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What is the website address for Facebook Marketplace?

What is the website address for Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is a feature on Facebook that allows users to buy and sell items locally. It was launched in 2016 as a competitor to sites like Craigslist and eBay. Facebook Marketplace quickly became popular because it allows users to easily browse and purchase items from people in their local community.

What is the website address for accessing Facebook Marketplace?

The Facebook Marketplace does not have its own separate website address. It is accessed directly through the Facebook platform. Users can access Facebook Marketplace by going to from either a desktop browser or the Facebook mobile app.

Once logged into a Facebook account, users can access Marketplace in several ways:

  • Clicking on the “Marketplace” tab on the left side of the Facebook site
  • Clicking on the “Marketplace” icon on the bottom menu of the Facebook mobile app
  • Clicking on the “See More” dropdown menu from the News Feed and selecting “Marketplace”

So in summary, the website address is the same as the main Facebook website, There is no separate URL for Facebook Marketplace itself.

How does Facebook Marketplace work?

Facebook Marketplace allows users to easily post new listings for items they want to sell. On desktop, users can click the “Sell Something” button to create a new listing. On mobile, tapping the “+” icon will allow creating a new listing.

Posting a listing is free. Users can include photos, a description, price, location, and category details for their listing. Listings automatically target local buyers based on the user’s location and profile details.

Buyers can browse Marketplace listings in their area by scrolling through their News Feed or searching for specific items. Users can filter listings by location, category, price, and other criteria to narrow down search results.

Interactions between buyers and sellers occur directly through the Facebook platform via comments, messages, or Facebook Messenger. This allows users to ask questions, negotiate prices, arrange pickup or delivery, and complete transactions.

Facebook also includes buyer/seller protections. Purchases can be completed with Facebook Pay for extra security. Users can report suspicious activities. Ratings and reviews also help identify trusted buyers and sellers on Marketplace.

What are the benefits of using Facebook Marketplace?

Here are some of the key benefits of buying and selling on Facebook Marketplace:

  • Large audience – Over 2 billion people actively use Facebook, providing a huge audience of potential buyers or sellers.
  • Free to use – Posting and browsing listings is completely free. There are no listing fees like other sites.
  • Easy setup – Listings can be created instantly from the Facebook app itself. Minimal effort required.
  • Local marketplace – Listings are automatically shown to local buyers based on location, making buying/selling more convenient.
  • Secure payments – Facebook Pay can be used to complete purchases while keeping financial details secure.
  • Reviews and ratings – Buyers and sellers can review each other after transactions to establish trustworthiness.

Benefits for Buyers

Here are some specific advantages Facebook Marketplace provides for buyers:

  • Browse local listings and deals using familiar Facebook interface
  • Filter search results easily by location, price, category, etc
  • Access lots of product details like photos, descriptions and seller ratings
  • Purchase items safely using Facebook Pay where available
  • Communicate with sellers to ask questions and coordinate pickup
  • Provide reviews and ratings for purchases to help the community

Benefits for Sellers

And here are some key benefits for sellers on Facebook Marketplace:

  • List items for sale instantly and for free
  • Leverage existing Facebook network and audience
  • Manage inquiries, negotiations and sales conveniently in one place
  • Get paid securely through Facebook Pay (where available)
  • Establish seller rating and reputation through buyer reviews
  • Re-engage past customers easily for repeat business

What types of items can be bought and sold on Facebook Marketplace?

Almost any type of consumer good can be listed for sale on Facebook Marketplace. Some of the most common categories include:


  • Cars
  • Trucks
  • Motorcycles
  • RVs
  • Boats

Home Goods

  • Furniture
  • Kitchen appliances
  • Home decor
  • Garden supplies


  • Cell phones
  • Computers
  • TVs
  • Video game consoles


  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Accessories
  • Jewelry
  • Handbags
  • Watches

Toys & Kids Items

  • Baby gear
  • Kids toys
  • Bikes
  • Video games

Sporting Goods

  • Exercise equipment
  • Bicycles
  • Hunting/fishing gear

Almost any type of consumer good that one would find on Craigslist or eBay can also be found in Facebook Marketplace. Sellers ultimately choose what items they want to list.

Are there any restrictions on what can be sold?

Facebook does prohibit certain types of items and services from being sold on Marketplace. These prohibited categories include:

  • Illegal items – Drugs, drug paraphernalia, weapons, other illegal goods
  • Age-restricted items – Tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, firearms
  • Unsafe items – Recalled items, automotive parts that could endanger others
  • Medical items – Pharmaceuticals, health/beauty products making medical claims
  • Adult items – Pornographic materials, escort services
  • Unauthorized tickets – fake tickets, speculative tickets for events
  • Other restricted services – Gaming, voter registration, credit repair, insurance services

So in summary, while Facebook Marketplace is quite flexible, certain dangerous, illegal or inappropriate items are prohibited. Sellers must adhere to the Facebook Commerce Policies when listing items for sale.

How popular is Facebook Marketplace compared to other platforms?

Facebook Marketplace has grown very quickly in popularity since launching in 2016. It is now one of the largest online platforms for buyers and sellers in many countries. Some key statistics about Marketplace adoption:

  • Over 1 billion people visit Facebook Marketplace each month (Facebook data)
  • Listings on Marketplace have grown by over 120X from 2017 to 2021 (CNBC)
  • In 2021, Facebook reported Marketplace had 250 million monthly active users engaging in commerce
  • Over 1 in 3 Facebook users in the US use Marketplace (Statista data)

This data shows that Facebook Marketplace has grown into one of the most popular online buying/selling platforms alongside sites like eBay and Craigslist.

Marketplace Usage by Country

Facebook Marketplace adoption and usage varies significantly by country. According to Facebook, some of the top countries using Marketplace include:

Country Monthly Active Users
Mexico 37 million
United States 35 million
Thailand 29 million
India 25 million
Indonesia 25 million

Mexico, the US, Thailand, India and Indonesia represent the top countries engaging in commerce on Facebook Marketplace as of late 2021. Adoption continues rising across both developing and developed countries.

Marketplace vs Craigslist

Craigslist is likely the platform most similar to Facebook Marketplace in purpose and use cases. While Craigslist retains significant market share, Marketplace has grown quickly as a competitor.

Some advantages Facebook Marketplace has compared to Craigslist include:

  • Much larger base of active users and buyers
  • Listings automatically targeted locally based on user profiles
  • In-platform communications for coordinating meetups/transactions
  • Secure payment options available, like Facebook Pay
  • Review and rating systems for buyers and sellers

However, Craigslist retains advantages in certain markets due to its longer history and simpler listing options. But Marketplace provides a more full-featured experience that many buyers and sellers prefer.

Tips for Successfully Buying on Facebook Marketplace

Here are some tips for getting the most out of buying items on Facebook Marketplace as a consumer:

Search Strategically

  • Use filters – Filter by location, price, list time, etc to narrow your search
  • Look for misspellings – You can find hidden gems from sellers who misspell titles
  • Browse on desktop – Desktop allows sorting by newly listed items which can reveal latest deals
  • Check frequently – Marketplace is updated constantly, so check back often for new items

Communicate Effectively

  • Ask good questions – Clarify condition, dimensions, age, defects, etc
  • Negotiate politely – Reasonable negotiation often leads to win-win deals
  • Propose meetups – Suggest meetups at secure public places in daylight hours
  • Coordinate pickup – Work out pickup/drop-off logistics in advance

Transact Safely

  • Vet sellers – Review profiles, ratings and activity for red flags
  • Pay through Facebook – Use Facebook Pay where possible for purchase protection
  • Meet in public – Choose busy public meetup spots to enhance safety
  • Inspect items – Thoroughly inspect items before finalizing transactions
  • Use common sense – Trust instincts if something seems suspicious

Provide Feedback

  • Leave fair ratings – Give honest constructive feedback about sellers
  • Report issues – Notify Facebook about any bad experiences with sellers
  • Post reviews – Share either positive or negative purchase reviews

Tips for Successfully Selling on Facebook Marketplace

Here are some tips for selling effectively on Facebook Marketplace as a seller:

List Quality Items

  • Highlight value – Note special features, great condition, and benefits
  • Post good photos – Multiple photos from various angles in good lighting
  • Set a fair price – Research recent sold prices for similar items
  • Include details – Mention dimensions, defects, age, etc in descriptions

Engage Buyers

  • Respond promptly – Answer inquiries within 24 hours when possible
  • Provide recommendations – Suggest complementary items to consider
  • Upsell politely – Offer package deals, bundles, accessories, etc if relevant
  • Share availability – Note if you have multiple quantities of an item

Coordinate Smoothly

  • Confirm meetups – Re-confirm meetup logistics before meeting
  • Prepare items – Have items organized and ready for inspection
  • Bring helpers – Bring friends/family for large item sales if needed
  • Accept various payment – Be ready to accept cash, digital payments, etc

Follow Up Politely

  • Request feedback – Ask buyers to leave ratings after the transaction
  • Show appreciation – Thank buyers for purchasing and provide social proof
  • Offer support – Provide returns policy and support contacts if applicable
  • Share more listings – Let satisfied buyers know about your other available listings


Facebook Marketplace provides an easy and convenient platform for billions of Facebook users to buy and sell items locally. While simple to use, following some best practices around listing, communicating, transacting and providing feedback can help ensure smooth and successful buying/selling experiences.

With over 1 billion monthly visitors and growing adoption across the globe, Facebook Marketplace is quickly becoming one of the top destinations for trusted community commerce online.