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What is the share button in meta for developers?

What is the share button in meta for developers?

The share button in meta allows developers to enable users to share content from their app or website to Facebook and other meta platforms. Adding a share button increases engagement, distribution, and reach for content. There are a few key things developers need to know about implementing share buttons in meta.

Why Add a Share Button

Here are some of the main benefits of adding a share button in your app or site:

  • Increased distribution – A share button allows users to easily share content with their friends and followers. This can help content spread quickly and reach new audiences organically.
  • Improved engagement – By giving users a way to interact with content, share buttons drive better engagement. Users are more likely to comment and react to shared content.
  • Social proof – When content gets shared, it signals that it is interesting or valuable. Displaying share counts improves perceived credibility.
  • Brand awareness – Content shared on social platforms increase brand visibility when displayed among users’ feeds and profiles.
  • Traffic growth – Links shared on social platforms can drive referral traffic to your site or app.

Overall, adding a share button improves the distribution and engagement with content published on your platform. Integrating social sharing provides benefits for both users and developers.

Types of Share Buttons

There are a few main types of share buttons available from meta.

  • Share button – Basic plugin to add a share button next to content like articles, images, or videos.
  • Share dialog – Opens a sharing dialog to let users share content without leaving the page.
  • Feed dialog – Shares content specifically to a user’s News Feed and timeline.
  • Send button – Used to share content through Messenger apps.
  • Message button – Allows users to privately share via Facebook Messenger.
  • Follow button – Shows a button for users to follow your meta Page.

Developers can choose the share button option that makes the most sense for the content being shared. The share dialogs provide the most customization options for cross-platform sharing.

Implementing Share Buttons

To add share buttons to your site or app, you’ll need to use the meta for Developers Sharing tools. Here is an overview of how to implement share buttons:

  1. Sign up for a meta for Developers account to access sharing tools
  2. Find the Sharing tool for the platform you want to implement (JavaScript, iOS, Android, etc)
  3. Choose the type of share button or dialog you want to use
  4. Copy and add the sharing code snippet on your site or within your app
  5. Customize options like button size, color, language, etc.
  6. Test sharing to make sure it works as expected
  7. Publish your content with sharing enabled

The sharing code does most of the heavy lifting. Developers mainly need to copy/paste the code into their sites, configure options, and test it out. The meta docs provide details on customization and placement for optimal shareability.

Share Button Customization

Developers have a number of options to customize the share buttons for their needs:

  • Size – Set wide or small button sizes.
  • Color – Pick a color theme or make custom buttons.
  • Shape – Choose round or square button shape.
  • Labels – Display counts and customize text label.
  • Platforms – Select specific platforms to share to.
  • Language – Localize button text for region.
  • Attributes – Add attributes like distance or orientation.

Using the meta Sharing protocol parameters, developers can fine tune share buttons in many ways. This allows seamlessly integrating on-brand, customized share buttons that complement any site or app design.

Share Button Placement

Where share buttons are placed impacts how often users click them, so strategic placement is important. Here are some best practices for share button placement:

  • Inline – Directly within content like articles, images, videos, etc.
  • Top positioned – Near top of page, often top right corner.
  • Bottom positioned – Near bottom of page or content.
  • Sticky footer – Fixed footer that remains at bottom when scrolling.
  • Popup/overlay – Button appears in popup or overlay on click.
  • Sidebar/widget – Integrated into a sidebar or content widget.

Testing different placements and tracking conversions can optimize where share buttons convert best. Inline and sticky positions often perform well. Avoid burying share buttons too low on long pages.

Integrating Other Sharing Features

In addition to share buttons, there are other features developers can integrate to further optimize sharing:

  • Like button – Let users like content with one click.
  • Follow button – Allow users to follow your Page or profile.
  • Embedded posts – Embed meta posts directly into content.
  • Hashtags – Add relevant hashtags people can follow.
  • Tag friends – Let users tag friends to share content.
  • Analytics – Track sharing activity and engagement.

Combining share buttons with features like likes, follows, hashtags, and tags can provide an end-to-end sharing experience.

Analytics for Share Buttons

To improve sharing performance, developers can make use of analytics to see how share buttons are performing. Key metrics to track include:

  • Shares – Total content shares over time.
  • Clicks – Share button clicks.
  • CTR – Click-through-rate on share buttons.
  • Conversions – Signups, purchases, from sharing.
  • Audience reach – Total audience from sharing.
  • Top platforms – Highest sharing platforms.
  • Posts shared – Top content shared.

Tracking sharing analytics provides insights to guide where to place buttons, which platforms drive most traffic, popular content, and overall effectiveness. This allows developers to optimize content for maximum sharing and engagement.

Compliance Requirements for Sharing

When implementing social sharing, developers need to ensure they adhere to platform policies and compliance requirements. Here are key requirements to keep in mind:

  • Respect user privacy – Only share content user consents to.
  • Honor user settings – If user opts out of App Tracking, do not track.
  • Meet platform policies – Review and follow all platform sharing policies.
  • Attribute sharing – Attribute sharing icons to appropriate platforms.
  • Disclose data collection – Be transparent in privacy policy.
  • Prioritize control & consent – Give users control over what is shared.

Adhering to regulatory and platform guidelines maintains user trust and protects your developer account status. Consult platform policy guides for specifics.

Best Practices For Share Buttons

Some overall best practices for implementing great share buttons include:

  • Place buttons prominently – Don’t hide or bury buttons.
  • Use official icons – Follow brand guidelines for icons.
  • Make buttons scannable – Allow users to easily find them.
  • Optimize page metadata – Set great titles, descriptions, images.
  • Use sharing analytics – Identify opportunities to improve.
  • Test on mobile – Ensure sharing works on mobile.
  • Keep accessible – Add ARIA labels for screen readers.

By following share button best practices, developers can maximize sharing, distribution, referral traffic, and engagement for their platform.

Troubleshooting Share Button Issues

Some common share button issues and troubleshooting tips include:

Issue Troubleshooting Tips
Buttons not displaying
  • Confirm sharing SDK/code is installed properly
  • Check for script errors breaking functionality
  • Test button rendering in multiple browsers
Incorrect content sharing
  • Make sure tags, metadata, and URLs are correct
  • Use sharing debugger to test exactly what content gets shared
  • Check open graph markup is implemented properly
Low share numbers
  • Analyze sharing data to identify issues
  • Try different placements to improve visibility
  • Ensure content worth sharing is created
  • Add incentives like promotions to encourage sharing

Debugging technical issues, testing sharing flows, and analyzing metrics helps resolve most share button problems.


Implementing share buttons enables seamless social sharing that increases distribution, engagement, and traffic for apps and websites. By adding meta, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other sharing buttons using the platform SDKs and APIs, developers can tap into networks with billions of users. Attention to technical details like placement, compliance, and testing helps optimize sharing performance. Analytical insights allow constant refinement and improvement. Overall, enabling seamless social sharing of content can drive tremendous business value by leveraging user networks.