pixels. On Twitter, cover images are 1500 x 500 pixels. LinkedIn cover photos can be 1584 x 396 pixels. Always use the best quality image you have available within these dimensions.

If possible, create cover photos specifically for each platform at the ideal size. Don’t just stretch a small photo to fit. Take the time to design images that will look great at the exact dimensions for each social site.

Pick Colors Carefully

Color psychology plays an important role in cover photo design. Certain colors elicite specific emotional responses from viewers. Bold reds and oranges convey excitement, passion, and energy. Cool blues and greens give off a sense of tranquility and trust. Bright yellows spark creativity and positivity.

Look at your industry and brand identity. Select colors for your cover photo that align with the image you want to project. Vibrant hues tend to work best to grab attention on social platforms. Just be sure the colors complement each other and create a cohesive look.

Show Faces

Human faces naturally draw people’s gaze. Incorporating portraits into your cover photo is an excellent way to create more engaging social profiles. But there are some best practices for using faces:

  • Show authentic emotion and connection
  • Feature diversity and inclusion
  • Avoid stock photos that look generic
  • Pick shots that are well-lit and high quality

If you don’t have suitable portraits available, consider a customized illustration with a human element. Faces don’t have to be photorealistic to make a connection.

Incorporate Your Brand

While you want your cover image to stand out, it still needs to represent your brand. Include logo, colors, fonts, and other design elements that identify your company. The photo should instantly tell viewers what you do and what makes your business unique.

Some ideas for showing off your brand:

  • Prominently feature your product or service
  • Show employees in a work setting
  • Display your office space or storefront
  • Highlight awards or media coverage

The cover photo is valuable real estate for reinforcing your brand identity. Make the most of it by selecting images that align with your company and showcase what you do best.

Use Text Sparingly

While your cover photo should connect to your brand, avoid cluttering it with too much text. The image itself should tell the story. At most, include a inspirational quote or your company name/slogan creatively integrated into the design.

Any text used should:

  • Be short and easy to read
  • Stand out clearly against the background
  • Use a font that matches your brand style
  • Relate directly to your industry or products

Less is more when it comes to text on your cover photo. Let the image make the impact and use words sparingly for highlighting your brand.

Create a Cohesive Aesthetic

Consistency is key for good branding. While you want your cover images to be eye-catching, they should create an aesthetic that carries across your entire profile and collection of photos/videos.

Some tips for creating cohesion:

  • Stick to one or two main color palettes
  • Use the same 1-2 fonts in images
  • Maintain a similar tone and style across photos
  • Ensure visuals tie together into a unified narrative

Having a library of images that blend well together will make your entire social presence feel more professional. Use your cover photo to set the visual tone.

Change It Up Frequently

Don’t just set your cover photo once and forget it. Take advantage of this prime real estate by switching up your image regularly. This gives you fresh opportunities to showcase different aspects of your brand.

Aim to change your cover photo:

  • When you release a new product/service
  • For holidays, events, and seasons
  • To promote special sales, deals, or contests
  • To highlight new employees, awards, or milestones

A stagnant cover photo can cause people to disengage over time. Post new images frequently to pique interest and keep your brand looking fresh.

Do A/B Testing

How do you know if one cover photo will be more effective than another? Run A/B tests to find out!

Pick two strong contenders for your new cover image. Use one on your page for 1-2 weeks, then swap it for the other. Track engagement data like likes, comments, and shares during each time period.

Look at which image drove the most interactions and engagement from your audience. This gives you valuable insight into what resonates best. You can then confidently pick a winner to keep as your cover photo.


Your cover photo is valuable real estate, so make the most of it. Showcase your brand with high-quality, eye-catching images. Experiment with different looks frequently. Use data to optimize your cover images over time. With compelling cover photos that accurately reflect your business, you can make a great first impression and turn your social profiles into stronger marketing assets.