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What is wrong with my Facebook notifications?

What is wrong with my Facebook notifications?

Having issues with Facebook notifications is a common problem that many users face. Not getting notifications on time, missing notifications, or getting too many irrelevant notifications can be frustrating. However, there are usually some simple steps you can take to fix most Facebook notification problems.

Why am I not getting Facebook notifications?

There are a few common reasons why you may not be getting Facebook notifications:

  • Your notifications are turned off – Double check that notifications are enabled for the Facebook app on your device and for the specific types of notifications you want to receive in the app’s Settings.
  • Facebook is having technical issues – Facebook apps and services do occasionally have downtime and glitches that can delay or prevent notifications from going through. This is usually temporary.
  • You have notification restrictions enabled – Facebook allows you to mute notifications from specific people or pages. Check that you haven’t muted notifications from someone you want to hear from.
  • Your device settings are blocking notifications – Make sure your device settings or Do Not Disturb settings are not overriding Facebook’s ability to send you notifications.
  • The Facebook app is not up to date – Make sure you are running the latest version of the Facebook app and that it is able to run properly on your device.
  • Your device is low on storage or has other apps interfering – Low storage space and too many apps running can prevent Facebook from working properly. Try closing other apps while using Facebook.

Why do I only get some Facebook notifications?

Only getting selective Facebook notifications could be happening because:

  • You have different notification settings – Check the notification settings for the different notification types like posts, messages, events, etc. You may have muted certain types.
  • You missed notifications – Facebook only keeps notifications for a certain period of time before clearing them. Missed notifications will disappear after this time.
  • You have filters and restrictions enabled – Use the notification filters in Facebook’s settings to make sure you have not filtered out notifications from specific people, pages, groups, etc.
  • Facebook is having notification issues – As mentioned above, glitches can sometimes cause intermittent notification issues on Facebook’s end.
  • The notification delivery is delayed – Sometimes there is a lag between when the notification is triggered and when it reaches your device, especially if you are in an area with poor reception.

Why am I getting too many Facebook notifications?

Getting bombarded with too many Facebook notifications is often due to:

  • Having many active connections – The more friends, groups, and pages you interact with, the more notifications you’ll naturally receive.
  • Having broader notification settings – Disable notifications from people, pages, or types of activities you don’t need updates from.
  • Facebook’s algorithms highlighting “important” updates – Facebook may push more notifications from close connections or recent interactions.
  • Recent increase in activity on Facebook – More activity = more notifications. Your notification volume may increase around major events or changes in use.
  • Notifications for Facebook features you don’t use – Tailor your notifications to the Facebook features you actually use like posts, messages, events, etc.

How do I manage my Facebook notification settings?

You have granular control over Facebook notifications in the app’s Settings menu. Here you can:

  • Enable/disable notifications for Facebook overall or for specific notification types
  • Select which devices receive your Facebook notifications
  • Mute notifications from specific people, pages, groups, events, and apps
  • Filter out notifications you don’t need by keyword, post type, and more
  • Choose whether to receive desktop notifications from
  • Control the sound, vibration patterns, and display previews for different Facebook notifications

Take advantage of these options to reduce unnecessary notifications and highlight the Facebook notifications you actually want to receive instantly.

Why do my Facebook notifications disappear?

There are two main reasons Facebook notifications may disappear:

  1. Facebook automatically clears notifications after a period of time. The exact timeframe depends on the notification type. For example, Facebook clears unpaid post promotion suggestions after 5 days.
  2. You swiped away the notification before interacting with it. On iOS devices, swiping left clears the notification. On Android, swiping the notification slightly to the left or right dismisses it.

To prevent desired notifications from disappearing, try to engage with them promptly when you receive them. Important notifications can sometimes be retrieved in the app’s Notification History, but this is not a complete log.

How can I troubleshoot Facebook notification issues?

If you’re still having Facebook notification problems after adjusting your settings, try these general troubleshooting tips:

  • Force close and relaunch the Facebook app
  • Log out then log back into Facebook
  • Delete and reinstall the Facebook app
  • Update your device operating system and Facebook app
  • Check your device notification settings and grant Facebook notification access
  • Turn your device’s airplane mode on and off to refresh the connection
  • Clear cached data and cookies for Facebook
  • See if others are reporting notification issues for your Facebook app version

Persistent notification problems may require contacting Facebook support for further help depending on the cause.


Facebook notifications not working as expected can be frustrating. But in most cases, you can resolve notification issues by adjusting your notification settings, troubleshooting your device and app, and reaching out to Facebook support if needed. With some targeted adjustments, you’ll be back to receiving timely updates on the Facebook activity that matters most to you.