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What is the upload limit for Facebook reels?

What is the upload limit for Facebook reels?

Facebook reels are a new video format introduced by Facebook in 2020 allowing users to record and edit 15-second multi-clip videos with audio, effects, and creative tools. Reels can be shared on Facebook and on Instagram. With reels growing increasingly popular, many users wonder what the upload limits are for Facebook reels.

What is the length limit for Facebook reels?

Facebook currently allows reels up to 60 seconds in length. When reels first launched in 2020, the limit was 15 seconds. This was later increased to 30 seconds in 2021. Then in March 2022, the limit was extended to 60 seconds.

So in summary, the current length limit for Facebook reels is 60 seconds (1 minute). Reels can be anywhere from 1 second up to the full 60 seconds in length.

Are there any size limits for Facebook reels?

Yes, Facebook does enforce file size limits for reels uploads in addition to length limits.

The maximum file size for reels is 30MB. This limit applies to both the initial upload as well as any creative tools used like stickers, text, effects, etc. The total file including all effects cannot exceed 30MB.

If your reel exceeds the 30MB size limit, you will need to compress/resize the video before uploading. Some tips to reduce file size include:

  • Upload shorter length reels (closer to 15 or 30 seconds)
  • Reduce video resolution/quality settings
  • Use fewer effects and stickers

So in summary, the file size limit is 30MB for Facebook reels.

How many reels can you upload to Facebook per day?

There is no official daily limit or quota set by Facebook for how many reels a single user can upload per day. You are free to upload as many reels per day as you want.

However, if you are uploading a very large number of reels programmatically or automatically, Facebook may detect this activity as spam and block your account. Moderately high daily uploads done manually may be fine though.

Here are some general guidelines on daily reels uploads:

  • Individual users: No limit, but likely under 10 per day
  • Brands/businesses: Up to few dozen per day
  • Power users: 100-200+ reels per day

So be reasonable with your daily reels volume and you should avoid any limits. Spread out uploads over time and avoid massive bursts.

What are the limits for Facebook reels from a Facebook Page?

The same reels limits apply whether you are uploading from a personal profile or a Facebook Page representing a business/brand.

So in summary, the limits for Facebook Page reels are:

  • Length limit: 60 seconds
  • File size limit: 30MB
  • No hard limit on daily uploads

Do keep in mind that uploads from Pages may be held to higher standards by Facebook’s algorithms and policies. Excessive reels from a Facebook Page could potentially be flagged as spam.

Can you upload reels to Facebook on desktop?

No, Facebook currently does not allow users to upload reels from the desktop website. The reels creation tools and upload options are only available on the Facebook mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Reels must be recorded and produced entirely within the Facebook or Instagram mobile apps. Uploading pre-recorded reels is not possible on desktop at this time.

Facebook has indicated that reels creation and uploading on desktop is a feature they are working on rolling out in future updates. But for now, mobile remains the only option.

Does Facebook allow horizontal reels?

When reels first launched, they were only allowed in vertical 9:16 aspect ratio like TikTok. But in October 2022, Facebook rolled out support for horizontal reels in 16:9 and 4:5 aspect ratios.

So yes, you can now upload widescreen reels to Facebook shot in landscape orientation. This allows capturing more content horizontally and makes certain types of reels like cooking tutorials easier to film.

The same 60 second length limit and 30MB file size limit applies to horizontal reels. The process for editing and uploading horizontal reels is the same as vertical.

Can you upload re-edited reels to Facebook?

Facebook does allow users to re-edit and re-upload existing reels. You can download your previously posted reels, edit them or add effects, and then upload the new versions.

When re-uploading an edited older reel, it will appear as a brand new reel on your profile rather than replacing the existing one. Each upload counts separately in Facebook’s algorithm.

Re-editing and re-uploading reels can be a good strategy to refresh older content and potentially get more views. Just ensure you have the rights to reuse any content in your reels before reposting edited versions.

Can you schedule reels to upload later on Facebook?

Unfortunately, Facebook currently does not offer the ability to schedule reels to be posted at a future date/time. Reels can only be posted immediately after creation.

Some workarounds for scheduling include:

  • Using a third-party automation tool like Buffer or Hootsuite to queue reels.
  • Creating/saving reels as drafts and posting at the desired time.
  • Planning batches of reels and manually posting different reels each day.

Hopefully Facebook will add built-in reels scheduling options in future, but for now manual or third-party scheduling is required.

Can you upload the same reel to Facebook and Instagram?

Yes, you can upload the same reel to both Facebook and Instagram without any issues. The platforms are interconnected.

When cross-posting, the best practice is to upload the reel first on the platform where you have the largest audience. So upload initially to Instagram if you have more Instagram followers, and vice versa.

The benefits of cross-posting include:

  • Reaching your combined audience across both platforms
  • Doubling chances of being featured
  • Driving engagement across your profiles

Just ensure any music or content used adheres to the rights requirements on both Facebook and Instagram to avoid takedowns.

Can you upload Facebook reels to Instagram Reels?

Yes, you can directly share your Facebook reels to Instagram Reels. When viewing your own reel on Facebook, you will see options to cross-post the reel over to Instagram or create an Instagram story from that reel.

Cross-posting like this instantly shares the same reel video file and metadata to your connected Instagram account. It appears as a new reel on Instagram under your profile.

The process only works one way for now – Facebook to Instagram sharing. But not vice versa. You cannot cross-post Instagram reels back to your Facebook account.

Can pages and groups upload reels on Facebook?

As of October 2022, Facebook allows both pages and groups to create and share reels. Previously, this was restricted to only user profiles.

Pages can now tap into reels to build their brand and engage their Facebook audiences. Groups can use reels as well for member interactions.

The same reels limits and requirements apply to pages and groups. Reels can be up to 60 seconds long, with 30MB file size limit. Usage policies must be followed.

To start posting reels from a Facebook page or group, update to the latest Facebook app on mobile. Tap Reels at the top of the composer and create/upload reels as you would on a profile.

Do Facebook reels allow duets?

Yes, Facebook rolled out the ability to “duet” with other reels in March 2022. Duets allow you to create a split-screen reel beside someone else’s existing reel.

To duet on Facebook:

  1. Tap the Share arrow on a reel
  2. Select “Duet this reel”
  3. Record your reel clip which will display beside the original
  4. Post the duet reel to your profile

Duets open up creative opportunities to collaborate with trends and other creators. The same reel limits apply and duets must properly attribute the original content.

Can you download your Facebook reels?

Yes, you can download your own reels off Facebook to save copies locally or re-share on other platforms.

To download a Facebook reel:

  1. Tap the three dots in the upper right of the reel
  2. Select “Save Video”
  3. The reel will download to your camera roll

You can also screen record reels and crop the video after if needing to save others’ reels. Downloading helps keep copies of your creative content.

Do Facebook reels allow stitching multiple clips?

Yes, reels on Facebook support stitching together multiple video clips with edit points in between. This allows creating longer reels up to 60 seconds.

To stitch clips in the Facebook reels composer:

  1. Tap “+” to record your first clip
  2. Tap “+” again to record the next clip
  3. Repeat to add more clips
  4. Rearrange clips and add edit points between them
  5. Adjust lengths and trim as needed

Stitching together clips makes more complex reels possible. You can mix and match different scenes and moments within the 60 second limit.

Can Facebook reels be downloaded or reposted by others?

Yes, other people are able to download, screen record, or otherwise save your public Facebook reels if they choose. Users can also directly share/repost your reels to their own profiles or other platforms.

You grant Facebook broad licensing rights to your reels as part of their terms of service. This allows downstream sharing and usage of your reels.

If you do not want your original reels reposted or repurposed by others, do not share them publicly on Facebook. Use private accounts and sharing settings to maintain control.


Facebook reels offer a popular new creative video format to engage audiences. While reels come with certain limits like 60 second maximum lengths and 30MB file sizes, overall the platform provides flexible options for uploading and sharing reels.

You can upload multiple reels per day from profiles, pages, or groups. Reusing content across Facebook and Instagram is permitted. Advanced editing features like duets, stitching, and more enable diverse reel creations.

Review Facebook’s reels policies and best practices to make sure your content adheres to their guidelines. With the right strategy, reels present a major opportunity to increase visibility and engagement on Facebook.