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What is the unfriend extension for Chrome?

What is the unfriend extension for Chrome?

The unfriend extension for Chrome is a browser extension that allows users to easily unfriend people on Facebook. It provides a simple way to view all of your Facebook friends in one place and remove connections with just a click. This extension has become popular among those looking to do a bit of “social media housekeeping” and prune their friends lists.

What does the unfriend extension do?

The main purpose of the unfriend extension is to streamline the process of removing friends on Facebook. Without it, you would need to go to each person’s profile individually and click “Unfriend.” The extension brings up your full friends list in one scrollable window so you can view everyone at once.

You simply click the “X” icon next to any friend you want to remove. The extension will then automatically unfriend that person so you don’t have to go through the confirmation screens. It makes it much easier to prune your Facebook friends list when you can do it in bulk from one window.

Without Unfriend Extension With Unfriend Extension
Go to each profile individually See all friends in one scrollable window
Click “Unfriend” and confirm Click “X” icon to remove friend
Time consuming to remove many friends Bulk unfriend people easily

As you can see, the unfriend extension makes the process much more efficient by letting you view and remove Facebook friends in bulk.

Who is the unfriend extension designed for?

The unfriend extension is designed for anyone who wants to do a major cleanse of their Facebook friends list. Here are some of the main users:

  • People with too many Facebook friends – The extension is handy for those who have added lots of people over the years and want to pare down their list to actual friends.
  • Those who want to remove old connections – People use it to get rid of acquaintances from the past like old classmates, co-workers or exes.
  • People who want to avoid snooping – Some use the extension to unfriend people who they don’t want spying on their profile and posts.
  • Those going through a breakup – People ending relationships often use the extension to easily remove an ex and their family/friends en masse.

Overall, it’s designed for anyone looking to quickly remove a lot of Facebook friends that they no longer interact with or want connected to their profile.

Does unfriending someone on Facebook delete them as a contact?

No, unfriending someone on Facebook does not delete them as a contact or erase your messaging history with them. Here is what happens when you unfriend someone:

  • Your friend lists will update to remove the person.
  • You will no longer see their posts in your News Feed.
  • They will no longer see your posts in their News Feed.
  • Any messages between you will still be present in your inbox.
  • You can still search for and view their public profile.
  • You can send a new friend request in the future to reconnect.

So unfriending is not an irreversible “delete and block” action. It simply removes that person from your friends list and stops sharing information on your timelines. All of your chat history remains unaffected. You can still interact with the person by messaging them or sending a new friend request.

Does the person get notified when you unfriend them?

No, Facebook does not notify someone when you unfriend them. The process happens silently in the background. Many people are relieved to find this out, as they don’t want to trigger any awkward conversations by having someone receive an unfriend notice.

There are a few signs that may tip someone off if you’ve unfriended them:

  • Your name will disappear from their friends list.
  • Their name will disappear from your friends list if they check.
  • They will stop seeing your posts in their News Feed.
  • Any tags of you by them may say “Can’t tag” now.

But there will be no official notification sent out. So you can comfortably use the unfriend extension to prune your Facebook friends without them being alerted.

Does unfriending someone delete their comments on my posts and pics?

No, unfriending someone does not remove or delete any comments they have made on your posts, photos or other Facebook content. Here is what happens to their comments when you unfriend them:

  • All previous comments remain visible.
  • Others can still see their comments.
  • They can continue interacting and commenting.
  • You have to manually delete any comments you want removed.

So don’t expect unfriending someone to wipe away all traces of them from your Facebook profile. Their prior interactions will stay unless you proactively delete their comments. You can remove each comment individually if desired.

Can they still see everything on my profile after being unfriended?

No, after you unfriend someone, there are limitations on what they can see of your Facebook profile and activity:

  • They will no longer see your posts in their News Feed.
  • They can only view your public information and posts.
  • They won’t see any of your posts marked as Friends only.
  • They can’t comment on or interact with any of your new posts.
  • You both will disappear from each other’s friends lists.
  • Chat history remains unaffected.

So unfriending limits their access to your non-public content. But anything you post as public can still be viewed and commented on by them. Custom privacy settings for specific people will also take effect.

Can I undo an unfriend on Facebook if it was accidental?

Yes, you can easily undo an accidental unfriend on Facebook by sending them a new friend request:

  1. Go to the person’s profile that you accidentally unfriended.
  2. Look for the Add Friend or Send Friend Request button.
  3. Send them a new friend request.
  4. If they accept it, you will be reconnected as friends.

This preserves your original friendship without any impact on your chat history. As long as the other person accepts your request, it will be like the unfriending never happened.

Does unfriending someone on Facebook block them?

No, unfriending someone is different than blocking them on Facebook. Here is how they differ:

Unfriending Blocking
Removes News Feed content Prevents all interactions
Person can still view public info Person can’t view profile or search
Chat history remains Chat history deleted
You can send a new request You must unblock to reconnect

So blocking is much more severe and limits all communication. Unfriending simply removes them from your friends list and News Feed.

Can you get in trouble for using the unfriend extension?

No, using an unfriend extension does not violate any Facebook rules or policies. Facebook is generally fine with apps and extensions that provide useful tools for managing friends lists. The extension just helps automate the standard unfriending process.

That being said, here are a few best practices for using the extension responsibly:

  • Don’t brag about using it to unfriend people en masse.
  • Don’t aggressively unfriend hundreds of people in a day.
  • Use common sense and don’t make people feel bad.
  • Remember real relationships are more than social media.

As long as you use the unfriend extension judiciously and don’t talk openly about ditching all your “friends,” you should have no issues with Facebook.


The unfriend extension provides a simple and efficient way to clean up your Facebook friends list. It lets you view and remove contacts in bulk rather than individually. This saves huge time for those looking to remove old or unwanted connections.

Keep in mind unfriending someone won’t block them fully or erase your messaging history. Their comments also remain visible unless manually deleted. But the extension can streamline removing excessive or inactive friends from your News Feed and profile views.

Overall the unfriend extension is a handy tool for some needed social media housekeeping. Just avoid being too public or aggressive about dropping friends in mass quantities.