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What is the size of a Facebook post in inches width and height?

What is the size of a Facebook post in inches width and height?

The size of a Facebook post can vary depending on the device and format being used. On desktop computers, the main news feed displays posts at around 550 pixels wide. For mobile devices, Facebook automatically resizes and reformats posts to fit different screen sizes. However, most posts end up around 400 pixels wide on mobile.

When converting these pixel widths to inches, it depends on the screen resolution and pixel density of the device. Higher resolution screens can display more pixels per inch. Older lower resolution monitors may show fewer pixels per inch. This means the actual physical size of a Facebook post can range anywhere from around 4 inches to over 10 inches wide on desktop or laptop screens. On mobile devices with high pixel density, Facebook posts can be just 2-3 inches wide.

Typical Facebook Post Sizes

Here are some typical Facebook post sizes in pixels and inches on various devices:

Desktop/Laptop Screens

– Main news feed post width: 550 pixels
– At 1024×768 resolution = 7.1 inches wide
– At 1280×720 resolution = 5.8 inches wide
– At 1920×1080 resolution = 4.2 inches wide

Mobile Devices

– Mobile feed post width: 400 pixels
– iPhone XS Max = 2.7 inches wide
– Samsung Galaxy S10 = 2.5 inches wide
– iPad Pro 11″ = 3.4 inches wide

As you can see, the physical size in inches varies significantly depending on the device and screen resolution. But most posts end up in the range of 3 to 7 inches wide on common devices.

Factors Affecting Facebook Post Size

There are a few key factors that affect the size of a Facebook post and how it displays on various screens:

Screen Resolution

The screen resolution is the total number of pixels horizontally and vertically on a display. Higher resolution screens can pack in more pixels per inch, resulting in smaller post sizes. Lower resolution screens have fewer pixels per inch, making posts appear larger.

Pixel Density

Pixel density is the number of pixels per inch (PPI) on a screen. A higher pixel density means more compact pixels, so posts take up less physical space. Lower pixel density equates to larger, more spread out pixels and bigger post sizes.

Screen Size

Larger screens naturally allow posts to be displayed at a bigger physical size. Smaller screens require posts to be scaled down to fit the available space.

Mobile Responsiveness

Facebook automatically optimizes post sizes for mobile screens. This involves reducing the pixel width and reformatting content to fit compact mobile displays.

How Facebook Resizes Posts

When Facebook needs to resize posts for different devices, it uses a few strategies:

Set Pixel Widths

Facebook establishes ideal pixel widths for posts on desktop vs mobile. This ensures posts don’t exceed the optimal reading width on any device.

Responsive Image Sizing

Images, videos, and other media get resized automatically to fit within the constraints of the post column. This prevents content from overflowing on mobile.

Reflow Text Content

Text within posts may reflow and reformat to adapt to narrower mobile screens. Facebook’s algorithm inserts line breaks and wraps text smoothly.

Condense Elements

Elements like buttons and metadata get condensed and stacked vertically on mobile to save horizontal space. Comments and reactions also get compressed.

Designing Posts for Various Screen Sizes

When creating Facebook posts, it’s important to consider how they will appear on different devices. Here are some tips:

Check Mobile Previews

Use Facebook’s mobile preview option to see how your post will look on smartphones. Verify text is legible and content displays properly.

Limit Text Width

Keep paragraphs and lines of text short so they don’t require heavy line wrapping on mobile. Shoot for 55-75 characters per line.

Size Images Appropriately

Upload images at larger sizes so Facebook can scale them down as needed for each device. Images should be at least 1200 pixels wide.

Allow Negative Space

Don’t pack posts densely with images, text, and elements. Leave some negative space around edges for content to reflow.

Stack Content Vertically

Arrange content in clear vertical stacks, rather than stretching content widely across the post. This adapts well to small screens.

Video and Image Post Dimensions

In addition to text-based posts, Facebook supports photo, video, and other multimedia posts. These have their own recommended dimensions for ideal results across devices:

Photo Posts

– News feed photo size: 470 pixels wide x 249 pixels tall
– Full-width feed photos: 504 pixels wide
– Shared image ideal size: 1200 x 630 pixels

Video Posts

– News feed video size: 470 pixels wide x 246 pixels tall
– Minimum resolution for video: 600 x 315 pixels
– Aspect ratio: Horizontal (16:9 widescreen)

Link Previews

– Ideal image for link posts: 1200 x 627 pixels
– Min. image for link posts: 600 pixels (width or height)

Comparisons to Other Social Media Post Sizes

To give more context around Facebook post sizes, here’s how they compare to some other popular social platforms:


– Tweet text width: 550 pixels
– Image size: 1024 x 512 pixels


– Square photo size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
– Portrait photo size: 1080 x 1350 pixels
– Landscape photo size: 1080 x 566 pixels

YouTube Thumbnails

– 1280 x 720 pixels
– 16:9 aspect ratio

Pinterest Pins

– Vertical images: 1000 x 1500 pixels
– Horizontal images: 1000 x 1000 pixels

So Facebook’s post sizes are very similar to Twitter’s tweet sizes, and accommodate landscape imagery better than the square Instagram posts. The key for all platforms is creating media content that can adapt to different screen sizes.

Tips for Optimizing Post Size and Layout

Here are some best practices for creating Facebook posts that look great across desktop and mobile:

Design for Mobile First

Start by optimizing content for mobile screens then expand to larger desktop sizes. Mobile accounts for most social media usage.

Simplify Layouts

Avoid cluttered designs. Use clear spacing, negative space, and minimal elements for the best responsive results.

Be Concise

Write scannable text and be as concise as possible. Long blocks of text are hard to read on mobile.

Use Effective Imagery

Quality images and videos improve engagement. Ensure they convey emotions and themes.

Focus on Key Messages

Highlight the most important info at the top. Mobile users often don’t scroll far to see entire posts.

Check Major Device Sizes

Preview posts on different desktop monitors, mobile phones, and tablets to verify usability.


In summary, standard Facebook post widths are around 550 pixels on desktop and 400 pixels on mobile. But the actual physical size in inches depends on screen resolution and pixel density. Most posts end up in the range of 3 to 7 inches wide on common devices. To create effective Facebook content, design posts that can adapt to both desktop and mobile feeds. Prioritize mobile usability, simplified layouts, strong visuals, and concise messaging. With strategic planning and testing, you can optimize post sizes to drive engagement across all screens.