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What is the slang good vibes?

What is the slang good vibes?

The term “good vibes” is a popular slang phrase used to convey positive energy, good feelings, or an upbeat atmosphere. It emerged in hippie and surfer culture in the 1960s and 1970s and has since become mainstream slang. At its core, “good vibes” refers to pleasant emotions, moods, or sensations. Saying there are “good vibes” indicates a scenario has a positive, feel-good vibe or aura.

What does the slang good vibes mean?

The phrase “good vibes” means positive, happy, or feel-good energy and atmosphere. Here are some examples of how it’s used:

– “I’m getting good vibes from this place – the people seem so friendly!”

– “There were such good vibes at the concert last night. Everyone was dancing and having a blast.”

– “I need some good vibes to get through this stressful week. Let’s do something fun!”

So “good vibes” refers to uplifting emotions, moods, or ambience that make one feel cheerful, peaceful, relaxed, or content. It implies a scenario has a comforting, feel-good aura that puts people in an optimistic, carefree headspace.

Where did the term good vibes come from?

“Good vibes” originated in the surfing and hippie subcultures of the 1960s.

– Surfers used it to describe optimal weather and wave conditions that created a fun, easygoing vibe at the beach. Being in the ocean around good people and nature gave them “good vibes.”

– Hippies used “good vibes” to describe the mellow, uplifting atmosphere at concerts, festivals, and gatherings. They aimed to cultivate peaceful “good vibes” through music, compassion, and psychedelic drugs.

The term then made its way into the mainstream in the 1970s as hippie culture influenced pop culture. “Good vibes” was embraced by the general public and became a ubiquitous slang phrase to convey pleasant emotions and energy. It fit well with the laidback, feel-good zeitgeist of the 70s. Since then, its usage has only grown, making it a hallmark of modern slang.

How is good vibes used in slang?

There are a few common slang usages of “good vibes”:

– To describe a positive atmosphere or mood: “I love going to Sara’s dinner parties. There are always good vibes and great people.”

– To express that someone or something makes you feel happy and uplifted: “I always get good vibes when I listen to reggae music.”

– As a way to bid farewell: “Alright man, I’m taking off. Good vibes!”

– As a term of encouragement: “Sending good vibes your way for the job interview tomorrow!”

– To request positivity: “Let’s focus on the good vibes today and not stress about things outside our control.”

– To describe favorable conditions: “The good vibes of the warm sun and gentle breeze made it the perfect day at the beach.”

So in slang, “good vibes” is all about conveying, generating, or experiencing uplifting emotions, moods, or feels. It’s a catchall term for the positive energy we desire in environments, activities, relationships and within ourselves.

Good vibes vs. bad vibes

The term “bad vibes” emerged as the negative counterpart to “good vibes” in the 1960s and 70s.

“Bad vibes” refers to off-putting, uneasy, or sinister emotional energy surrounding a person, place, or situation. Having “bad vibes” means feeling uncomfortable, distressed, anxious, or unsafe.

Some examples:

– “I’m getting bad vibes from that guy over there who keeps staring at us.”

– “Ugh, after that argument, there are totally bad vibes between Sara and James right now.”

– “My workplace is full of bad vibes – people are unhappy and tense all the time.”

So while “good vibes” conveys positive energy and feels, “bad vibes” evokes the opposite – negativity that drags one down emotionally. The two terms provide a vivid shorthand for describing the emotional tenor of a scenario or environment.

Vibes meaning

The word “vibes” on its own is also used as slang for an atmosphere, mood, or emotional aura:

– “The vibes at the party last night were amazing – everyone was having the best time.”

– “I don’t like the vibes here. Let’s go somewhere else.”

So informally, someone can just say “the vibes here are good/bad” as shorthand for the overall energy or feel of a place, situation, or group of people.

The slang meaning of “vibes” traces back to 1960s counterculture and the idea that emotions, sounds, and energies vibrate at certain frequencies that affect moods. Hippies believed they could cultivate “good vibes” by tuning into uplifting frequencies through music, chanting, and meditation.

So in the hippie lexicon, a person’s “vibe” came to represent their emotional aura or essence – the energy they transmit through their actions, behaviors, and presence. This meaning crossed over into mainstream slang.

Related terms

“Good vibes” is part of a family of similar slang terms conveying positivity:

– Good energy: A very similar term to “good vibes,” referring to uplifting emotional energy and aura.

– Positive vibes: essentially the same as “good vibes”

– Feel-good vibes: emphasizes that “good vibes” make you feel uplifted and content

– Chill vibes: “chill” indicates laidback, relaxed good vibes

– Good feels: “feels” in slang refers to emotions and sensations

– Feeling the vibe: picking up on the distinct energy or aura of a person, place or situation

– Vibing: used as a verb to indicate fully experiencing and embracing the positive vibe of a scenario, as in “I’m really vibing with those laidback beach vibes right now!”

Good vibes in popular culture

“Good vibes” took on a life of its own in popular culture, used across music, film, and more:


– The Beach Boys sang about catching “good vibrations” in their 1966 hit Good Vibrations, capturing the original surfer meaning

– Reggae music is full of references to “good vibes,” from Bob Marley’s album Good Vibrations to Ziggy Marley’s 1988 track Good Vibes

– Katy Perry’s 2010 Teenage Dream album features the song Good Vibrations

– Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch had a #1 hit with Good Vibrations in 1991

– Lauryn Hill’s 1998 album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill had songs like Every Ghetto, Every City referencing good vibrations


– The 2005 film Good Vibrations dramatized the 1970s Belfast punk rock scene

– In the 2015 beach film Aloha, Emma Stone’s character is nicknamed “Good Vibes” for her positive attitude

– In the 2002 comedy Orange County, Shaun Brumder is a surfer spreading “good vibes”


Many businesses intentionally use “good vibes” to project a laidback, positive image, like:

– Good Vibes surf/beach shops

– Good Vibes Cafe’s

– Good Vibes candle companies

– Good Vibrations sex shops

– Good Vibes yoga studios

The list goes on and on! The “good vibes” brand has power across industries.

Examples of using good vibes in a sentence

Here are some examples of how to use “good vibes” in a sentence as slang:

– I’m sending nothing but good vibes your way for your performance tonight!

– Come over to my place for a chill hang – I’ll make some snacks and we can catch up over good vibes.

– Ugh, my roommate’s bad mood is killing the good vibes around here.

– This beach gives me good vibes every time with its laidback atmosphere.

– I picked up some sage from the crystal shop to clear out the bad vibes and bring in some good vibes.

– Let’s raise the good vibes at this party by making a collaborative playlist we can all dance to.

– Your positive attitude really brings good vibes to the office – keep it up!

– I can tell this first date is going to have good vibes when you’re both laughing and connecting right away.

– Coachella always has the best music, art, people and good vibes – it’s my favorite festival!

Synonyms for good vibes

There are a few common slang synonyms and related phrases for “good vibes”:

– Positive energy
– Feel-good feelings
– Positive aura
– Soothing ambience
– Chill atmosphere
– Uplifting mood
– Feel-good mood
– Optimistic vibes
– Lighthearted energy
– Good energy
– Positive attitude
– Laidback ambiance

Antonyms for good vibes

The opposite of “good vibes” include:

– Bad vibes
– Negative energy
– Toxic environment
– Tense vibes
– Heavy atmosphere
– Negative aura
– Harsh vibes
– Bad feels
– Bummer mood
– Buzzkill energy
– Off-putting ambiance
– Uneasy feelings
– Ominous mood


In summary, the slang term “good vibes” emerged from 1960s surfer and hippie culture to describe uplifting energy, mood, and atmosphere. It evokes pleasant emotions, harmony, and a chill, feel-good aura.

Having “good vibes” means feeling relaxed, content, optimistic and carefree – the opposite of “bad vibes,” which convey negativity.

“Good vibes” became popular slang across all sectors of society. It’s commonly used in music, film, business names, and everyday speech to spread positivity and request or describe feel-good energy.

So next time you pick up on some good vibes in a place, conversation, or moment, embrace the feeling! Good vibes are what life is all about.