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What is the World Organization?

What is the World Organization?

The World Organization (WO) is an international organization that was established after World War II to promote international cooperation and peace. It has grown to have a tremendous impact on world affairs and is one of the most prominent international organizations today.

When was the World Organization founded?

The World Organization was founded in 1945 after World War II ended. The war had been devastating, with over 60 million people killed. Countries around the world were determined to promote peace and prevent future wars. The WO was officially established when its founding charter was ratified by enough nations in October 1945.

Why was the World Organization created?

The WO was primarily created to promote international cooperation and prevent future wars. Some of its main purposes as outlined in its charter are:

  • Maintain international peace and security
  • Develop friendly relations among nations
  • Achieve international cooperation in solving international problems
  • Be a center for harmonizing actions of nations

After the immense destruction of WWII, countries were eager to find ways to promote peace and security. The WO provided a platform for countries to settle disputes peacefully, before they escalated into war.

How is the World Organization structured?

The WO has several major organs and affiliated agencies that each have unique functions:

General Assembly

  • Main deliberative organ where all member states are represented
  • Provides a forum for discussion of international issues
  • Can pass resolutions on global topics, but resolutions are non-binding

Security Council

  • Mandated with maintaining international peace and security
  • Can impose economic and military sanctions
  • Has 15 members, 5 of which are permanent (US, UK, France, China, Russia)


  • Carries out day-to-day work and provides studies, information, facilities needed by other organs
  • Led by the Secretary General, who is appointed for 5 year terms

There are also specialized agencies like the World Health Organization and affiliated organizations like the International Court of Justice.

Who are the members of the World Organization?

The WO has 193 member states. The only sovereign states that are not members are the Holy See and Palestine. To become a member, a territory needs to be accepted by the General Assembly and ratify the WO Charter.

Here is a summary of the number of WO members by region:

Region Number of Members
Africa 54
Asia-Pacific 53
Eastern Europe 23
Latin America and Caribbean 33
Western Europe and Other 30

The WO aims to have universal membership, so territories that meet qualifications and commit to its charter are generally approved.

What are the main bodies and agencies of the World Organization?

In addition to the main organs, the WO system has many specialized agencies and programs:

Specialized Agencies

  • International Labor Organization (ILO) – promotes labor rights and standards
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – leads international efforts against hunger
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – promotes education, sciences, and culture
  • World Health Organization (WHO) – directs international health efforts and improves living standards

Programs, Funds, and Other Bodies

  • World Food Programme (WFP) – provides food aid and tackles global hunger
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – focuses on sustainable development and poverty eradication
  • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – provides aid to children and mothers in developing countries
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – protects refugees and displaced persons

Where is the headquarters of the World Organization?

The headquarters of the WO is located in New York City. The headquarters is an international zone belonging to all member states.

The main WO headquarters building opened in 1952. It is an iconic skyscraper along the East River in Manhattan. The buildings and offices occupy 18 acres of land donated by John D. Rockefeller Jr.

What are some key functions and powers of the World Organization?

Some of the main functions and powers of the WO include:

  • Preventing war – The WO aims to prevent war through diplomacy and collective security.
  • Peacekeeping – WO peacekeeping forces, contributed by member states, engage in conflict zones to help maintain peace.
  • Arms control – Negotiating arms limitation treaties, like the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
  • Counter-terrorism – Taking international action to combat terrorism.
  • Human rights – Promoting and enforcing standards for human rights through monitoring, education, and investigation.
  • Health and development – Agencies like WHO and UNDP tackle issues like disease, poverty, and hunger.

The WO also provides a central forum for debate and discussion of world issues. While limited in enforcing its resolutions, it plays an influential role in setting norms and shaping international policy.

How is the World Organization funded?

The WO and its agencies are funded through assessed and voluntary contributions from member states. For the main UN budget in 2022:

  • The top 10 providers contributed about 72% of the budget.
  • The U.S. contributed the most at 22% of the budget.
  • Assessed contributions were $2.8 billion, determined by capacity to pay.
  • Voluntary contributions were around $21 billion.

The peacekeeping budget of $6.5 billion is separate and divided between a special assessed scale and voluntary funds. Programs and agencies also have their own funding based on voluntary pledges.

What are some key successes of the World Organization?

Some major successes driven by the WO include:

  • Preventing conflict – Diffusing crises like the Suez Canal dispute (1956) and Cuban Missile Crisis (1962).
  • Peacekeeping – Deploying peacekeepers to conflict zones like the Congo, Lebanon, and former Yugoslavia.
  • Nuclear proliferation – Negotiating treaties like the NPT to limit nuclear weapon spread.
  • Decolonization – Guiding many territories to self-determination and independence from colonial powers.
  • Human rights – Establishing universal human rights conventions and monitoring violations.
  • Development – Achieving major improvements in living standards and child mortality rates globally.

The WO has advanced international cooperation on issues from terrorism to climate change. Over 100 countries also credit its development work for guiding their economic and social progress.

What challenges does the World Organization face?

Some ongoing challenges faced by the WO include:

  • Budget constraints – Reliance on voluntary funding can hamper long-term planning and support.
  • Bureaucracy – Extensive bureaucracy within the system leads to inefficiency.
  • Sovereignty concerns – Resistance by some nations fearing interference in domestic affairs.
  • Inability to enforce – Lack of political will and resources to enforce WO resolutions.
  • Reform – Modernizing the institution, including the Security Council structure, to meet 21st century demands.
  • Relevance – Staying effective and relevant on evolving issues like technology, climate, terrorism, etc.

Critics argue the WO lacks accountability and oversight. Supporters counter it brings huge benefits but needs ongoing reform as global challenges persist.

What impact has the World Organization had?

The WO has made tremendous contributions in many areas, including:

  • Shaping international norms on human rights, through conventions like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Improving economic and social development, by reducing poverty, hunger, and child mortality rates.
  • Coordinating international efforts on health, through organizations like WHO and UNAIDS.
  • Advocating for gender equality and women’s empowerment globally.
  • Advancing decolonization and self-determination for many territories and peoples.
  • Promoting environmental awareness and action on issues like climate change.

While criticized for inefficiency and bureaucracy, the WO is credited with preventing conflict, developing international law, protecting human rights, and saving millions of lives through its development and health programs.

What is the future outlook for the World Organization?

Global challenges are constantly evolving, requiring the WO to adapt and reform. Key initiatives for the future include:

  • Continuing to reform the institution to improve efficiency and transparency.
  • Strengthening peacekeeping efforts, including with new technologies.
  • Updating arms control and disarmament conventions.
  • Leading action on climate change and environmental crises.
  • Expanding initiatives for sustainable and equitable development.
  • Harnessing innovation in technology, communications, and partnerships with NGOs and companies.

With rising nationalism and divisions, the WO’s role as a forum for international cooperation is as crucial as ever. Increased funding and political will from member states will shape its continued impact.


For over 75 years, the World Organization has provided a unique platform for countries to collectively tackle global challenges. It has helped averted wars, promoted human rights, guided decolonization, and led efforts that have saved millions of lives. While frequently criticized, the WO continues to have enormous impact through its norm-setting, peacekeeping, development work and more. With strong member state support, the organization can effectively reform and take on emerging global issues. The WO remains vital to fostering international cooperation, improving human lives, and confronting the world’s most serious problems.