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What is the Sue Hedley safe?

What is the Sue Hedley safe?

The Sue Hedley safe is a mysterious antique safe that was discovered behind a false wall in an old house in Rochester, New York in 2010. The safe’s intriguing history and unknown contents have made it the subject of much speculation and intrigue over the past decade. Some key questions surrounding the Sue Hedley safe include:

What is the background of the safe?

The safe itself dates back to the early 20th century and is a high quality model made by prominent safe manufacturer Diebold. It is estimated to have been manufactured sometime between 1900-1930. The safe was discovered by the homeowner Mike Holzhauer when he was doing renovations on the house. It had been hidden behind a false wall in the basement for decades before being found.

The house itself was built in the 1920s and purchased by a wealthy businessman named George Eastwood. It is speculated that Eastwood may have been the original owner of the safe, but there is no definitive proof. The safe remained locked and untouched in the house for almost a century before being discovered in 2010.

Why is it named the “Sue Hedley” safe?

The name “Sue Hedley” comes from a faint pencil inscription found inside the safe upon discovery. The words “Sue Hedley 1909” were handwritten in cursive on the inside wall of the safe.

Sue Hedley is believed to have been either the spouse or other relative of the original owner of the home. Her connection to the safe and reason for writing her name in it remains unknown, but provides an intriguing clue into the history of the safe and its contents.

What is inside the safe?

This has been the biggest question surrounding the safe since its discovery. The contents remain a mystery as the safe has never been opened. Professional safecrackers were brought in to try opening it but were unable to due to the complex and high quality locking mechanism.

Some possibilities of what could be inside include:

  • Valuable documents or family heirlooms
  • Jewelry, cash, gold, or other valuables
  • Personal artifacts related to the family or owners of the home
  • Nothing – sometimes old safes were left locked and unused

There is wide speculation, but no concrete evidence about the safe’s contents. Opening it poses risks of damaging the antique locking mechanism, so it remains unopened.

Theories About the Safe’s History

In the absence of definitive proof about the safe’s ownership and purpose, some key theories have emerged about its history:

It was owned by businessman George Eastwood

As the original owner of the home in the 1920s, Eastwood is the leading candidate for the original buyer of the safe. It was likely acquired to secure valuables and documents. As a wealthy businessman, he would have had valuable assets to protect.

It was used to hide illegal activity

Some speculate the safe’s hidden nature indicates it was used to cover up illegal dealings, possibly related to prohibition or organized crime, which were active in the 1920s. The false wall seems to point to someone wanting to hide something.

It held family heirlooms or assets

A more innocuous theory is that the safe held sentimental objects or valuables passed down in the family of the original owners. The “Sue Hedley 1909” inscription supports this being a safe meant for protecting family artifacts.

It was abandoned and forgotten over time

Another explanation is that the safe was simply left unused for many decades as the property changed hands. The locking mechanism may have malfunctioned, making it unable to be opened by later owners who inherited the home and safe.

Attempts to Open the Safe

There have been several attempts to get inside the Sue Hedley safe since its discovery:

Original discovery in 2010

When first found behind the false wall in 2010, the homeowners tried unsuccessfully to open it themselves before calling in professional help. With no luck getting in, they resorted to using small holes to insert a camera and see the interior. The “Sue Hedley 1909” inscription was found with the camera.

Professional safecrackers

Both in 2010 right after discovery and again in 2013, professional safecrackers were brought in to work on the safe. Using x-rays of the interior, they tried manipulation and drilling techniques but could not successfully get the safe open without causing too much damage risk.

Contests offering cash prizes

Both in 2011 and 2014, local Rochester media organized contests offering cash rewards to anyone who could open the safe. Some contestants were allowed to work on site with the safe. But despite some innovative attempts at cracking the safe, the contests expired with no winners able to successfully get inside.

Current Status of the Safe

To this day in 2023, the Sue Hedley safe has still never been opened. Here are some key points about where things stand now:


The safe remains located in the original house where it was found in Rochester, NY. The current homeowners purchased the home from Mike Holzhauer, the man who discovered it in 2010 while renovating.


Having been untouched for many decades, the safe is in remarkably good condition. The exterior metal and locking mechanisms remain intact after nearly 100 years. The interior has been examined through small holes but not disturbed otherwise.


The safe technically belongs to the current homeowners of the property, though legal ownership could be debatable if heirs of the original owners ever came forward. But with limited information on who originally owned the safe, it is considered the property of the homeowners.

Future plans

There are currently no active plans to attempt opening the safe. The homeowners seem content to leave it a mystery for now. They occasionally allow media access to film or photograph it. While curiosity remains high, the focus has shifted to preserving the structural integrity of this antique safe.

What Could Be Inside the Sue Hedley Safe?

Without ever being opened, the contents of the Sue Hedley safe are likely to remain speculation. But here are some possibilities based on common objects kept in safes during the early 20th century period when it was likely used:


Cash currency Possibly paper money, gold certificates, etc. from the 1900-1930 era.
Jewelry Expensive rings, watches, bracelets made of gold, diamonds, other gems.
Precious metals Gold or silver ingots, coins.

Valuables like cash, jewels, and precious metals would have been common items to lock up securely during this time. As a businessman, George Eastwood may have kept substantial wealth stored this way.

Personal artifacts

Family photos Old photos documenting the family’s history.
Letters Personal correspondence, business papers.
Keepsakes Memorable objects like war medals, baby shoes.

The safe could contain sentimental objects belonging to the family, especially given the “Sue Hedley 1909” inscription. Photos, letters, and keepsakes like those listed may have been stored inside.

Legal documents

Property deeds Legal ownership records of land/homes.
Wills Estate and inheritance instructions.
Business contracts Partnership agreements, manufacturing deals.

Important documents like property deeds, wills, and business contracts needed to be protected – a safe would have stored copies securely.

Prohibition-era goods

Alcohol Wine, liquor, beer and spirits were banned.
Home brewing supplies Equipment to make alcohol illegally at home.

If used during Prohibition, the safe could contain illegal alcohol or brewing equipment its owner wanted to conceal.


The Sue Hedley safe offers an intriguing mystery that continues to capture public attention. Its hidden history as an antique safe dating back a century, handwritten inscription, and unknown contents make it a fascinating artifact. While the specifics of its origins and purpose remain uncertain, the safe provides a glimpse back in time to the early 20th century and possibilities of what long-locked valuables it secures inside. Despite over a decade in the spotlight, the stubbornly sealed vault continues to guard its secrets, with no definitive answers about when its mysteries may finally come to light. For now, the curiosities surrounding this safe endure as a testament to enduring public fascination with unlocked history and discovered treasure.