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What is video selfie verification?

What is video selfie verification?

Video selfie verification is a process where users are asked to take a selfie video of themselves to verify their identity. This verification method is becoming increasingly popular as companies and organizations look for more secure ways to confirm users are who they say they are.

Why is video selfie verification used?

There are a few key reasons why companies use video selfie verification:

  • To prevent fraud – Having users take a live selfie video makes it much harder for fraudsters to impersonate real users or use stolen identities. This adds an extra layer of security beyond static photos which could be faked.
  • For identity verification – Video selfies provide a simple way for platforms to crosscheck a user’s identity against their government ID or other credentials during onboarding processes.
  • To ensure account security – Requiring periodic video selfie checks helps confirm existing users accessing accounts are the genuine account holders and not criminals who may have stolen credentials.
  • For age verification – Age restricted platforms can use video selfies as part of the age verification process to visually ensure users meet minimum age requirements.
  • To build trust – The use of video selfies establishes trust between users and platforms by demonstrating there are real people behind accounts.

How does video selfie verification work?

There are a few steps involved in the video selfie verification process:

  1. The user is prompted to take a selfie video – Platforms will request the user take a short selfie video, often with specific requirements like moving their head or saying a phrase.
  2. The video is analyzed – Companies use AI-powered software to analyze the video, checking the footage is a real person and that it matches previous photos/ID documents.
  3. The user’s identity is verified – If the technology deems the video legitimate, the user’s identity and account will be verified based on the selfie matching prior credentials.
  4. Extra screening may apply – Suspicious videos may undergo further screening by human reviewers as an additional fraud check before approval.
  5. The user gains access – Once video selfie verification passes, the user will gain access to the platform or service they are signing up for.

What are the requirements for video selfies?

To ensure video selfies can be properly analyzed and verified, platforms tend to impose certain requirements including:

  • HD quality video – A clear high-def video allows the face to be recognized and matched accurately.
  • Good lighting – Proper lighting on the face helps the software pick up more facial details.
  • Head movements – Turning the head left and right helps confirm the video is live and not a photo.
  • Saying phrases – Speaking words or phrases further proves the liveness of a video.
  • No obstructions – Hats, glasses, masks etc can obstruct facial views and make verification difficult.
  • Neutral expressions – Overly exaggerated expressions will not match ID photos and can cause issues.

What are the advantages of video selfie verification?

There are many advantages to using video selfie verification including:

  • Enhanced security – Video provides more identity proofing than photos alone.
  • Prevents spoofing – Live videos are harder for fraudsters to fake.
  • Convenience – Selfies can be taken conveniently on a user’s own smartphone.
  • Speed – Automated video verification is faster than manual ID checks.
  • Scalability – The technology can be scaled to verify millions of users.
  • Flexibility – Adds an extra layer of verification without being too intrusive for users.
  • Trust – Builds confidence between users and platforms by proving real humans are behind accounts.

What are the disadvantages of video selfie verification?

Potential disadvantages include:

  • Technical issues – Low quality videos, poor lighting, obstructions etc can interfere with automated verification.
  • Privacy concerns – Some users may be uncomfortable taking videos of themselves.
  • Failure rates – A small percentage of legitimate users may fail the verification check.
  • Bias – Like all AI, the technology could exhibit gender or racial bias leading to higher failure rates among certain demographics.
  • Accessibility barriers – People with disabilities or conditions obstructing their face may be unable to provide usable selfie videos.

How accurate is video selfie verification technology?

Today’s AI-powered video selfie verification is highly sophisticated and accurate. Some key metrics on leading providers include:

  • Over 98% verification rate for legitimate users.
  • Less than 1% false rejection rate for real users.
  • Up to 99% spoof detection rates.
  • Fraud prevention rates exceeding 90%.

The accuracy continues improving through more advanced deep learning and computer vision techniques as well as an ever-growing dataset of videos for training algorithms.

What companies provide video selfie verification services?

Some leading providers of video selfie biometric identity verification solutions include:

Company Key Features
Jumio AI-powered selfie verification integrated into Jumio identity platform. Supports identity document and facial recognition cross-checking.
Onfido Offers fast video selfie verification with active and passive liveness detection. Over 4500 document and identity types supported.
ID R&D Award-winning AI facial comparison technologies. Video selfie solution offers detection of masks, synthetic faces and replay attacks.
Veriff Video selfie verification combined with AI-based identity document checks. Backed by advanced presentation attack detection.
Authenteq Patented Proof of Live technology. Checks faces against government IDs while analyzing device, location and biometrics.

What regulations apply to video selfie verification?

Key regulations surrounding video selfie verification include:

  • GDPR – Companies must be transparent in how video selfies are used and stored under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.
  • CCPA – Providers must disclose their use of biometric data including face prints to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act.
  • ISO standards – Verification providers should adhere to identity proofing and biometrics standards such as ISO 30107-3.
  • Local laws – Any country specific regulations on biometric consent, storage limitations etc must be followed.

What does the future hold for video selfie verification?

Looking ahead, we can expect:

  • Even greater accuracy – With more training data, video selfie verification rates will surpass 99%.
  • Active liveness – More advanced AI will perform prompts and assess responses to further prove liveness.
  • 3D facial modeling – Moving beyond 2D recognition for more precise face mapping and spoof detection.
  • Integration with digital ID systems – Selfie checks will combine with emerging government-backed digital IDs.
  • User experience refinements – Platforms will look to make selfie verification faster, easier and more user friendly.


Video selfie verification is becoming a mainstream approach for identity proofing and fraud prevention. Its advantages such as enhanced security, convenience and scalability ensure video selfies will play an increasing role in onboarding users and securing accounts. As the technology improves, video selfies are likely to surpass passwords and OTPs as the primary authentication factor across many digital services.